Juri-chan's Column
Konnichiwa minna-san! Welcome to the Insanity Club, dedicated to those anime characters gone psycho(wether by accident, they were born that way, or were genetically altered). If any of you have suggestions for additions to this asylum... ahem.... CLUB please feel free to sign the guestbook and leave your suggestion behind for us to read. Enjoy your stay here. I garuntee whatever sanity you have at the moment will be almost non-existant once you leave this page. I'm only warning you for your mental condition soon to be altered.
Below is my adopted Juri. Click on her image to go to the Utena Adoption Agency to adopt your favorite Utena character! 

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Hey, hey hey!!! Look who's back!!! It's me, Juri-chan. I've added a new link to the Link page and I will be updating a few other things while I'm here!! So check back in an hour or so and I'll have done work for a change!!!!
~Juri-chan Cat's Column Alo minna!! Yes this site is dedicated to those favorite phsyco maniacs of ours and their strange quirks. Have fun wandering around the realms of insanity.
Read my Dreambook guestbook! Sign my Dreambook! |
| Above is our little guestbook. Come on, sign and admit you were here. |