Hello World, This is Me!


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Oh The Far Side
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I have too many friends!!!  Don't worry if you're not on here, this just takes time! 

A Shoutouts page lets me say hello and share a few inside jokes over the web. Here's an example of a format I might use.

Turtle farm
Turtles for you!
Ok, I decided to let you be first this time...but just this once!  You found our notebook!  Yay!  So now we have to actually keep up with it, capiche?  Capiche.  Ha!  Best friends are supposed to have notebooks right?  Yeah, that way we don't have to actually talk to each other!  Lol, just kidding.  Anyways, we better stay best friends FOREVER cuz like you said, we've got to do the Europe thing, the wedding thing (not to eachother OF COURSE!!), and the whole spiel - TOGETHER!  I can't believe we'll be seniors this year!  Let's live it up and have a blast our last year k? Oh and by the way, is your back straight??  Cuz...CAR!!!  Ha ha. 

Katie, you're the coolest!  I hope you had an AWESOME time in Ukraine.  I can't wait until we start up our accountability again!  This year's gonna be so much fun.  We're seniors!  Yay.  Oh man, can you even imagine how in the world we'll do time management this year?!  Lol, Good luck to both of us. 

Female swimmer in pool doing butterfly
Hey it's you! Just Kidding!

Mont St. Michel
Hey! We were there!!

My Roomie!  I'm so glad we got to room together in Europe.  I really had a blast getting to know you better.  And hey, going to movies and the res has been fun too.  Don't worry, we'll get Mr. D to let us sing the Awakening yet!  Don't forget me this year at school!  Luv ya!

How goes it?!  So, GTC this year, we're gonna have to take charge and show the new comer's who's boss!  Right?  Right.  Or something like that.  Can you believe our summer's almost over??  I can't.  We'll have to fit in one or two more movie nights before we're forced to go back!

Cup of coffee
"I love coffee, I love tea..."

New York City Taxis
Choose a car, and GET OUT!!


GET OUT OF THE CAR!!!!!  Just kidding!  Margaret, I love you, you're my hero!  Girl we totally need to talk more.  We CANNOT lose touch.  Ok?  Ok.  So tell me what's new and everything.  What's the update with...my teddy bear...anything exciting?  Or is he still being stupid.  I'll have to tell you my latest, with my situation...not a big deal, but still better!  So how's your summer been?  What did Loud Matt say when you saw him this summer??  Did you tell him he can't have sophomority anymore?  Maybe we should loan him our Junior Power, since we don't need it this year!  Lol, talk to me!!! 

Megan, Megan, Megan.  Trouble Posse #3!!!  You're the coolest!  (Well, one of the coolest anyways!)  Girl, I definitely don't see you enough!  We haven't seen you at Youth Group forever!!  Where ya been?  We miss you :(  So come back!  Lol, hey thanx for signin my guestbook.  You were the first.  Yay.  So coolbeans to that.  Hey, let's not forget to hang out this year k?  K.  Peace out Mr. T!

It's you gone guy!