Point System

Rules and Regulations are a necessary evil of any organization.  They help to foster an enjoyable playing environment for everyone by giving everyone equal ground rules and thus everyone starts at the same place.

The rules of this game are simple and easy to follow but they must be followed or you will be asked to leave.

We require that you:

  • Create a character biography and use the format that we've set up.  It must be well thought out and be detailed.
  • Show respect at all times to other players.  It is not your place to "privately" comment to another player on their post.  It is also not your place to scold anyone.  Those are left to the commanding officer.
  • Never over step your bounds by using another players character or speaking for another character.  You may NEVER kill another player character or their "protected" non-player character.   Only the commanding officer may do so.
  • Never introduce a plot change or sub-plot before getting prior approval by the commanding officer. 
  • We require that you post a minimum of three posts a week however you are free to post more often, however, you may NOT comment negatively against a player who does meet the minimum of three posts a week.
  • You are rated by a point system for your promotions.  The executive officer will maintain a point tally for the players and provide a weekly update.  To see more on the point system, you can go here.

This RPG is managed by a Game Manager who is also the Commanding Officer.  The Assistant Game Manager (AGM) is the Executive Officer.   They are the "ruling body" for this game and make all decisions based on the administrative operation of the game.  You may be solicited via polls for your input from time to time on issues which effect the game as a whole.

Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?