Frozen Silence
Is Hotaru a Goth?

hotaru isn't a goth!!

Is Hotaru a Goth?

This question arises all the time, is Hotaru a Goth?
Well, what do you think? Do you think Hotaru is a Goth? If Hotaru is what you perceive as gothic, then, alright she's a Goth!! If you don't think she's gothic, then she's not.

But still, what possessed people to think this in the first place?
I think the whole pale skin, dark clothes thing is what started this. In certain places around the world, people who dress in dark clothes and have pale skin are said to be dark, demonic, and gothic. But in places like Japan women who have pale skin and dark clothes are considered very beautiful, ladies even used to have black sheets in bed to show their husband how pale they were. They would always have umbrella's when they went outside to keep their skin as pale and beautiful as possible.

Maybe it's just a cowinky-dink that their definition of beautiful is our definition of gothic.
Well, either way I think Hotaru is very beautiful, I don't think she's a Goth. I have friends who are Goths, they dress much more demonically than Hotaru! But then again, you may think differently about it, the way you see things is up to you!!

I think people also judge her because of her attitude. A lot of people think that because she' not the most friendly individual, she's evil! What's up with that? People are just afraid of her because she's different, and because of what is happening to her because of Mistress Nine and the accident a while ago. We fear what we don't understand, people don't understand Hotaru. Almost no one gives her a chance to be herself, to prove what she really is! The Sailor Scouts are probably the only ones who even BEGIN to understand what Hotaru is going through! I feel sorry for her, everyone is just too afraid to give her a chance??t;br>My gothic friends aren't evil or mean either; all of them are actually really nice people! They just prefer the darkness to the light, and Hotaru prefers the silence to the cluster of people that just don't get it.

Hey! Wait! Don't go yet!!

What do you think? Is Hotaru a Goth? Is she beautiful? I'll be taking a survey (if people would answer this)
Of how many people think what.
Here are your choices:
She's a Goth.
She's not a Goth.
She's just pretty/beautiful.
She's ugly.
Something else.
Please if you are reading this now I would like to know what you think!! This is important!!
Please reply and give me your opinion, because it's your opinion that count's!! Hotaru's reputation could be at stake. Besides, I'd like to here if YOU like what I've written.

Thanx very much!!

I recently got an email from a fellow Hotaru fan on the 'issue' of her wearing black all the time. Here's what she said:

Hi fellow SM lover! I''ve decided to tell you the real reason Hotaru
wears dark colors. What I am about to tell you is a straight fact right out
of the manga. Trust me: I should know because since I was 7 I have been in
to SM manga. I'm very good with Sailor Moon history. I don't lie. Plus
Hotaru's my fav.! Well, here's the truth:

Hotaru wears black because after she was caught in the Tomoe Research Lab
Explosion, they had to rebuild her body. (It was kinda tore up) Her Father
has rebuilt her with machine. So.. now she's part machine and part human.
She has lots of scares all over her body from operations and etc. The dark
colors hide the marks. That's why she wears black. Now, weather or not she
enjoys the color (despite the really reason she has to wear them) Is
something only she would know. Also I can't say If she considers herself a
Goth. Could be. ^_^;

If you'd like to contact Bree (the writer of the above letter), she's always available at:

very dark, neh?


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