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Meine Journal

9/18/02  1:35pm

Howdy!  How's it goin?  I haven't been on here FOREVER.  So much has happened...but I won't share all.  Let's hit highlights, shall we?

American Idol:  Kelly won!  Yay Kelly!  I love her voice.  I figured she'd win, especially once Tamyra left.  So I'm glad she one.  She has such a beautiful voice.  And I love the song they wrote!  A Moment Like This - gives me chills - Ooh! *lol*
Titus:  Titus has been cloned.  Oh my...if you don't know Titus the Tennisball...you should!  (Or Titus 2, 3, 4, or 5  for that matter!)  Titus the first is no more...Titus 2 is somewhere in the West High ceiling...and Titus' 3, 4, and 5 are safely in my room waiting for the big move to their new home (my band locker)...and nothing better happen to these three...  cuz we do not need any more Titus' running - er, bouncing around.  
Last Nite: Oh man...got in a car accident last night... leaving GTC practice...the clock in my dads car was broken...well we were leaving, and I was checking my watch, and Brian J**** was in front of me, and he stopped really fast, and I hit him.  I was sooooooo upset.  Luckily brian was super nice about it, and so was his dad.  I was crying cuz I felt so bad.  Both of our parents came out and we had to call the cops...since it was my fault I have to got to court next month - which sux...but insurence should pay for the cars and the cop said I should only have to pay a $90 fine...plus I have my full license so that's safe. 
It was weird...we both have '95 Ford Taures', and wen I hit him, his back bumper got stuck in between my front bumper and the hood...and just sort of got wedged in there...it took his back bumper right off, and it was just attachted to my car...it was kinda funny.  But still...luckily my dad wasn't too mad...but I felt really bad and it sucked.  I'm just glad I wasn't going fast, and everyone was ok, and luckily Kyle and Amanda were there cuz they were just leaving practice too and they knew what to do...Brian and I didn't really know what to do since neither of us had been in an accident before.  Anyways, so that was not fun...

But then I went to Sarahs...and had a better nite.  Man yesterday was a weird day.  Anways, I don't wanna spend my whole day off (while everyone else is taking the stupid ITED's - ha ha!) sitting on the comuter.  So I'm outta here. 

Luv y'all!

9/7/02  2:24pm

Brr...it's cold in here.  (I'm at work...good ol' Hy Vee...stupid store...)  Anyways...haven't been on here forever!  That's so sad.  Life's gettin crazy though, so that's why.  Lets see, what's happened since I was last on here?  Well...It was Dana and Katies birthdays...that was funny, we decorated Katies band locker for her b-day.  Lol.  Um...had another movie night...that was "squishy"  *lol* or something like that...had a football game - we lost.  So sad.  And...oh!  The Rockapella concert!  That was sooooo cool.  I loved it!  And there were so many people there!  It was great.  Also, American Idol's over.  Kelly won!  Yay Kelly!  Her, Justin and Tamyra were my favorites.  I'm sad it's over though, cuz now I have almost nothing to watch on tv...except the Braves that is...go Braves!  Except it seems like every time I got to watch them, they're not on that nite.  So sad.  What else...hmm...I dunno.  Oh, but I was watching the finale of American Idol yesterday...it was sooooo good.  Wow, some of those people really have talent.  It was entertaining to watch.  Plus they sung great songs!  So yay!  *sneeze!*  whoa, don't know where that came from.  I hope I'm not getting a cold.  That would suck.  We're going bowling tonight - yay!  That should be fun.  As long as people come.  And SMT meeting bright and early tomorrow.  8am.  Oh joy.  Ok well breaks almost over.  So....ta ta for now!

8/31/02  4:43pm

Lol, last night was fun.  We had our movie nite at Kristins house, and it was cool, as always.  We watched Father of the Bride - good movie.  And Prince of Darkness - stupid movie.  It was supposed to be scary...but it wasn't really...just one or two places that made you jump here and there...it was pretty gross too.  So sad.  I want to watch a scary movie once in awhile that actually scares me. *lol* Oh well.

Anyways, so that was still fun.  Today was the Iowa Hawkeye game and according to Ty C*********, we won.  So coolbeans.

Tonight I'm going bowling with a bunch of friends, and tomorrow is the Student Impact Labor Day camp out.  Yay!  That's always fun.

