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Church of St. Francis Xavier Singapore



Adults and Youths need to attend the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults - RCIA or Rite of Christian Initiation for Youths - RCIY before they can be baptised.

Infant Baptism

With the arrival of your little one, apart from introducing him/her to your families and friends, you would want the Christian Community to share in your joy through Baptism. 

Baptism is the first Sacrament your child will receive in his/her Catholic life.   It is the sacrament of "entrance" into, not only the Roman Catholic Church, but more importantly, the parish community.   And so parents, godparents and the whole Christian community baptize the child under their sponsorship, promising to teach him/her to love God and their neighbour and to train them in the practice of the faith.

Significance of Sponsorship

Every Catholic knows that the practice of the faith means the celebration of the sacraments as prescribed by the leaders of the Church. This means regular prayer and especially participation in the celebration of the Eucharist on Sundays.


You are the centerpiece of the sponsorship. You are your child’s "first teachers or witnesses" in the ways of the faith. Having your child baptised endorses your agreement to take on the responsibilities of training him/her in the practice of the faith and bringing him/her up in the way of Christ. 

Your choice of baptismal name for your child should ideally be after a Saint whom your child could look up to or be inspired by as he/she grows up.


The Godparents are chosen by you, the child’s parents, because they represent your family and friends, and also represent the Christian community. Their role is to assist and support you in the Catholic upbringing of your child, by word, action and good example.

The Canon Law states that each child presented for baptism must have at least one sponsor who is a fully initiated Roman Catholic over the age of 16 who has already been confirmed, not under any Canonical penalty (eg, divorced) and is a practising Catholic.


Infant baptisms are held at 4.30 pm on the second Sunday of odd months starting in January. 

It is compulsory for both Parents and Godparents to attend a Pre-Baptism Instruction before your child’s baptism.  This is held at 4.30 pm on the first Sunday of odd months in the church canteen.

Infant baptism Application Forms may be obtained from the Parish office or downloaded from this site.  Kindly submit them directly to the Parish office a week before the Pre-Baptism Instruction.

Download the form for Infant Baptism below and submit the completed form it to the Parish Office or Priests.

Form for Infant Baptism

Updated: 24 Feb 07