Research Grp.

Scientific Rationality

An Approach To Ghosts & Ghost Studies



Ghost Overview






Ghost Album



Ghost Overview:

I have set out here to give a brief summary of the organizations'  philosophy with regard to some of the more important and topical aspects of ghosts and ghost study.

Defining Terms - Ghosts - The Big Problem - Death - The Spirit
The Soul - Life After Death - Heaven, Hell & Reincarnation
Literary Modes - Format - Classes of Ghosts


Defining Terms:

For decades the paranormal community has had constant battles and discourses in semantics, which is far from a problem solving event.  We must rely on the shared use of common terms and shared definitions when we try to understand any subject.  This is the first and foremost challange we must overcome in the Paranormal Community. In using Scientific Rational Approach, the terms set forth here and in the Ghostpedia, are to be the basis when experimenting.



Ghosts are first and foremost a very general term used to describe a wide variety of paranormal or unexplained events.  Ghosts are typically defined as deceased humans, still residing with individual consciouness for some purpose unknown. 

Often times people will ascribe in both personal experiences and literature, a sense of purpose to the manifestations.  The sense of purpose can be as simple as seeming to return impart information with messages, or to tidy up unfinished buisness, as well as more complex purposes like revenge and other malicious motives.  As we ascribe the human type of emotions and characteristics to ghosts, we have become accustomed to thinking of them as synonomous with our deceased counterparts.   This may or may not be the case in all situations.   It is a major mistake to ascribe all ghostly events and encounters to contact with deceased or formerly living humans.  While we cannot rule out the unlikely possibility that in some form we do survive after death and retain some degree of consciousness and memory, we still must bare in mind that the chances of gaining proof of such matters is slim.



'The Big Problem'

Within the framework of studying the paranormal a person of sound mind is confronted almost immedietly with a huge glaring problem.  The manifestations mimick almost identically the symptoms of a myriad of recognized mental illnesses, all of which are schitzotypal or delusional in nature.

Here is a chart showing the way the psychiatric community views experiences of the paranormal.



Psychiatric Diagnosis

Hearing Voices

Seeing Things

Feelings of Being Watched

Beliefe you can contact   spirits

Delusional Disorder

Delusional Disorder

Accute Paranoia

Delusions of Grandeur


Our view is that the act of 'seeing' dead people and regular communications with deceased or elemental beings is simply not represented within the acknowledged scope of our historical ghostly literature.  

Please see the Post Experience Survey Page for more in depth ways to discover the predisposition of people who have had an experience.  


Death: The Final Frontier

While there is no doubt that a majority of persons who study ghosts are fascinated with death, we may have to set aside that predisposition for the purposes of any study with ghosts that we undertake.  To say that all ghosts are deceased humans would most certainly be false, but we must allow for the idea that the literature is not completely wrong.  In the literature of ghosts we cannot escape overt instances and constant references to the fact that ghosts are post life humans.

From both literature and personal experience I have found that in most situations it is a rare combination of circumstances that allow any type of ghostly encounter to take place.  Looking for one, singular answer to the origin of all ghosts or events related to ghosts is another likely mistake any student can make. 


The Spirit

The spirit is that little understood energy that powers the physical body for a duration of time determined by enviornmental circumstances.  Often erroneously used as synonomous with the term 'soul', the spirit is energy itself.  Like most energy sources, the spirit is finite and limited on an indivudual level.  The source for the energy is basic cellular division.  While I admit that within that there is a flaw of logic that preceeds the cells themselves, meaning if the cells create the small amounts of energy, where do the cells themselves derive energy from?  This is a not a basic issue and has no singular simple answer, but it is not unattainable. Mystery still surrounds some aspects of life.   We find that atoms in certain patterns form bonds and then vary and then evolve.   We may be looking to define life with other terms, when really life is itself a viable term to speak within.  We do not need to reduce life to further define it, we can accept that certain terms define what life is.  If we approach life trying to define it by reducing it and ascribing more and more terms to it, we may not find very much life.  But if we stand back and more loosely define this term, we can see that the Earth, Sun, Solar System, all are forms of life and have a spirit.

