Frozen Silence
About Me

Frozen Silence is my very first site, and I think it's going great!!
My real name is Shelagh, I live in Ontario, Canada.
I love Sailor Moon, Inu-yasha, and Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind. One of my favourite pass times is reading (and not because Ami reads). I also draw a lot.
My favourite scout(if you haven't already guessed) is Sailor Mercury.
I like to swim and ride horses (I just got my own!!!).
My favourite colour is green. I've got reddish-blonde-goldy-bronze hair. It changes colour with the weather, so do my eyes.
I have my green belt in mixed martial arts, and my favourite scout next to Mercury, is obviously Saturn....
My favourite movies are Princess Mononoke, Kiki's Delivery Service, Shaka Zulu, and Perfect Blue.

I think I'm just gonna start a personal site and get rid of this section soon...I also plan on making a Hayao Miyazaki site, his work is too great!!

I hope you like my site!!

hmm.... how often do you see Vegeta in thought?

me in a sea of pillows and stuffed toys


Mercury Anime | Mercury Manga | Saturn Anime | Saturn Manga | Videos and GIFS | Mercury vs. Neptune | The Stupid Weakling | Is Hotaru a Goth? | The Many Faces of Hotaru | All in the Eyes | Let's Talk | Puzzles | Different Styles and Different Artists | The Senshi in Mythology and Astrology | Links, Rings, Adoption and Awards | About Me | Contact Me

Sango kicks!!

the pictures didn't scan very well....sigh....

me.....i thought the pose would be appropriate ... no?