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What is your real first name?
What is your Real Age?
What is your Real Gender?
What is your E-Mail Address?
What is your characters name?
What position are you applying for (First Choice)?
What position are you applying for (Second Choice)?
What is your Character gender?
What ship are you applying to? (be sure there are openings)
Sample narrative style post:
Scenario - You are assigned to an boarding party which is enroute to what was once a colonized community.   You find that upon your arrival, the scene is abandoned.  Using the position you applied for, how would your character handle the situation in character?  Include your characters personal thoughts; emotions; observations and interaction with other team members.  The post can be as long or as short as you'd like but it will determine if you are the right candidate for this simulation, so be as detailed as you can.

After you submit your application you will be contacted by the CO or the XO and provided with information on the application process.

All applicants enter as an Ensign unless otherwise determined by the GM and AGM.  If you qualify, you may be entitled to start at a grade higher.  If you have previous RPG narrative style experience and can provide a reference (previous CO and not you), you will be considered for the grade elevation.

Do you have previous narrative style experience? (if no, skip to the submit).
If yes, please provide the name of your previous CO.
If yes, please provide the email address of your previous CO.
If yes, please provide the URL of your previous RPG.

All blanks that apply on this form must be completed. Any application received without all required information will be rejected.