Oh!  And yesterday, Ben, and Megan, and Hamm were all at school!  So I was happy I got to see them, and talk for a little bit. 

Not much else goin on right now...Oh!


Can ya tell I'm excited?  Oh, I am.  Go Braves!

Luv ya!

8/30/02  11:33am

Grrrrr...!  I am not happy.  I actually remembered my pictures today!  But!  None of the scanners are hooked up!  How much does that suck?!  Not cool, not cool at all.  So I'll have to wait til they hooke them up, and who knows how long that will be.  So sad.

Hmm...on a new note...goin to Kristins tonight.  Yay! 
That'll be fun.  I love movie nights. 
I don't really have anything else exciting to talk about...not that this was exciting...um...

They finished painting the yearbook room last night...(I was at work), and it looks pretty good!  Just a little bit more to do, so that's cool.

Ok, I'm even bored typing this, so I'm gonna go...although that means I won't be using a fast computer until we get back on Tuesday...sad.  Oh well.


8/29/02  10:38am

Oh I am tired.  But that's ok...almsot fell asleepin Computer Science today...that's bad...but I didn't...so that's good.  I should try and get some of that thing they call sleep...yeah, that'd be good.

Well let's see, what's new?  We painted the yearbook room!  That was pretty cool.  It's like 5 different colors.  But it needs a second coat, so they're doing that tonight...I have to work, darn.

Had GTC practice last nite...made me sore...I hurt my ankle while I was doing one of the moves, and a guy ran into it...oh well, not his fault, but now it's really sore.  I look kinda funny when I walk!

What else?  Today in American Humanities we had an older couple who used to teach that class here come in and talk about what life was like in the '50's.  It was pretty interesting.  Physics and Computer Science however were not.  Oh well.
Today is picture day...for everyone except the seniors.  Ha ha!

Today Eli told me that going to the University of Nebraska as an student from out of state only costs about $2,000 more than going to the U of I as a state resident.  So yay!  I might actually get to go to Nebraska...that is if I decide I want to go into music.  (Awhile ago my dad told me that I would only be allowed to go to an instate college...this made me very upset.).  So yeah, good news...hopefully Eli's right.  *lol*
All this college junk is giving me a head ache...I hate it...I think I'm just lazy.  But I want to enjoy my senior year, not have to think about college yet. Oh well, I stuppose I should get started on that soon.  Yuck.

Well I have open hour right now...and!  I got to drive today, so I should take advantage of that and go get some good food.  Eli wouldn't get me Big Mikes yesterday when he went there during his open hour (stupid him ), so maybe I'll go there today.  Yes, yep, that's what I'll do.  Decision made.  Joy.

I'm hyper.

I was going to bring my pics from Europe today and scan them so I could put them on here...but I forgot them!  I keep forgeting them.  It's so sad.  I keep forgeting to bring them.  But I promise, I will some day!  
Ok now I'm hungry, so here I go!  Ta ta!

8/27/02  11:19am

Life is crazy, as usual!  I stayed up til 1am trying to write a stupid paper...it finally happened, and I it turned out pretty well, I think...I actually stuck it on here before I went to bed (Under: "Oh Essays"), I figured after all that effort my teacher didn't have to be the only one to read it right?  Yeah, something like that.

I am so exhausted today though...wow...sleep is good.  Didn't fall asleep in Computer Science today though, so that's good. 

Oh my goodness!  The assembly yesterday was hilarious!  Nick cracks me up.  Yeah, so if you missed it, I'm sorry...that was one assembly not to skip!

What else...Oh!  This weekend was really crazy.  We had a movie night for Shelby's birthday on Friday, that was fun...then on Saturday I worked for 8 hours and almost died...I really do need a new job.  And on Sunday it was all about youth group.  We did worship in city park, and it went soooo well.  I had a blast.  Set up and tear down was crazy, but I think it was worth it.

And then it was back to school.  So sad...it felt so weird to be having school on Monday.  I dunno, just not used to it I guess.  You know, the bus system is evil...our driver never comes at the same time, so far it's been any where between 30 minutes of a difference.  It sux.  I hate the school bus.  It must die...but unfortionately it's my only way to school...so sad.  *sad puppy dog face*  So if any one of you wonderful friends of mine want to take pity on me, and maybe offer me a ride or two everyonce in awhile, I'd love you forever!  Lol, just something to ponder.

