A black hearse pulled by an invisible horse.
We come to a series of large tombs. Each one bears the name of a previous tenant of the Mansion. If we peer closley enough at the names, we can decipher the following tenant's graves: IN SPIRITAL REPOSE
C. U. Later
Gravestones sit next to the entrance gate to the mansion. Peering at the overgrown stones, you might read:
Here Lies In memory of our patriarch,
Requiescat Here Lies Master Gracey Rest in Peace Rest in Peace In Memorium Here Lies Rest in Peace At Peaceful Rest Lies After a short wait, a heavy set of oaken wood doors open. a somber maid or butler ushers us into the parlor.
As guests file into the dark mouth of the foyer, they perhaps heed little mind an isolated tombstone near the back of the cemetery. A stern bronze face set into the stone passivley overlooks the mortals entering her house. But look closer... do you ever feel as if you're being watched? Dear Sweet Leota
Keep a look out, legend has it that the ghost bride's wedding ring can be found cemented in a brick by the exit to the mansion