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J.R.R. Tolkien




The Enchanting Prelude to

The Lord of the Rings:



What is a Hobbit?

            -  Hobbits are little people, smaller than  dwarfs.  They love peace and quiet and good tilled earth.  They dislike machines, but they are handy with tools.  They are nimble but dont like to hurry.  They have sharp ears and eyes.  They are inclined to be fat.  They wear bright colors but seldom wear shoes.  They like to laugh and eat (six meals a day) and drink.  They like parties and they like to give and receive presents.  They inhabit a land they call The Shires, a place between the River Brandywine and the Far Downs.


Bilbo Baggins:  One of the Oldest Hobbit/ 50 yrs.old (?) started his adventure/ Burglar/ part of Thorin and Company/ Ringbearer/ found the one ring in the cave of Gollum/ adopted Frodo (became his heir)/ Elf-friend.


Gandalf (the Grey):  Wizard/ good friend w/ Bilbo Grandfather Old Took, and Bilbo/ Counselor & Ingenious Wizard/ understands many creatures language/ accompanied Thorin and Company for a while/ Tharkun: the name of Gandalf among Dwarves.


>  On Thrors Map is written Here of old was Thrain King of the under the mountain, yet Thain was the son of Thror, the last King under the Mountain before the coming of the Dragon.  This map is not an error.  Names are oftened repeated in Dynasties, and the genealogies show that a distant of thror was referred to Thrain 1st, a fugitive from Moria, who first discovered the Lonely Mountains, Erebor, and ruled there for a while, before is people moved on to the remoter mountain of the North.





1.      Dwalin:  blue beard tucked into a golden belt, very bright eyes under his dark green      hood, Viols (instruments)/ TA 2772-Fourth Age 92/ he was of Durins House/ 2nd son of Fundin/ lived after 2941 in Erebor/ he lived to a vast 340 years.

2.      Balin:  very old-looking dwarf, with a white beard and a scarlet hood (red), Golden Harp/ King of the Mines of Moria/ brother of Dwalin/ cousin to Gimli/ son of Fundin/ Born in TA 2763/ he was of Durins House/ After 2941 lived in Erebor and in TA 2989-2994 was the King of Khazad-dum/ ws slain by an Orc in 2994.

3.      Kili:  wore a blue hood, silver belts, yellow beard, carried a bag of tools and a spade, him and his brother were the youngest, had a fiddle, sharp eyes/ TA 2864-2941/ he of Durins House/ son of Dis/ nephew of Thorin/ brother Fili/ slain in battle of the Five Armies while defending Thorins body with his brother Fili.

4.       Fili:  wore a blue hood, silver belts, yellow beard, carried a bag of tools and a spade, him and his brother were the youngest, had a fiddle, sharp eyes/ TA 2859-2941/ he of Durins House/ son of Dis/ nephew of Thorin/ brother Fili/ slain in battle of the Five Armies while defending Thorins body with his brother Kili.

5.      Dori:  purple hood, with silver belt, with a flute/ he was of the Durins House / after 2941 lived in Erebor / Died in TA 3018.

6.      Nori:  purple hood, with silver belt, with a flute/he was of the Durins House.

7.      Ori:  grey hood, with silver belt, with a flute/he was of Durins House/ in 2989 he left Erebor and went to Khazad-dum with Balin, where he died in 2994 in the last defense in the Chamber of Mazarbul.

8.      Oin:  brown hood, with silver belt/ good in making fire (but not at night time)/ TA 2774-2994/ he was of Durins House/brother of Gloin/ elder son Groin/ in 2941 settled in Erebor, but 2989 went with Balin to Khazad-dum/ he was slain by watcher in the Water in 2994.

9.      Gloin:  white hood, with silver belts/ good at making fire (but not at night time)/ TA 2783-Fourth Age15/ he was of Durins House/ son of Groin/ brother to Oin/ father to Gimli/ he was a companion of Thrain and Thorin in the wanderings after the Battle of Azanulbizar/was a member of Thorin & Company/ after 2941 settled down in Erebor and became rich and important/ in 3018 he took part in the Council of Elrond.

10.  Bifur:  yellow hood, with a Clarinet/ after 2941 lived in Erebor/ died in TA 3018.

11.  Bofur:  yellow hood, with a Clarinet/ after 2941 he lived in Erebor/ died in TA 3018.

12.  Bombur:  pale-green hood, with drums/after 2941 lived in Erebor and was so fat, that he could not move by himself (required six dwarves to lift him up)/ died in TA 3018.

13.  Thorin (HIMSELF): Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain, grandson of Thror King of the Under Mountain (were Smaug, the dragon lived)/ TA 2746-2941/ King of Durins House in exile/he fought bravely in Azanulbizar, after it lived in Ered luin with his father Thrain the 2nd / in 2941 he decided to reclaim the Dwarf-Kingdom in Erebor from Smaug/ Smaug was killed, but he himself in the Battle of the Five Armies/ he was known as Thorin Oakenshield, because in the Battle Azanulbizar he used an oak-branch as a shield and club.


Bullroarer:  Old Tooks Great-Grand-Uncle/ so huge for a hobbit, that he could ride a horse/ Charged ranks of Goblins at Mount Gram at the Battle of Green Fields, knocking off the King Golfimbals head clean.


Thrain of Old (the son):  Father to Thorin Oakenshield/ son of Thror, King of the under mountain/ after the death of the Father he left and Thrain hasnt seen his father since, because Gandalf as a map and key to give Thorin/ TA 1934-2190/ King of Durins House (2790-2850)/ He led Dwarves in Azanulbizar and lost an eye there/ In 2845 he was captured by Sauron and imprisoned in Dol Guldur/ He was tormented for five years and his Ring of Power taken from him/ Gandalf met him in Dol Guldur and received the map and key, afterwards used by Thorin the 2nd.


