The car of Jeff Hinkimeyer has been tearing up tracks all over the midwest since 1986.Before that Joe
Salner raced the 4F starting in 1954 and raced up till 1986, the doctors told him that he should stop driving.Jeff was
already a proven winner and when Joe Salner hired him, the sky was the limit.Over the years they won 100s of races and 21
track championships.In 6 years they won 5 championships at Alexandria and in 1989 they won Nascar's Great Northern Region
Championship.The team was all about racing and chased the points for years,That all changed when car owner Joe Salner passed
away and they all took a step back to re-evaluate the situation.They did decide to keep on racing but to race where they wanted
to and not be tied down to just racing at the same track.So now a days you never know where the 4F might show up.