Oh!  Last night I went to Katie's house, and ate grapes.  Good story right?  Ok, so there's more...we had fun.  It was me, Katie, and Eli.  We worked on the posters for the prayer group...all I have to say is...everybody poops!

Ha ha.


8/24/02  9:41pm

Well I've lived through the 2 full days of my senior year...crazyiness...the second day went a bit better than the first, but it was still crazy.

Last nite a bunch of us went to Shelby's for her birthday, we had a movie night.  It was fun.  Movie nites are always fun.  So yeah...Happy Birthday Shelby!  (Tomorrow).

Today I had to wor...8 hours!  I almost died...or so it felt.  But I lived through it.  I tried to get off early so I could got band practice, but that didn't happen.  I was so sad.  lol, but after work I went by the church anyways, and Katie was still there, so we chatted until I had to leave to pick up my sis.

I was gonna to do somethin with Eli tonight but he said his parents wanted him to stay home...now I wonder if they really wanted him to stay home, or if he really just wanted to stay home so he wouldn't miss the first Huskers game   *lol* just kiddin Eli , either way we ended up not doing anything, so here I am at home putting off starting my American Humanities essay...cuz I don't wanna do it.

Can you believe that?!  And essay already!  It's due on Tuesday...it's on "My 3 greatest values."  What do I value the most...hmm..so far I'm goin with my faith and friendships, but I'm havin a hard time comin up with a thrid one...I was gonna go with sleep at first, but I didn't think that would leave a very good first impression with my teacher.  So I think I'll pass on that one...maybe music...but is it really one of my top 3 values?  Hmm...I shouldn't have to think this hard this early in the school year!

Lol, so yeah, I need to be doing that soon.  I went to my moms store earlier and bought some stuff to brighten up my binders, but I know if I start doing that I'll never get to my paper, so I'm frusterated that I can't do something fun right now...

...of course I am on here...and that means I'm not doing my paper...this is not good.  This means I have to go, cuz I just told on myself, too myself, that I'm not doing my homework, and since my parents aren't here right now to nag at me, I have to nag at myself to do my homework...oh well, at least I'm not at the stage where I yell at myself to get it done...that would just be too much.  I don't think I could handle it.

But like I said, now that myself knows that I'm not doing my homework, myself has to make myself do it...so I have to go.

Oh, but by the way, it looks like the Huskers are gonna win, so Eli can be happy he stayed home to watch them and celebrate   *lol* now onto ponder my values...

Or something.

8/22/02  11:06pm

Wow.  I do not want to be back at school...that's what I've decided.  But unfortionately that's where I am.  Go figure.

Most of my classes pretty much suck.  I'm not sure if I would rather be taking American Lit or American Humanities...Computer Science or AP Calc...I've changed my mind so much...and now that I've decided on classes, I'm not sure if they're the right one.  I guess it just seems like this is my last chance, and if I screw up, I can't go back and fix it after graduation.  Does that makes sense?

Yeah...suckbeans.  So the last day of my summer pretty much sucked...I stayed home all day and cleaned my room...I didn't get very far, but there's some improvement.  Then I tried watching TV but there was nothing on...on the way to All State practice it started raining, and I got completely soaked on the way in.  Drenched.  It was actually kinda funny...except I was soooooo cold once I got inside because we finally got air conditioning installed in the choir room, and it was on full blast.  So I sat there shivering the whole time.  Ha ha.  Until Jamie, my hero, ran and got her sweater from her fabulous mini van for me.  (This was after it had stopped raining of course!)  Thank you Jamie!  *lol*

I did get to go out for ice cream with Kat which was fun...then we went to Trget fro absolutely no reason at all.  It was great...or something.

Then I stayed up late, which was a mistake.

And woke up this morning all tired.  And excited for school (or something!) and turned on the radio.  Now because I went out for ice cream with Kat, I missed American Idol last night, but I taped it.  Except I didn't have a chance to watch it last night, so I was gonna watch it after school.  But when I turned on the radio...what's like the first thing I hear?!  Who got kicked off!  I was soooo mad.  I didn't want to know that until I watched the tape!  And on top of that, like one of my favorite people got kicked off!  Tamyra.  Tamyra got kicked off.  Not cool.  Stupid Nicki.  Grr....I am very frusterated about this...but hey, it's not me up there so why should I care right?  So yeah...