Thror:  King of the under Mountain/ was killed in the Mines of Moria by Azog the Goblin/ TA 2542-2790/ King of Durins House in 2589-2790/ He led his people back to Erebor from the Ered Mithrin because of dragons/ In 2790 he escaped from Smaug and became a wanderer with a small company/ At his old age he resolved to go to Moria, but Azog slew him and defiled his body, this led to the War of Dwarves and Orcs.


3 Trolls:  on top of a hill w/ a big fire/ very large, very heavy faces, legs.

-         William

-         Bert

-         Tom


Durin the 1st:  he was the Father of the Fathers of the Eldest race of Dwavres, the Longbeards and first ancestor and I am his Heir said Thorin/ the ancestor of Durins Folk, the Eldest and the most renown of the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves/ Born in the deeps of time in FA/ he slept alone and awoke under Mt. Gundabad/ began the building of Khazad-dum/ he lived to a vast age and was therefore called Durin the Deathless/ it was believed among the Dwarves, that one day he would rise again.


Durins Day: the first day of the Dwarves New Year all should know the first day of the last moon of autumn on the threshold of winter said Thorin and Lord Elrond.


Stone Giants:  saw them during the Thunderstorm after leaving Rivendell/ they would throw rocks to each other, at trees, and at the mountain side, just breaking things.


Big Goblins:  great ugly-looking/ 6 to each Dwarf, at least 2 for Bilbo/ always hungry/ ate their ponies/

-         Goblins back then hate the Dwarves especially no more then they hated everybody else, but they did have special grudges against Thorins people, because of the wars mentioned.

-         Goblins do not usually venture very far from their mountains, unless   they are driven our and are looking for new homes or marching to war, to get slaves.

-         They were friends with Wargs (Giant Wolves)/ they would ride them like horses.


Gollum:  this strange ghoul was once a Hobbit also known as Smeagol/ in 2463 Gollum stole the One Ring from his cousin Deagol who found it at the bottum of the Anduin River/ the power of the ring lengthened Gollums life but twisted him into a hideous form/ hated light and used the ring to sneak on, steal things, and murder his people/ love secrets and history/ lived in the Misty Mountain for 5 century/ in 2941 Bilbo Baggins took the On e ring from Gollum/deep in a Goblin Cave, deep down by the dark waters with slimy small creatures/ 2 round pale eyes, thin face, large feet/ lives on a slimy island of rocks in the middle of the lake/ had a little boat.


Wolves:  (Howling) was a way of communication/ smell keener than Goblins (dont need to see you to catch you.

-         Evil packs that lived under the shadows of the Goblins-infested Mountains over the Edge of the Wild on the borders of the unknown.


-         Wild Wargs (evil wolves over the Edge of the Wild were named): couldnt climb trees.


Great Grey Wolf:  leader of the Wargs/ talks to them in their language (Warg)


-         Glade:  were they meet to counsel/ even to meet with the Goblins.

-         Wargs & Goblins often helped one-another in wicked deeds.

-         Wargs would let the Goblins ride them (get places faster).

-         Wargs were planning a great-raid to the Men because they were cutting trees down as the wolves were scared of them because they were armed well and a lot of them but now they were getting the help from the Goblins.

Important Places:


1.      The Shire/ Hobbit Hole/ Bag End

2.      Green Dragon Inn

3.      Bywater

4.      Lone-lands

5.      Troll Cave (layer), camped in woods

6.      Misty Mountains

7.      Rivendell:  House of Lord Elrond, Halfelven- Last Homely House of the West.

8.      Edge of the West

9.      Cave (where the Crack opened, entrance to the Goblins Cave)

-         Taken by the Goblins and now they are on the other side.

-         Caverns:  red fire in the middle, big torches along the walls, stuffy, deep.

10.  Gollums Cave: where Bilbo finds the Ring.

11.  Other side of the Misty Mountain: secret back door.

12.  Pine Trees (very tall)

13.  Glade: a great circle (clearance), where the Wargs met usually.


Important Objects:


Map:  made by Thror, Thorins Grandfather- made a map of the Mountain (Misty Mountain, under the mountain) and a key for the secret door.


Largish Key:  opened a stone door (secret).

-     (Found after trolls were turned into stone).

-         They found dead bodies in their swords.

-         They took the swords and the pot of gold and buried it beside a river, so they could come back and get it.


Ponies:  Transportation.


Swords:  found in the Trolls Lair was not original swords (Elrond said), they were of Old of the High Elves of the West, his kin/ they were made in Gondolin, for the Goblin-Wars.

-         1st Sword (Thorin picked up):  called ORCRIST, the Goblin-cleaver    (that it was called in the ancient tongues of Gondolin; famous blade/ goblins called it Biter- they hated it, and who ever carried it.

-         2nd Sword (Gandalf picked up):  called GLAMDRING, Foehammer that the King of Gondolin once wore/ goblins called it the Beater/ this sword was hated most.






Thorins Map:  was a (Moon-letters are runes-letters), only can be seen when the moonshines behind them, especially a moon of it Shape & Season when it written.   Dwarves invented them and wrote with silver pens. Must have been written of a Midsummers Eve in a Crescent Moon long ago.

It says Five feet high the door and three may walk abreast.  Stand by he Grey Stone, when the thrush knocks, and setting sun with the last light of Durins Day will shine upon the keyhole.  None to be seen by this moon.


The One Ring:  found by Bilbo Baggins after being knocked off Doris shoulders/ stolen from Gollum, also known as Smeagol.



Secret Back Door:  Gandalf knows only about it, but thats how Bilbo escapes from Gollum and the Goblins/ the door was the Goblin chamber of armor; were they guard the door.