Scott's Buncha' Bunz

English Lops
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French Lops    English Lops    Netherland Dwarfs    Mini Rex    Jersey Woolies     Lionheads    Satins   


The English Lop has to be one of the most rewarding breeds that I raise.  They are not only rewarding on the show table but they full fill their roll at home as the kids that I never had!  They are so loving and cute that they can't help but be little clowns!  And they are Clowns from the word GO!  I find that if you are upset or in a dreary mood all you need to do is go find your self an English Lop and they'll cheer you up some how!  They seem to know just what we need.  And in most cases they think that some how if you pick them up and cuddle and snuggle with them that it will make YOU feel better.  I haven't figured out this theory yet either, but you know what, I think they're right!  English Lops have a reputation of being "Too Smart For Their Own Good!" as a fellow English breeder put it.  And for the most part this is true.  They are ALWAYS trying to figure things (and YOU) out.  They also have a reputation for bullying (more like suckering) you into thinking that THEY are the boss!  To do this they often play "Authority Games"  During these games they will often MISbehave to see if you catch them in it and repremand them.  The important thing is that no matter how cute the "game" they must always be told who is the boss or they will quite litterally "Hop All Over You"!  So when considering this breed for yourself always remember that they are extremely High Maintanence... mostly in personality though.. they are very smart and deep witted rabbits.  I say "Deep Witted" in the sence that they can figure things out that we would never imagine they could!  But you will find that once you make friends with an English Lop.. there is no turning back.. you're stuck for LIFE!  English Lops are VERY people oriented!  Once they have gotten used to that every day attention they expect to get it EVERY day whether you are sick in bed or not they will be waiting for you to hobble out to the barn, even if it is just to pet them and say hi.

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