Now I'm at school...it's 4th hour, and I don't like my classes.  Suckbeans.  Suckbeans.  Suckbeans.  Ooh!  Kat and I might go see Mr. Recker after school today!  Yay!  We haven't seen him FOREVER.  So I'm excited.  Then I have to work...that sucks.  Oh well...

Bell...back to school.

8/20/02  12:15am

I am soooooooo hyper!  It's great.  Haven't been on here for awhile cuz my computer is stupid and slow, and cuz I had Good Time practice all weekend.  Like, literally all weekend: 9am to 9pm on Saturday, and 1 to 7pm Sunday.  Talk about a lot of dancing!  It was great!  My ankle hurt a lot, but I survived.

Our show is gonna be sooooo cool this year.  The choreography is awesome (thanx to Mr. Kilmer! *lol*) and the songs are cool, and we get a costume change, and I get to be Cher!

Ok, let me explain a little better...our theme this year is Time.  We don't know what all of our songs are yet, but so far we have, Cher's "If I Could Turn Back Time," (I have a solo for that, so I get to pretend to be Cher, and two guys lift me way up high, and everyone one else is like worshiping me - just kidding!  But it kinda looks like it, so yeah, it's cool.), and our next song is "Alexander's Ragtime Band," it's totally cool.  We have hats and everything.  And our closer is two songs put together...I forget what the first song is called, but the second one is "Final Countdown" from Rocky, it's totally cool too.

We also have a girls piece, and a guys piece, our ballad, and possibly one more song.  So we have a lot of songs this year.

I love it!  And I'm way hyper!  Ha ha.  And 4 girls quit like last minute, so now we have to bring up 4 alternates, and guess who gets to teach them the choreography!  Me!  Cuz I'm a dance captain...that'll suck.  But oh well.

I love GTC...I'm addicted to show choir.  Or something.

And I can't believe schools gonna start in 2 days!  I'm not ready yet!
It needs to be summer still.  I'm so excited for my senior year, but I know that it's going to go way too fast, and then I'm gonna be sooooo sad when it's all over.  It's crazy to think about...all my friends will scatter, and everything will change...and in a way I'm so ready to start my own life, but I like how things are now, with everyone right here.

It makes me sad to think about it...so I won't.

Let's see...Ok, I'm tired.  So maybe I'll go to bed.  Busy day tomorrow: All state practice, bible study (t-shirts, finally, yay!), and movie nite.  Coolness.


8/16/02  4:08pm

Ha ha ha!!! I'm sooooo hyper!  I've had a good past couple of days.  So that's cool.  Let's see...I haven't updated this in awhile because my computer is super stupid, and every time I would get on the internet, it would freeze up...but now it's working, so that's good...it's still slow though.  So stinky.  Anyways...

Let's see, what have I done in the last few days...well, since I last wrote, I went to Bible study Tuesday night and we decided that next week we're finally doing our t-shirts so yay!!!

And...then Wednesday morning I had to get up insanely early (7am) to go to "All State Camp" at school.  That's been the last 3 days, and it was fun (I guess), but tiring.  So yeah and...

What else?  Watched A Walk to Remember again cuz my sis got it for her birthday.  I LOVE the song that she sings during the play.  I like it a lot. Um...

What did I do Wednesday nite?  I don't remember!  So sad.  I know I did something...brr it's cold in here...hmm...still don't remember.  Oh well.

Thursday I...had All State Camp again...and I went to Kristin's for a movie night.  That was fun...movie nights are fun.  Courtney was so excited about her senior pics, it was hilarious...and!  Kristin and I finally figured out who that clarinet player from New Orleans looked like!  (We've been trying to figure it out since May!)  Lol...I forget his name though...oh well.

And then today...more all state, then I changed my schedule so now I like it.  So that's cool.

Here it is:

1: American Humanities with Lindsey
2: Physics with Harding (and Kat!)
3: Computer Science with Rolenc (Sorry Katie, I dropped AP Calc)
4: Open/PE with Stumpff (Team Sports)
5: Choir with D
6: Yearbook with Ordman
7: Open...for now...until I figure out what's goin on with Music Theory, or until I'm off the Photography waiting list...whichever comes first.
Advisory: Shollmeier.  Gag. (In the CaFeTeRiA!!)  Grr...

