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Below is a shot of her retractable observation tower, deployed while running along the surface.
SEAFIRE's interior dimensions puts even the previously regarded spacious seaQuest to shame. She is fitted with multiple recreation rooms, gyms, a cinema and even a galley with huge windows overlooking the hydrosphere docking system. The bridge of the seaFire is split over 3 levels and is over 4 times the size of that of the seaQuest, its centerpiece is a huge 120 degree curving 3d vid-screen which relays information from all areas of the ship. Central to the ship is the grand corridor, a two storey split level hallway that runs for over 100 meters down the length of the ship.
SEAFIRE IS the mostly comprehensively armed UEO submarine ever, along with her standard armament of front, rear and side firing torpedoes, she is equipped with a EMS (Electro Magnetic Shock) Cannon for disabling ships, and 4 high power lasers for precision strikes. She also has numerous short range lasers as a defensive measure. SeaFire is also fitted with a 26 Pathfinder I Strategic ICBM's.
WSKRS technology takes a new leap forward with the seaFire ASV. The seaFire is the first submarine to be fitted with Aerial-WSKRS. Unlike those on the earlier seaQuest class, seaFire A-WSKRS, by means of state of the art magneto-grav technology, can elevate themselves up to 100 meters above the surface of the ocean This gives the seaFire a previously unimaginable 'eye in the sky' advantage over other subs and surface craft. The A-WSKRS are also equipped with a liquid metal coating (much like that seen in T2) which allows them to streamline their shape for high speed cruising both above and beneath the surface of the water. SeaFire's A-WSKRS also serve as a defensive mechanisms for the protection of the seaFire. In the event of multiple torpedo attack they can be arranged to form an electro magnetic barrier around the sub that is extremely difficult to penetrate.THE SEAFIRE is fitted with an array of advanced high speed submersibles.....
Foremost among them is the Raptor Attack Submersible, the UEO Sub-Fighter, that sub pilots had always been waiting for... With its deep dark metallic look, and imposing design, the Raptor could probably knock out a enemy attack sub through looks alone. Agile as a Stinger wetbike, yet bulkier than a Seaspeeder, the Raptor is the UEO's state of the art replacement for the Spectre Sub-Fighter. Seating two occupants, one behind the other, the Raptor is powered by the latest Rolls Royce R2000 multi directional aquajets, that have a thrust rating of more than 3 times that of the Spectre. They push the Raptor to a top speed of over 500 km an hour and allow it a range of 3000 km. The Raptor is also the first UEO Sub-Fighter to be fitted with sonar evading stealth technology that reduces its sonar signature to less than that of a small fish. The Raptor is also protected by a re enforced titanium hull. Armed with six high power lasers, 12 weapon hardpoints, and capable of carrying 32 plasma mini torpedos the Raptor packs a deadly punch. At time of entry of service into UEO service the Raptor class of Sub-Fighters was unmatched in all the seas. At her sea trial demonstations in 2040 the Raptor class thrilled UEO top brass with its magnificent display of undersea aquabatics. Engaging 4 Seaspeeders simultianeously, the Raptor pilots were able to knock out all four with total ease. As a Seaspeeder pilot later commented, "I'm glad we don't have to fight against that". Unfortunately for the UEO, Only 26 Raptor attack subs were built before the Macronesian attack on Pearl Harbor and subsequent dissolution of the UEO. 17 were meant to serve on the seaFire ASV and 9 on the Rubicon DSRV.
