Rude Lou is the Master of the Web!
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  Rock and Roll Bar and Internet Caberet

****Surf Girl Picks!!!****

The Original Funnies Index Page :   The funniest collection of naughty cartoons and jokes on the net! The starting point of your day (this site is for adults only)
Celebrity Death Slalom : it's a game that is too funny!!!!
Pyth Online : Monty Python at it's best 
The Barney Fun Page : Celebrating their 6th anniversary....this site was high tech 6 years ago!! here is your chance to kill Barney!!
The Tree loot Game : mindless fun for wasting time at work
The Butt Page..... : this page is NOT or everybody!!!! (this site is for adults only)
The Gallery of the Absurd : weird but real ads, labels and signs. a must see for all
PAPERMAG : is an original daily, New York based pop culture and style digizine. Your guide to urban culture, fashion, society, film, food, fetish, events, people, news and entertainment
Company Sleuth : scours the net for free, legal information on the companies you select. If your interested in getting the scoop before the rest of the planet, Company sleuth was made for you!
hipMama : better than a double prozac latte
Rent A Geek : designed to be the Web's leading directory of independent computer consultants
PrizePoint Entertainment : real prizes, real winners guaranteed! 


anyone who would like to share their favorite websites (even your own) with the Rude Lou audience. There is no pay, but, you get your name on our site !!! Please email the webmaster if you are interested.


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