Research Grp.

Scientific Rationality

An Approach To Ghosts & Ghost Studies



Ghost Overview






Ghost Album



Ghostly Communication Methods:


Electronic Voice Phenomenon is a method by which observers attempt to communicate with Ghosts via a common recording device, such as a tape recorder.  


Ouija Boards

Ouija Boards, which literally means 'yes, yes' is a simple  method by which participants attempt to communicate with ghosts/spirits/guides via a small wooden or cardboard board simply marked with the words 'Yes' and 'No'.  More common and elaborate boards have the entire alphabet and the numbers 0-9, and often will contain other symbols like the sun and moon as well as the signs of the zodiac.  While the format of the board may differ one necessary commonality is the 'Planchette', a small pointing device.  The planchette is placed on he board and all the participants place their hands onto it.  The planchette in modern times is usually a plastic or wooden triangle with a glass (see thru) center, but older and still as viable forms include upturned cups, glass and smooth, flat rocks.