The Ghost Album
Here we have attempted to show some examples
of famous and, infamous ghost photos of the past and present. We welcome any
submissions of ghost photos and your interpretation of what you photographed.
Ghost Photography
*The camera was not invented overnight, it
was a 300 hundred year long process that culminated in the plate designs of George Eastman
which allowed photography to become the pastime that it is today.
Examples of deliberate Fake Ghost Pictures

'The Brown Lady' - Classic depiction of a Residual
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The Ghost of Lincoln This picture is considered by many to be the first ghost photo the
public had ever seen. This photo taken by William Mumler, a boston engraver started
a nationwide interest in spirit photography in 1861.
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What an elemental may look like. Online |

Example of a 'Rod' Online |
Example of a 'Orb'
Submitted By: R Ashley,
"Skulls and Faces"
Submitted By: Kevin M., The
East Coast Ghost Hunter.
When examined closely this
picture is said to reveal a myriad of faces and skulls.