The Seaspeeder II, is the first completely redesigned Seaspeeder since the original design was launched back in 2017. Introduced into the UEO arsenal in 2038 they are the most common light engagement submarine in the UEO. There are a total of 26 Seaspeeder II 's on the seaFire and Rubicon DSRV respectively. Unlike the original Seaspeeder, the Seaspeeder II uses dual aqua jet engines instead of aqua push props for its propulsion. The Sea speeder can reach speeds in excess of 300 km/h, and is extremely agile. It lacks, however, the firepower of the more expensive Raptor class subs, and suffers from weak defensive armour plating and a simple aquionics. The Typhoon Class Sea Launch is the backbone of the seaFire and Rubicon's submersible fleet. Both are outfitted with 10 of these craft, 8 standard layout models and 2 in VIP layout. The Typhoon bears few similarities to its predecessor, the MR series of seaLauches. More streamlined and more powerful, the Typhoon class is considerably wider and and longer than the old MR launches. Fitted with 4 universal docking collars, walk-on walk-off ramps, and room for 52 people, the Typhoon also serves as troop/commando transport during the UEO-MAC conflict. The Typhoon class is characterised by its somewhat heavy looking appearance, mainly attributed to its thick layers of armour plating. It is protected by two automatic close range laser cannons. The seaCrab II is an upgrade of the original seaCrab design. The all round work horse of the seaFire fleet the seaCrab II benefits from a host of upgrades and enhancements. With improved cockpit and VR hand controls, the pilot of the seaCrab II is able to pick up and move objects just as if he was doing it with his own hands, the seaCrabs computer system automatically adjust the remaining claws. Using standard aqua push props the seaCrab II is still somewhat slow and cumbersome in the water. The Rubicon is outfitted with 16 of the craft, and the seaFire with 12.With the outbreak of open hostilities between the UEO and Macronesian Alliance in 2041, and the subsequent destruction of Pearl Harbor and collapse of the UEO, the seaFire and Rubicon hit active duty, As the last bastions of resistance to Macronesian pacific domination, they are all that remains of the UEO, beneath the surface.. they fight for the future!
Number in Class: 5 (planned) 2 built, 2 scrapped, 1 destroyed during construction, sister ships are: UEO Rubicon DSRV 8300 (completed and active), UEO Vesuvius ASV 8900 (destroyed before completion), UEO Admiral W. Noyce ASV 9100 (scrapped) and UEO Discovery DSRV 9600 (scrapped)Captain: Julius Aramis Verne
Estimated Production Cost: Estimated at 90 Billion Euros (Majority European + US Funds )
Producer: United Earth Oceans Organization (UEO)
Keel Laid: December 9, 2035 Pearl Harbor, Deep Fire Industries Fleet Yards
Completed: January 23, 2041
Chief Design Specialists and Creators: Select group of UEO scientists, with technical assistance from Admiral Nathan Hale Bridger & Captain Oliver Hudson.
Submerged Displacement: 313,520 Tons
Length: 1737.8ft./526.6 m
Beam: 198ft./60 m
Hull Composition: Highly Classified. 'Janes All the World's Fighting Ships 2041 edition' estimates the seaFire's hull as being composed of: Triple-Layered Pliant Semi-Biological Accelerated Self Regenerating Bio Skin Over Titanium Support Frame, with retractable 25 m observation platform.
Propulsion: Aqua-Return turbine propulsion powered by a cold fusion reactor.
Conventional Armament: 46 Torpedo Tubes Armed with (270) Mark 95 Variable Charge/Plasma Torpedoes, 4 High Density Lasers, 1 EMS Pulse Cannon, 13 Short range lasers.
Nuclear Armament: (26) Pathfinder II Long Range Strategic Nuclear Missiles with total capacity of 52 Megatons.
Defensive Systems: Mark XII Intercept Torpedoes/Countermeasures, A-WSKRS electro magnetic defense system.
Computer System: NE (Near Human) Solid State Artificial Intelligence system
Internal Sensors: Hypersonar effective to 200 kilometers
External Sensors: (15) A-WSKRS (Aerial capability) Total, 3 at any time. (1) Mother (2) Junior (typically bow) (3) Loner (typically stern), 5 HR Probes
Top Speed: 260 km/h cruising, 320 km/h maximum capacity
Crush Depth: 40,000 Ft.
Support Craft:
(8) High Speed 'Typhoon' class Sea Launch Transports
(12) Sea Crab II Exploration Minisubs
(26) Advanced Sea Speeder II Pursuit/Attack subfigthers
(22) Raptor High Speed Attack/Intercept Sub-Fighters
(26) Spectre II High Speed Specialized Attack Sub-Fighters
(2) VIP High Speed 'Typhoon Class' Sea Launches
Crew: 850 total.- 50 Officers, 760 enlisted, and 40 Scientific