Frozen Silence
The Many Faces of Hotaru


Mercury Anime
Mercury Manga
Saturn Anime
Saturn Manga
Videos and GIFS
Mercury vs. Neptune
The Stupid Weakling
Is Hotaru a Goth?
The Many Faces of Hotaru
All in the Eyes
Let's Talk
Different Styles and Different Artists
The Senshi in Mythology and Astrology
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Ok, Hotaru has many different forms throughout the story.
Here we will look at them all!

From Sailor Moon S


hotaru when we first meet her

When we first see Hotaru she's in Gr.6, older than Rini, lonely, depressed, sick and possessed by
Mistress 9.

Mistress 9

mistress nine

Basically Mistress 9 is a youkai that took over Hotaru's body and used it as some sort of a shell to grow in. Hotaru now has the body of an adult woman with gorgeous long black hair.

Sailor Saturn

sailor saturn

Of course Hotaru will become Sailor Saturn. In the manga her sailor get-up is purple, dark blue, and dark red (for now). She also has that sweet glaive!!

Hotaru the Baby

hotaru the baby

While killing Pharaoh 90 Saturn herself is killed. But don't worry!! She is reborn for all of her good deeds. YAY!! She returns to infant form and Setsuna, Haruka and Michiru swear they will care for her.

From Sailor Moon Super S

Hotaru the Child

hotaru the little kid

She's sort of a brat, mischievous, happy-go-lucky most of the time, and grows REALLY REALLY FAST!!! Michiru points out that sometimes her eyes grow cold like they always used to be (part of the inspiration for my poem "All in the Eyes").

Super Sailor Saturn

super sailor saturn

Saturn's spirit appeared in Hotaru's room and gave Hotaru all her memories back. She suddenly grew to be the same age as Rini, and she'll grow at a regular rate from now on. She knows of her past again, so she can be Sailor Saturn again. She gives the outers power enough to become 'Super Sailors'. Now Saturn has the heart broach and clear silky sleeves.

From Sailor Moon Sailor Stars

Eternal Sailor Saturn

eternal sailor saturn

In the anime only Sailor Moon herself becomes an Eternal Scout, but everyone else becomes Eternal Scouts in the manga. Of course Sailor Moon has to be different, so she gets wings. But everyone else gets the star brooches, double layered skirts, longer gloves, puffy sleeves and very long silken ribbons on the back of their uniforms.

Evil Sailor Saturn

Galaxia killed Sailor Saturn, took her star seed, resurrected Saturn's body and used it for herself; of course this counts as making Sailor Saturn evil...again. Except for the fact that she now wear's Galaxia's bracelets, she looks just like Eternal Sailor Saturn. Also her power level is higher.


Very few peeps know about this (of the many) form of Hotaru. In "Rini's Picture Diary", an episode to basically waste time, Hotaru was once again possessed by some evil spirit. For the short time she was possessed she was turned into type thingy...

In total Hotaru has 9 different forms! AH! What's up with Hotaru and the number 9? She was possessed by Mistress 9, and killed by Pharaoh 90! She was taken over 3 times by 3 different things, and what's 3x3? 9!!!!! Also another scary thing!! The gaurdians are cats right? How many lives do cats have? 9!! EEP!! Is this just a coincidence, or did Naoko Takeuchi do this on purpose?