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Ok, we are now ready to re-introduce the Cool Links Page

Hope you like them!! Most have just excellent design.

Etiquette Grrls :

  Taking such a sensitive, complex subject as etiquette and designing a
cohesive, easily navigated Web site around it seems hard enough. These women went one step further and made their site entertaining.

Astronomy Picture of the Day :

  If you're at all interested in astronomy, you'll find a wealth of data,
images, and links here.

Daily Radar :

  Interesting and very up-to-date news site that concentrates on games
and consumer technology

XDude's Knowledge Emporium :

  This clever site's entire purpose is to showcase the author's sophisticated Flash animation and audio synchronization techniques. Be patient, it starts slowly, don't give up before the music starts--it's worth the wait.


  Smarterville is an instructional site for kids. Download the free samples
to see the possibilities. You must become a member to take full advantage of the offerings. :

  Check out how the pull-down menus are designed in this (wave) surfer
site. Once you 19ve clicked on them, you can drag them around the screen 14so they don 19t block any of the cool images


  Resembling the town structure of a SimCity computer game, Icon Town consists of many international members who create their own building to live in. It may look simple, but it's a nice idea and fun to look at.


  The hip trax underneath this site's Flash show create the right animated ambiance to convey the hot image of Cinnamon Altoids. What's cool about it? The "Loading..." message follows the cursor around.


  Since we're just looking at design, language (German) isn't a barrier.
Check out the brewmaster page for an interesting scheme to help users navigate a page.

Art Crimes: The Writing on the Wall :

  Give this Flash opener a minute or so to get going, then watch the subtle yet creative way it draws you into its unusual content.

DigitalFilm :

  Sound a major creative ingredient here

Gabocorp Studios :

  Interesting use of dark colors with movement

Homewrecker :

  Be sure you have your sound turned up for this very unusual and creative site! Run your mouse continuously over the pictures and listen to what happens!

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