So that's my schedule.  Hmm...so that's the latest update I guess...let me know if you have a class with me!!  heheh.

Tomorrow we have GTC alllllllllll day (9am to 9pm)  I think I'm gonna die.  But at least I'll FINALLY know what songs we're doing this year!  Lol.  So that's cool.

And now I think I'm going to sit down (cuz it's better than standing), watch West Side Story (cuz I can), and read my book (cuz I want to).

Oh yeah!  That's right, I forgot to mention!  I read a book!!  I. Read. A. Book!  Do you realize this hasn't happened for like...ever!  Lol, so that was cool.  I borrowed it from Kat.  It's called, "Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging."  It's super good.  And now I'm reading the sequal (yes, I'm reading another book!  Lol) And that one's called "On the Bright Side, I am Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God."  So far it's hilarious too.  Coolness.

Ok buh-bye.

8/13/02  2:18pm

Good morning!  Well...at least for me anyways...I just woke up!  But that's probably because I went to bed at 7:30 in the morning!  Lol.  Yay for sleep overs.  Ha ha ha.  I'm so tired it's great.  Right now we're watching LEGALLY blonde...good movie.  At least it used to be...until watching it with Eli ruined it for me!  Lol...let's just say he doesn't exactly like that movie all that much...oh well.  So yeah, that's what we're doing now.  It's great.  Or something.

La di da di da.  I'm hyper.  Cuz I'm tired.  And I was gonna say something more...but now I don't remember what...guess memory loss comes with sleep depravity.

Whoa, last night, I was on here...and I think I got all pshycological or something...check out Random Thoughts, and that's what I came up with at 3 in the morning.

Tomorrow, All State camp starts.  Oh joy.  I'm so sad though, cuz Val was gonna do it too, but then she decided not to, so now I won't get to see her.  Ha ha.  Oh sad.

Oh my...dog going psycho...not my dog...the dog of the people who's house we're at...(we're "house sitting")  or something.

Ok well, I'm too tired to think much more, so I'm gonna go.  Blah blah blah.


8/12/02  10:47pm

Hello all.  What's happenin?  I'm chillin at Dana's neighbors house and we are PARTYIN'!!!  Or something like that.  Lol.  Dana's house sittin for her neighbors and we're over here spendin the night.   It's great.  We watched A Walk to Remember.  I hadn't seen it before.  It's so sad.  I really like the movie, but sorry Britney, it's not my fave.  Heheh.  Now we're watching somthin else.  It's great.  Blah. 

Oh!  And I just found out that the pep band's doing one of my favorite songs this year.  Lol.  It's great.  Vehicle.  We did it for GTC two years ago.  Ok that's great, I know, nobody cares.  Lol.  Fine then, I can take a hint.

Ok, I'm outta here.  Buh-bye!

8/12/02  2:39am

Let's see...where did I leave off...?  Oh!  Saturday night...well I was trying my hardest to find some people to go with me so I wouldn't have to drive to Des Moines by myself...but it didn't happen.  I ended up having to baby sit for my mom's boss' little girl from 8:30 to midnight, but it was the easiest job in the world cuz they put her to bed before I came (she's 2) and I basically had nothing to do but watch tv, and listen incase she woke up...which she didn't.  So that was pretty boring, but at least I got paid right?

Speaking of being paid...went to Hy Vee, looked at next weeks shedule...still not on it...if I'm not on it by next week, I definitely don't have a job anymore.  Aw stink, no more Hy Vee...I'm so heartbroken.
Anyways, so I thought I was gonna be driving by myself which stunk...but then this morning, my mom said that she didn't have to work anymore, so she could come up with me if I wanted...but if she came, she was gonna bring my brothers...I said, fine, whatever...but then my dad didn't want to be left home alone all day, so they decided to make a family trip of it...last minute.  (And remember, my sis was in Des Moines, which is the whole reason I was going...and the whole reason I was looking for friends to go with me is cuz my parents weren't gonna be able to go get her, so I had to.)  But in the end, everyone ended up going.

