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this page contains informative websites and places to find everything you need to find it all on the web! A great page for you newbies!!
the stuff here is the page to find web - based e-mail sources (but why go anywhere other than Rude Lou?) and stuff to put in your e-mail
Surf girl picks:   these links are to pages that make out resident surf girl chuckle, and we hope they will do the same for you!
Cool Links: this page is all brand new and you should definitely surf on in and check it out!!

Web Development:

this page is dedicated to those whose help I have sought out on the web. Thanks to their help, I have learned at least enough to create Rude Lou's and more! Great resource for everyone!!!
PC Gaming: I have not had a lot of time to really load up this section with all there is to find, I ask that anyone with a suggestion e-mail me and I will add more links anytime! Or better yet...go to Well Rounded and get over it!!
Clip Art: here are places to get mainly free clip art to use on your web pages or anywhere else!
Music: a few good links for music, midis, and sound effects. A section that we are still growing!
Animation: a place to learn about it and get free stuff for your web pages!!
Wav Page : A small start for what we have 
The Sim's Page : Our Links to the Sims.....I have to thank my son Bruce for helping me to review these sites!!
The Rude Pages : A collection of pages that are rude or have rude in the name....

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The Lilly


Please take a look at this excellent website for a great musician

Amy Fairchild




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