Scott's Buncha' Bunz

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French Lops    English Lops     Netherland Dwarfs    Mini Rex    Jersey Woolies        Satins

Well here we are again with a new breed.  What can I say.. I think I need to stop taking my dad to shows!! LOL!  Anyway,  the Satins made their home here 2003.  I have to admit my dad and I both have had our eye on them for some time but with all the other breeds I was unwilling to get another one.  But my dad decided to get them and when he did that he decided to cut back on his Flemish Giants.  I have to admit it's actually nice to have a variety of breeds especially when it comes to the fairs and stuff around here because it gives the kids something else to show than Mini Rex and Mini Lops all the time!  All in all I really do like the Satins but I told my dad that he's limited to ONE color, so the natural thing for both of us was Reds.  Not only are they a beautiful color but they are one of the colors that need help as far as improving the quality so I figured we'd give it a shot.

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