Rude Lou is the Master of the Web!

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Clip Art.....
information Clip Art.Com - has hundreds of free clip art that you can use on your website or any other purpose you may have. All the images are categorized so you will be able to easily navigate the site
e-mail stuff All Art Clip Art Graphics Warehouse - royalty-free clip art images and photographs for web page designs, desktop publishing, graphics artwork, and artists.
Find Someone The Corporation's Icon Gallery - sardonic icons for web developers
fun and interesting Stuff Useless Buttons Universe - Not only can you click buttons until your your mouse breaks, but you can make as many shiny new buttons as you like!
More Stuff Disturbing Patterns - Doll up your desktop or whack your web site with our twisted texture collection. They're yours for the taking, and they're all free.
Clip Art
Animation Go Grab My Graphic - If you need they are
Music The Clipart Place - FREE Clipart and Icons for use on web pages
Web Development Barry's Clip art Server - FREE resource for all types of clip art. New images added daily. Your one and only One Stop Shop for FREE Clipart
PC Gaming Task Force Clip Art - Whether you need images to aid you in a business proposal or
maybe you are just planning a community baseball game. You will find that our diverse
subject matter will cover all of your needs! ( not free!!)
surf girl picks Thinkpiece-a refuge for reflection and inspiration - A 'must see' site! Experience the creativity and thought provoking work of Bryan Smith in a low noise environment
home Animation.......
Coolnerds Graphics Links - resource for Web-related graphics
Dream Artists - animation and graphic collection. Also a T-shirt contest, trivia and kids games, HTML help and links
Cool Kids Gif Animation - internet animation tutorial
GIF Animation on the WWW  - No scripts, no SSI, no server access...just pure GIF
Classic Themes Webart  - contains backgrounds, sets, buttons, bars, and web graphics
AAAH! YIKES! Free Graphics - Another free graphics?? Yes! The title says it all. These new pages contain a lot of fresh new free graphics
YahRight - searchable database of graphics including animated gifs, backgrounds, clip art, icons, and more.
The World of Animated Communication - customizable advertising animation
Gif Animation - a place to learn to make your own! and learn more about the web too...


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