Frozen Silence
All in the Eyes

When I first heard of sailor moon 4 years ago, the first thing I noticed (next to the fact that Serena's a major bimbo) was the way the eyes of each character were so beautifully drawn, and how they reflect that characters personality. Who ever said "Eyes are the window to the soul" was so right, it's scary. Hotaru is a perfect example of this, but first we look at Ami.
We all know that Ami/Mercury is very sweet, shy and kind. Her eyes defintley seem bright and intelligent. They are also soft, quiet, and just by looking at them you see kindness. But there is also hardness in her eyes. It shows the part of her that likes order, discipline, and to always be prepared.
Have you ever noticed that when Ami/Mercury gets mad or annoyed for whatever reason, her eyes lose their kindness? They grow cold and stern. It's at times like these when she shows you that lurking behind everything else, is a determined warrior, who won't let you win, even if she has to.

don't look so kind now do they?

ami's kind eyes

hotaru's eyes when first met


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"Eyes are the window to the soul". That's right! I'll even prove it to you! When we first meet Hotaru, she's possessed. Her soul is in agony. Her eyes are cold and hateful. Sailor Saturn's eyes are the same most of the time.
When Hotaru is reborn after being killed by Pharaoh 90, her eyes are clear. Happiness and peace can be seen in them. Her soul is finally at peace. It is no longer in the turmoil that Mistress 9 had put it through.
When Hotaru is a child her eyes are bright, clear and happy, but sometimes they grow cold and hateful like they were when she was possessed by Mistress 9. I guess there are some things you can never get over.
When Galaxia takes control of Sailor Saturn's body, her eyes would again be very cold and evil. When Sailor Saturn is fighting anyone, the expression on her face is stern, look at her eyes. What do you see? Determination? Or is it the Hotaru we first met? You decide.
Hotaru's/Sailor Saturn's eyes are always in tune with her soul. If you're not sure what form of Hotaru you're looking at, just look at her eyes. You'll find the answers, all in her eyes.

ssaturn's kind eyes

baby hotaru's eyes

All in the Eyes.

How she's feeling is in her eyes,
Who she is, is in her eyes.
All the answers are in her eyes.
She's cute, she's young, she's sweet.
But who she was can be seen in her eyes.
They grow cold and hateful sometimes,
Just like they always used to be.
Who is she? You ask.
The answers,
Are all in her eyes.

What do you think about this article? Does it make sense, or is it a load of BS? Did I make a mistake? I'd love to hear your comments on what I've written here! Just contact me at:
Thanx a boondle!