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Ah, yes... our little shrine to the Hitokiri Battousai, otherwise known as the suppressed, violent, and somewhat insane alter ego of Kenshin Himura. Why you ask? If you've seen him, you know what I mean...
So... do you think that Battousai deserves a spot here? Well, whether you do or not, here are a few photos to amuse you.

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Cat's Column: So kiddies.... why is this guy on our site, do you wonder. Well, this can be answered quite simply. Kenshin Himura's alter ego, the Hitokiri Battousai is scary. I mean, this guy has about as bad a personality disorder as you can get. On one side there's the nice, sweet, gentle Rouroni, and on the other we have the cold, bloodthirsty Battousai. Why does Battousai scare us? Well, I personally have decided that when Kenshin-san starts glowing and or get's gold eyes, it's a personal cue to run... fast... very fast. In all truth, Kenshin Himura is a babe, I love him to death! But the Battousai, while I love him to death as well, (why do you think I'm here? Did you really think I was sane? Yes I'm still trying to deside whether Kenshin or the Battousai is hotter...) he scares me...
So, ya... it's true... even the nicest guys can be insane. But hey, don't worry... he's not this bad all of the time...
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