Detecting Digital Crime: The Top-Of-The-Iceberg Syndrome
Digital Crimes are receiving high profile media coverage and increasing attention from law enforcement authorities. However
there is little scientific study on the role that new technology plays in making laws, breaking laws, or its impact on victimization.
Digital crime victims are not necessarily aware of having been a victim of computer crime. Even if they are, in
most cases they do not report it to the police. And even when they do, the police in most cases will not start an investigation
and if they do, there is only a small chance that they identify a perpetrator who in some cases will be tried before a court.
In Wayne County and in Michigan we are leading the effort to investigate, arrest, and convict digital criminals.
We Will Investigate The Following Types Of Digital Crime:
• Felony Crimes - instructions on bomb-making, illegal drug production, terrorist activities, incitement to racial hatred.
• Crimes Against Children - sexual predators, abusive forms of marketing, violence, and pornography, illegal
rave parties. • Economic Crimes - fraud, instructions on pirating credit cards, and identity thefts.
• Information Security - malicious hacking, and employee internal computer crimes. • Protection of Privacy
- illegal communication of personal data, medical or credit records, electronic harassment, and stalking. • Intellectual
Property - unauthorized distribution of copyrighted works, e.g. software or music.
Most Wanted Digital Criminals
Internet Hoaxes