State Fair.  Family.  Little kids.  Never again.  Oh my.  Let's just say things didn't go as I had hoped.  It was extremely hot, so everyone was cranky...and I got to do all sorts of fun little kid stuff, like watch my brothers go on the little train...watch my brothers go on all the rides...visit all the little booths my Aunt wanted to see...walk...walk some more...actually it wasn't that bad...but next year, I'm definitely planning ahead and going with friends - for fun!

So yeah...at least I got to make two more of my little sand art bottle dealies to add to my collection.  So I was happy.

When we got there, we decided to watch the Bill Riley talent contest for awhile (Tyler and Wes C*********, Matt B****, and Josh H***** were in it doing their little B-shop quartet thing, and one of my friends from the trip, Anna W****** was singing in it also.)  So that was fun to watch.  Oh!  And the exciting thing!  I got to see 4 people from the trip there!  It was great.  Anna (of course), Nancy, who was accompanying Anna), Mike I******, and Veronica H***** were all there.  I was so excited!  So yeah, that was fun.

After we finally decided to leave, I slept on the way home (good thing I wasn't driving!  *Lol*) and my ankle was soooooo sore from walking.  I'd worn my brace all day, but it didn't help too much...I don't know how I'm ever gonna dance at the GTC retreat next weekend, but we'll see how that goes.

When I got home I had some messages, and found out there was a movie night tonight (Yay!) at Colin's house.  It was fun.  There were a ton of people there.  But I didn't get there til late cuz I was gross from the fair, so I wanted to clean up first.  But yeah, it was fun.  We watched some weird cop movie, and Fight Club.  Seriously, who ever wrote the script to that movie has some definite mental problems.  It was the weirdest, twisted movie I think I've seen in a long time.  Yeah.  It was crazy.
Then tonight when I got home, "A League of Their Own" was on TNT, so I decided to watch it.  It's like one of my favorite movies.  I always cry at the end.  Lol, I'm not sure why....probably cuz it's such a happy movie...or something.  But yeah, love that movie.  And now it's over, so I decided to get on here for a bit.  And that has been my day.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention what I woke up to this morning *gag*  My dog slept in my bed with me last night...and apparently he got sick or something during the night, cuz I woke up this morning and there was this small wet stain on the bottom corner of my sheet, and the comforter had been pushed back...Cocoa was all bunched up at the other corner.  Stinkin' dog...so yeah, now I can't even get off here and go to bed.  Noooo, I still have to put sheets on my bed.  Blah...sometimes you just gotta love your pet, but ignore the nasty stuff...or something.  Yeah.

Yuck, and now tomorrow I have this interview thing for the Youth Salute scholarship program...I talked to Sarah today and she's already had her interview...said they ask some really cheesy hard questions, like: "If you could meet one world leader, dead or alive, who would it be and why..." and "What has been your biggest contribution to the community..."  Gag me with a stick!  Like I ever think about stuff like that!  Hmm...leader?  No clue...something - anything I've done for the community lately...beats me...I'm too busy.  Blah.  I guess we'll see how it goes.  Stupid scholarships.

Wow, as you can see, I'm not in the best mood right now. *lol* sorry.  I'm blaming it on lack of sleep.  So maybe I'll go put the clean sheets on my bed, lock my dog in his kennel, and hit the sack.

Until next time my friends...Ha!
8/10/02  2:32pm
Ok, so I'm bored.  Blah.  Last night was fun.  Went with Kat to see Triple X.  It was a really good movie!  And then we went to Ty's house and he played his guitar and sang the Nagamini song! (sp?)  It was spiffy.
And now today I am desparately trying to find some people to drive to Des Moines with me!  Tomorrow I have to go to Des Moines to pick up my sister, and I'm also going to the state fair.  And I definitely don't want to drive by myself cuz I've never driven there before, so I've been trying to get some friends to go, but everyone's either working tomorrow, is out of town, or is painting with their dad.  It's so sad.  *Tear*  Or something.  So yeah...some people I called weren't home, so I'll probably try them back.  But chances are looking pretty slim.  So how about this...if you're on here, and you're a friend, and you can go with me tomorrow, give me a call!  K?!  K.  Sounds like a plan...doubt it'll work.  But ya never know.

I'll probably end up going by myself...sadness.  Kyle said he might be able to go, but not sure.  So yay!  Hopefully he can.  Ok, well I'm getting sick of the computer, cuz it's slow.  So I'm gonna go.  But hey!  The Braves won again last night.  Yay!  Go Braves!

