Rude Lou is the Master of the Web!
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  Rock and Roll Bar and Internet Caberet

Here is where to get information and important stuff....

Microsoft :

  The entry page to Microsoft's Web site. Find software, solutions and answers. Support, and Microsoft news
Winplanet : a world of premium information for Windows users! WinPlanet gives you all the 32-bit Windows features, reviews, software, tips and fun you can handle!

ZDnet :

free downloads, product guides, best buys, tips, learn on-line, auctions

C Net :

the center of the digital universe
Activewin : Activating The Ultimate Windows Resources

The PC Guide :

one of the Internet's premier sites for detailed PC reference information new content added to the site regularly.

Tom's Hardware :

The Internet's premier source for PC Hardware information

PC Mechanic :

what you need to know and more

Support Help :

one-stop place for corporate and personal users looking for technical support assistance with their computer hardware and software.

MetaCrawler :

the Ultimate Directory

Ask Jeeves! :

Search the web in plain English! The fastest and easiest place to find answers online!

Netscape :

netcenter: smart update, classifieds, net search, what's cool, what's new, people finder, yellow pages

PC Magazine On line :

Computer news

Alta Vista:

the internet's largest database

Shareware and Downloads : shareware, freeware, drivers, etc.
Andrea VB  : Here's the vb code you're looking for. Tips and Tricks, Source Code, Printing and Programming Techniques, Discussion Board, Newsletter and Free Downloads for Visual Basic. Take your code for FREE :

- the way to find shareware on the Internet

Rocket Download! :

Your better choice for downloading, reviews, descriptions, screenshots

Jumbo! :

over 300,000 shareware and freeware programs

Tucows :

the ultimate place to find the best Internet software, performance rated and checked for viruses

File Mine :

Downloads of Shareware, Games and Commercial Demos

32 Bit Dot Com :

software archive: Windows 95, NT, CE, and OS/2 software, shareware, freeware, and demos. Business, Internet, Utilities, Programming, Graphics, Games and more. Updated daily

FAST FTP Search :

The World's Largest File Search Engine :

shareware gallery and more :

a worldwide distribution network for Shareware, Freeware, and Public Domain programs for MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, and Windows 95/98.

Beta testing

Beta Bites :

Your best resource for all the Latest Betas on the Internet! Daily updates with the latest Beta information, resources, and Beta tests

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