Point System

The seaFire ASV Role Playing Group believes in basing promotions on performance and service rather then leaving them to the whim of the CO.   By following the simple posting requirements below, you'll be able to best determine your own progress as well as estimate when you'll be promoted, etc.

Keep in mind, promotions are based on your contributions, so only you can make or break a promotion.

First off, we need to establish some basic definitions so we are all on the same page.

Character post:  Is a post which is primarily about your character.  It can be done in the form of a flash-back or as a memory.  It can be current day thoughts or actions.  Basically it is about your character and helps us to further understand how your character thinks and acts.  A character post should be very well thought out and descriptive other wise the whole point of it is lost.   There is no length requirement for a character post as it is at your discretion.

Full post:  Is a post which is based on moving the story plot forward.  This is where you are an intricate part of helping to develop the story and interact with the other players.  Your actions and words further help to define your character and define your role as a member of the ship.  A full post should be at least four well thought out paragraphs and needs to describe your characters actions in the story.  Usually your actions will be in response to something or someone. 

Filler post:  Is a post which is merely a short reply to <tags> left by other players.  Tags are defined as places left in the story post of another player which require you to respond.  For example:  Murdock spoke to Miller about the warp core maintenance.  "Mr. Miller, what is your estimated time of repair?" <Miller>.  This is a minimal post and does not qualify as a Full post.

Points:  are values assigned to your contribution.   They vary based on your particular contribution and have a maximum allowable value, regardless of your total contribution.  You may receive negative points if you fail to meet the minimum requirements.

Point Distribution:  Is performed by the Executive Officer as part of his/her weekly duties.  Points are sent out via email utilizing the ooc list.  You are free to ask about your points should you have any questions or complaints.

Discretionary Points:  are values assigned to you for activities which are above and beyond that of role playing.  For example, you may be assigned up to 3 points for recruitment or research which help to grow the rpg.  This is in addition to your regular point assignment.


Description   Value   Maximum Per
Character   1   3 week
Full   2   6 week
Filler   .5   3 week
Discretionary   3   3  

You can achieve a maximum of 6 points a week towards your promotion.  That is the minimum of 3 full posts a week.  You can achieve less points if your three contributions are either a character or filler post.   A maximum of 6 points a week is established to regulate a fair system.  The following is the promotion schedule:  (points ARE accumulative, thus to go from Lt.jg to Lt. you just need 36 more points).  One could expect to reach Captain and their own ship by 30 weeks or approximately 7 or 8 months.  This will allow you to develop your character and become comfortable in the RPG environment.  There are no requirements at this time with respect to commanding your own ship.  At that time we will form a small rpg group and grow our numbers from within.  If you are interested in command, you will need to be assigned bridge detail if you are not specifically a command officer.

Other factors which do play a more limited role are:

  • Following Directions or directives of the Game Managers
  • Following all Rules and Regulations found on this website
  • Following all Posting Requirements as outlined herein and by the GM's.
Ensign   "0 points"
Lieutenant Junior Grade   "36 points"
Lieutenant   "72 points"
Lieutenant Commander   "108 points"
Commander   "144 points"
Captain   "180 points"