8/9/02  1:49am
Oh Kat and I were sooooo hyper tonight.  It was great.  So first we decided to go to a movie.  And we were gonna go se Minority Report...but we weren't sure what time it started, so we just kinda went when we felt like it.  So of course, knowing us, we missed it.  So we decided to see Master of Disguise instead.  Let me tell you, that is one WEIRD movie.  Funny, but weird.
So then we drove around for awhile, and went to her house.  We were kinda bored at first but then...we found JoeBob!  If you don't know who JoeBob is - you MUST learn.  Trust me.  It's great.  So since we were still bored we decided to...make a webpage!  And who did we make this webpage about?!  (I'll give you two guesses, but if you're smart you'll only need one.)  JoeBob!  Of course!  That was fun.  We didn't get very far, so we'll get back to it some day, but for now, click on "Some Other Spiffy Sites!(Created By Me)" and check it out!  (Especially if you have no idea who JoeBob is.)
It's great!  So anyways, that was tonight.  And now, since I'm hoping to make it to All State tomorrow - er, today...I should get to bed.  G'nite!
8/8/02  1:58pm
So, today is a new day.  Last night I went to Sarah's, it was fun!  There were a lot of people there...but not all at once...they kind of came and went as they pleased...but yeah, it was fun.  We watched some movies.  First we tried to watch the Purple People Eater...some weird movie from the '80's (with Little Richie as the mayor lol), but that one got shot down, big time.  So we started watching America's Sweethearts, until 9 o clock, and then we watched the Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Rings...ya know, I know everyone in the entire world likes that movie...but I just don't get it.  I mean the storyline is interesting enough...but it's SO long...It just gets boring to me...(I know I'll get shot later for saying all this)...but I just don't understand why everyone loves it so much.  Oh well...it would probably help if I read the books...but I don't like movies that require reading beforehand.  Lol...you all know how much I read!
Anyways, so we watched that and it was fun.  Lol, Sarah got some pretty funny presents...lets see, I gave her some fuzzy monkey sox, a fuzzy locker mirror, and a squishy ball for her "situation".  Lol.  She also got I think some kind of funky plush pig, a kung fu guinea pig, and some staples and paper clips (she asked for those, heheh).  So yeah, that was crazy.
Today I was supposed to go to All State rehearsal, but I didn't really feel like going, so I didn't.  Maybe I'll go tomorrow.  But I got up and bummed around for a bit...and now, once again, for some reason I'm on here. 
Oh!  And I finally got a guest book on here!  So now HOPEFULLY I can tell who sees this thing.  So yeah, if you're on here, take the time to say hi to me in my guest book! Yay, thanx!  Lol. 
8/7/02  4:26pm
Well, I didn't go to the res...I went to the City Park pool instead.  It was fun!  It was just me and Val, and, even though we went to the pool, ironically we didn't really get in the water all that much.  Lol, it was cold.  We mostly just laid out and talked.  It was cool.  I like Val, I just got to know her on our trip to Europe, but she's cool. 
So anyways, now I must get ready to go to Sarah's house for movie night, and her birthday.  Oh joy!  Lol, I'm hyper. 
Bad news...neither of the libraries in town have scanners that I can use, and I don't really feel like going to copyworks and paying to scan them when I have a perfectly good scanner at home...except that it doesn't work.  Oh yeah...so it looks like I'll just have to wait til school starts so I can use the scanner there.  Suckbeans.
Oh and speaking of school...decided to change some things around.  I was debating whether or not to take AP Calc, like I had signed up for, or to take Computer Science, another math class...and I decided, screw AP Calc...I'm never gonna use it anyway, unless I go into something like engineering or teaching math...and even if I did teach math, I definitely wouldn't be teaching it at that level!  At that level, math's not fun anymore...so I decided to take Computer Science instead cuz I figure it will be more usefull to me.  Now I just hope it will work with my super crazy class schedule.  One schedule problem down, one to go.  Oh joy...I'm half way there...whatever.
Ok, this school talk is getting boring.  I'm outta here!
8/7/02  12:21pm
I'm going to the res...I'm going to the res...oh joyburgers, I'm going to the res...all the more sun to burn me to a crisp...again!  Blah.  Oh well, it'll be fun...I like looking like a tomato...or something.  Ok, buh bye.
8/6/02  4:26pm
Ha ha ha.  I'm hyper.  I just got back from looking at senior pics with Katie.  It was fun.  Most of hers were pretty good!  So yay.  I on the other hand, still need to sign up for senior pics.  Shade on me!!  I probably should do that soon.
Anyways...lets see...went to a movie last night...it was fun!  Saw "Signs"...weird movie...not as scary as I expected it to be...weird ending too, too predictable.
I have bible study tonight!  Yay!!!  I love bible study.  So I'm excited.
Man I wish I knew what I want to do with my schedule next year...I'm thinking about changing some classes and stuff, but I'm not sure if it's the right choice.  Don't you hate that?!
It's Sarah's birthday tomorrow!  Happy Birthday Sarah!  I love birthdays.

