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J.R.R. Tolkien


by Uilani A. Falevai

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'Mae Govannen,
Mellon nin'
- J.R.R. Tolkien
  This is dedicated the
Professor J.R.R. Tolkien
and is Life's long work,
including a Gallery
of PIC of various,
 a Biography on this Great Man,
 INFO's on his books
(The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings,
and more), and more.

A Man of Great Worth, J.R.R. Tolkien, one who is dearest to my heart, will forever be remembered! 
He has touched my life in so many ways, that feel charged up; so motivated and alert but my soul is in a phase that makes me so graceful and happy. 
Reading Books was never my thing, it was never possible.  I would only gained interest for a few pages and next slowly dosing off or doing something else.  I wasn't really raised in sitting down and having learned to read and find enjoyment in the novels.  All I remember is in School, especially in English, reading assignments were assigned, and really that's what I was raised on and what I knew, and so I really had no opportunity to even have the chance of finding enjoyment, pleasure, delight, and satisfaction in specific genres and authors. 
The Man, Tolkien, he has dedicated his life to his World of endless Adventure.  The Books he has written mean so much to me, and too numerous other fans.  He is Brilliant in every way.  I could not find no words to express the feeling that this Man has brought to my life, and for that he will be repaid back in full.
Till this day my feelings for this great Man, and all his great accomplishments over the years; like The Lord of the Rings, even the History of Middle-earth, in all it Greatness, it hasn't changed.  Each day from its continuous account dedicated  fans provide sources and information for what this Great Man, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien has done for us. 




