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Romulan Star Empire

An enigmatic offshoot of the Vulcan civilization, now residing on planets Romulus and Remus.  The ancient Vulcans left two millenia ago during a rebellion from the teaching of Surak's philosophy of logic and pacifism.  Capable of considerable tenderness, they can also be violent in the extreme.  They have great curiosity, but also exhibit a tremendous self-confidence that borders on arrogance.  The leader of the Romulan Star Empire is known as the Praetor.  The Romulans fought a war with the Vulcans that lasted for centuries, and then came a war between the Earth forces in 2160 resulting in the establishment of the Romulan Neutral Zone (any violation of which was considered an act of war).  In 2268, they entered into a brief alliance with the Klingon Empire, resulting in the sharing of military technology and spacecraft designs.  In 2311, the Romulans went into isolation, following the Tomed Incident, not to emerge again until 2364 when early indications of Borg activity were detected.  Under the backing of Romulan operative Sela, a civial war between factions in the Klingon Empire broke out from 2367-2368, which eventually stalled and failed.  In the late 2360's, an underground movement emerged seeking the reunification of Vulcan and Romulus.  When the government found out about it, they used the reunification as a covert attempt to invade Vulcan, but the plan was eventually thwarted.   The Romulan Star Empire played a critical role in the Dominion War when they loaned technology and ships to the war effort, even going so far as to share their cloaking technology with the Federation.


Reference: 1. The Star Trek Encyclopedia:  A Reference Guide to the Future
              (By:  Michael and Denisa Okuda)

        2.  Star Trek:  The Next Generation

        3.   Star Trek:  Deep Space Nine