Juri-chan's view on Nova: The English Nova is less scary than the Japanese Nova. I was toughroughly scared by the Japanese Nova, who would be speaking softly and calmly one second, then the next screaming and ranting. *shudder* Nova is just Nova. She's a psycho. She's insane. She has earned her spot here in the Insanity Club and the title of Queen of Maddness and Insanity in MKR. Let's just say she scares me. |
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Cat's view on Nova: Nova is a PSYCHO! And the only one I have found so far who could match Dilandau. Wouldn't they make a cute, if terrifying, couple?? Lets see, Nova is yet another one of those pshcotic pyromainiac people with a killing fetish. But she's soo cute! You just kinda want to go pat her on the head until she does that freaky tiny puiple thing on you.