I also love being random...isn't it great to be random?
I went to Hy Vee last night...finally...my name wasn't on the schedule.  Lol. So hopefully I still have a job...but if not, I think I'll live.  I hate working at Hy Vee...did I just say that?!  Oh, yup, I think I did.  Word(s) of advice: Don't EVER work at Hy Vee if you can help it.  Capiche?
Ok, I'm bored, so now I'm done...bye!
8/5/02  4:02pm
Good morning!...er, afternoon!  Same thing right?  Something like that...so what have I gotten accomplished today?  Absolutely nothing!  Well I did watch an episode of Trading Spaces...but that's about all I've done today.  Oh, and I guess I've added a bit onto this site too...no pictures yet, but another shout out...so Kristin and Margaret can be happy. 
While we were decorating Katie's room last night, and for once it was clean...I think it kind of inspired me to clean my room.  Oh joy.  Only now I actually have to do it!  What I really want to do is re-arrange my room.  I hate how it's set up now.  But that would take even more effort.  And I'm not sure a have a lot of that right now.  Or something.  Oh well, I guess we'll see if I actually get around to doing it.  I hope I do.
Ok, now it's time to email Katie.  Yay!  She should be home by now.  Yay!  I hope she's not too jet-lagged.
8/5/02  2:36am
Well, I couldn't get the scanner to wrok.  Crap.  I guess I'll just have to wait until my dad gets around to fixing it.  But knowing him that could be forever!  Oh well, I'll just have to find a different way to get those Europe pics up here...ok, now I'm getting in trouble for being on here so late so I guess it's time for bed.  G'nite. 

8/4/02, 11:15pm
Went to a wedding this weekend.  It was great!  The bride is a beautiful person (inside and out!) and the groom is very cool too.  Lol, if you know Laura and Dan, you'll understand what I mean.  It was probably the most untraditional wedding I've ever been too!  The bride and bridesmaids wore flip-flops with their dresses...the groom was wearing black adidas...there was no wedding march - they used a different song instead...wedding "pie" instead of wedding cake...and lots more major differences from the "usual" wedding.  But it was still a great wedding anyways.
Tonight at youth group we played Mushball!  Yay!  Mushball is basically softball with a bigger, softer ball, and no gloves.  It was fun.  I hit the ball hard, as usual, and I was able to run!  Haven't done that since forever...
After youth group, Stacia, my sis, and I went to Katie W's house and decorated her room.  (I've never seen it that clean before!!)  It was fun...there are sooooo many balloons and streamers in her room.  It's great.  She get's back tomorrow.  Yay!  (I've missed my best bud).
Tonight my mission is to get the scanner to work so I can get my Europe pics up on here...we'll see how that goes.
8/2/02, 7:16pm
Well lets see...Today I was really bored, so I decided to make a web page.  No small project, that's for sure!  But it's kinda fun.  It's Friday, and while I'm working on my site I'm watching the Braves game (It's on, so of course I'm watching it!).  Wes Helms just hit a grand slam!!!  Yay.
Anyways, basically this is what I've done all day, otherwise I would say more about what I've done today...lets see, what am I doing tonight?  Oh, nothing.  Ok.  Lol, looks like a night at home on the computer.  Ha!  Unless someone decides to call me...and wants to do something...that would be ok with me!  Well anyways, I better stop journaling so I can finish up this site. 
Tomorrow I have a wedding to go to.  Oh joy.  Actually I like weddings, so it should be fun.  It's in Ames, so driving will be done.  Ha ha ha.  Ok, later.
