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Home for the blind

Home Up Glasses for Kids Leader Dog School Eye res. at U of M Home for the blind Scholarships Vision Screening


Welcome home for the blind is an assisted living facility located in Grand Rapids.

Residents are all older men and women with various eye disorders.


Residents enjoy many activities:

Arts & crafts
Leisurely strolls on the grounds
Field trips


Funding for room and board, as well as other activities, are through;

Direct payment from residents
Individual donations
Lions Club donations
Welcome home fund raisers put on by the residents


For information on any of these activities, to receive information on making a donation, or to learn how to apply for residency,

Please contact any member of the Shepherd Lions Club or

 Write to: Welcome Home for the Blind

1953 Monroe NW

Grand Rapids MI 49595 

or call 1-888-939-9292 


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Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: February 21, 2001