It is interesting to note when discussing the spirit, that folklorist's do not equate the spirit with that of a deceased human being.  We see through folktales that most times a spirit is often equated to an area or specific location.  This beliefe is a core element in Animist type religions, where all objects and places posess a spirit and individual character.  Native American tribes have been known to have literally scores of lesser deities more akin to animist spirits than actual gods.

It is also very common in religions and belief systems to believe that there are two distinct parts of the spirit.  The two parts are usually divided by one being a higher more evolved version of the other.  I would tend to think that this is an expression of two distinct aspects of self that all creatures must at some point come upon.  All creatures are of themselves distinct and also at the same time one of many that are the same.  We are human individuals but we are all human.  It could be either a need to extend self, in the case of humans or it could be a seperation from what we have passed already in our physical evolution.  We see use of this mode of seperating our spiritual components in more modern theories like the holy trinity and even Freud's divisions of the mind.  In Frueds resoning we are divided into three seperate mental components, Id, Ego, and Super Ego.  The Id and the Ego are what seem to be represented by the two distinct types of spirits a person posesses.  The invention of the Super Ego to describe other events or the meshing of the two basic componets is a considerable help to understanding human psychology simply because it aknowledges the combination of the two as a unique thing.


The Soul:

The soul is what I consider the most real and primal manifestation of our genetic history as well as our collective rendering of evolution.  The soul would  be akin to what Jung would call the Collective Unconscious, a repository for our ancestral information and learned skills.


Life after Death:

As humans we have been given a very basic and overt method to live after our own personal death; our children.  We breed and produce a very close approximation of who we are.


Heaven, Hell & Reincarnation:

Heaven, in myth and legend has always been regarded as a place where a spirit goes after physical death as a reward for living according to a set of religious laws.  While not every culture has this tradition we can see it in many areas of the world.  Other heaven type places include, valhalla, the happy hunting grounds ...

Obvious Flaws In the Theory of Reincarnation:

First and foremost we have a basic math issue with regard to soul progeneration and general division.  If the soul reincarnates over and over there would only be in fact one soul and one person. 


Understanding The Literary Modes of Ghosts

The topic of ghosts is best approached initially through literature and through research of written accounts of events.  We are fortunate to posess over 4000 years of written history as humans, and a good portion of that history has been dedicated to preserving our religious and personal views on death, dying and the afterlife.  In literary terms ghosts serve a number of purposes, first as harbingers of fate and second as an etheral judge and jury for misdeeds. 

Premonitory Ghosts - The ghost in literature is many times seen as prophetic, returning to impart information about future events or to warn someone of impending disaster.

Didactic Ghosts - This motiffe is based on revenge for deeds unseen.  This is set aside from religious motiffes which is another common expression of retribution after death.  In this mode the ghost returns to the living and exacts some deed to balance the scales of justice that the world could not or would not make right.  We see didactics as an expression of guilt and didactic ghosts are a manifestation of fear of unseen revenge.

* Charles Dickens offers an unusual and entertaining blend of both of these modes in his famous work ' A Christmas Carol'. 


The Format:

Conception:  Describes the likely methods through which the particular variety of ghost may be conceived.

Composition:  This section will describe theories on the matter that composes the particular variety of ghost..

Conditions: This section contains theories on the likely conditions that provide a condusive enviornment for ghosts to appear.

Manifestations:  This area describes the various types and forms of appearances that the specific ghost may take on.

The Participants:  This section provides names and explanations on how to classify persons who experience the paranormal.

Varieties:  This section describes the various types of classical motiffes and renderings of ghosts.


SR Classification of  Ghosts

Another, what I consider, erroneous, assumption made by most ghost researchers is that there is one singular source for ALL the various types of manifestations. I have found that there are three categories that all ghosts can fall into; Residual, Ancestral and Elemental. Each of these types has their own origins, habitats, energy sources and modes of operation.
While over the years I have seen many variations of peoples attempts to classify ghosts, what I am putting forth is a basic and very primative, yet irrefutable seperation of three distinct types of anomolies.

Click the links below to view our descriptions of each type.

Residual - Ancestral - Elemental