Juri-chan's Column:
Hail Ilpalazzo! *ahem* Well, here we are dedicating a page to Excel who takes insanity beyond human capacity. Excel must be on a sugar-high 24/7. But wait, she hasn't eaten anything in 4 days! Perhaps the lack of food is what can explain her insanity? NEways, Excel also has a knack for dying. Well, come on, she died like 4 or 5 times within the first 10 minutes of the show. Perhaps it was 15 minutes... But that's not the point. Excel is insane. Pure and simple. On the Insanity Scale(of 1 to 10) Excel gets a 1,000.
Cat's column:
Excel. Is. Insane. Plain and simple. No doubt about it. There is no doubt in this crazy screwed up mind of mind that this is true. I mean she managed to die HOW MANY TIMES within the first ten-fifteen minutes of the first episode! She is a nut, she is trying to kill and eat her dog, she's madly in love with her 'boss' (who is a biscut by the way...) and she doesn't eat... She is insane. She is on this page for a good reason. Period. |