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Vampire The Legacy (working novel)

This is still in editing, so don't get bent out of shape.





The boat pulled into harbor just as the fog as lifting. I raised my head from the pile of ropes I had been sleeping on. Knowing the crew would be here any second; I got up and ambled into where the cattle were.

The sound of sailors above me rushing back and forth to commence docking procedure made my heart race. If they found me, the cost of stowing away was life. I looked out of one of the port holes to see that the gray winter sky had become overcast.
I watched the door open and a few men file in. Instead of going for the ropes, they headed toward the cattle. One of them, a bearded man with broad shoulders and red hair came forward and ushered the cattle out. I tried to blend in, but was easily spotted. A few shouts rang out, but I had already scrambled up the latter and onto the deck. Some more shouts shot through the air as I ran to the edge.

The night was clear and the moon shown its eerie light on the murky water. I didn't know what was in that dark water that stretched to unimaginable depths. The gang plank hadn't even been lowered. I looked heavenward and saw the stars in the sky. God, I was going to die! I was only fifteen and I was going to die.
Upon turning around, I witnessed the captain stepping out of his cabin and two sailors grabbing hold of my arms.

The captain himself was impressive. He had stunning black hair and a tall slender figure with the sun of seven seas burned upon his skin. He was lavishly dressed and very well kept, which was unusual for a sea captain. Those brown eyes stabbed me like a thousand daggers. I looked down to avoid his harsh gaze. 

"She was found while unloading cattle, sir," The red-haired man said in a deep voice.

"Stowaway or thief?" The captain asked in a silky voice that I had heard several times from below deck.


The captain stepped forward on regal air toward me. He reached out and grabbed some of my hair. He rubbed it between his fingers as though judging the quality of silk. He then grabbed my chin and looked at my face.

"Hmmmm... she's a bit dirty, but will fetch a fine price at market tomorrow," He stated to the crew who gave a laugh.

"NO!" I shouted.

"How can you pay for your voyage?"

"I don't know," I said quietly.

"Exactly," He said and smiled slyly, "so to make up for the trip, you'll be sold. Besides, you'd make a good servant."

My mind raced with ideas as to how I could pay for the trip, a million and one came to me, but none of them logical. I became angry and struggled. This made him laugh, which only fueled my anger. The two sailors forced me on my knees and tied my hands behind my back.

"Now, what's your name child?" The captain asked. His breath smelled of smoke. His hands now clasped behind his back and the black hair framing his face. The brown eyes scanned my body.  Instead of responding, I spit in his face.  He wiped the spit out of his eyes and slapped me.  A violent sting ripped through the right side of my face.  The deck rose up to meet me.  I crashed down and felt the wind knocked out of me.  Hot Tears rolled down my cheek as the shock wore off and another wave of pain poured over me.  I was lifted off the ground and forced into the captain's face.

"What's your name," He demanded.

"Katherine," I coughed.

"Well, Katherine, you just arranged for your death. I hope you like manual labor."

His foul breath wrapped around me like a blanket, its scent choking me, suffocating me. My eyes watered, my head spun, and my vision blurred. I was pulled back and I could feel the oxygen rushing back into my lungs. I could finally relax. The thought that plagued my mind was: "Why me?"

The captain stepped back and looked at me again. A smile of satisfaction spread across his face. He enjoyed my tears, enjoyed my pain and the red mark that spread across my cheek.

"Put her in my cabin, finish unloading. I'll be with her in a minute."

All I could remember from that night was the fact that I was carried into the cabin and questioned. The next day I was bought by a man who sold me to another man, then carried to another country. There I awaited another sale date.

I was barely alive, sitting awake all night in the corner of the same room my master slept in. Not thinking, just existing. I couldn't remember how I had gotten this far.

The room was small and held very few things. There was an oak dresser in the right hand corner that had a mirror, a candle, and my master's purse. His bed was adjacent to where I was sitting, his soft breathing and occasional murmurings assuring his sleep. His clothes lay in a pile at the foot of his bed. The moon cast an eerie light on the room and caused things to run together in a blur of images and pale colors.

Over all, this place had a sense of gloom and sadness wrapped around it like a great heavy cloak. It was quiet and desolate.
I put this behind me and tried to sleep, only to be awakened in two hours time with a sharp pain of a foot connecting with my ribs. My "master" had gotten up to find me under his bed. He had dragged me out and started kicking me until I woke up. I got up and was taken to market.

The day had been slow, so I wasn't sold. I heard my "master" and the auctioneer arguing about what to do with me. A few coins exchanged hands and I was taken with the auctioneer, who was kind and gentle.

We got into a carriage and started on our way to his house. Not wanting to talk much, I stared out the window on the town that slept so peacefully. While passing one street, I noticed a man who was dressed in rich clothes and wore a magnificent cloak, His skin a pale color, almost white, and his eyes a deep violet. He saw me and watched the coach go by. A smile on his lips and glinting white teeth proved him most kind, but slightly different.  I sat back, away from the window, slightly shaken by what I had seen.  The man laughed a little and asked if I had seen a ghost.  I smiled gently back at him.  Just then, the carriage came to a jolting halt and the horses reared.  I looked out to see what the upset had been and a grip like iron took hold of me and pulled me out the window.  I screamed and held on for dear life, but my strength was giving.  I felt myself being torn from the carriage and the carriage taking off.

I looked back and saw that the driver's neck had been broken andhis body hit the ground with a dull thud.  I punched and kicked and screamed until I was too weak to do anything else.  Sleep descended on me and held me in its dark embrace until the next night, when I woke in a large room with beautiful tapestries, fine rugs, and silk curtains.  As my eyes got accustomed to the dark, I saw the man sitting in a chair next to where I slept.  I reached clumsily for a sharp object.  The man looked up and smiled that same smile I had seen the night before.

"Why did you take me?!" I demanded.

" I am appalled that you think so.  I merely found you unconscious on the road nextr to the dead man, I almost thought you were dead too.  Be glad, I saved your life."

"That makes me indebted to you."

" I don't see why."

"What cruel game are you playing?""None.  Come, why don't we get you clean and I'm sure you'll feel better.  What is your name?"


"What a pretty name."

I watched him suspiciously as he went to fix the bat.  I was still tired and my head spun as I tried to remember that night.  I sat up and watched him test the water.  The steam rose slowly from the surface and the heat touched me in a moist breeze accompanied by a smell of flowers that came from the soap.

The man beckoned me to come to him.  I rose as if in a dream and walked towards him.  He came behind me and removed my shirt.  The cold night air struck me and I shivered.  What surprised me even more was how cold his hands were.  As cold as marble, the same color as well.  I covered myself with my hands, which gave me little protection.  I stood in front of a sunken bathtub bare of all coverings, his cool hands resting gently on my shoulders.

"Go ahead," He soothed his eyes gentle and caring.  He had never moved his lips to say this.  The distress at this must have shown on my face because he smiled reassuringly.  I stepped into the tub and felt the warm water rise over my shoulders.  I closed my eyes and let it roll over me, the pleasure filled me, and it was overwhelming.  My head went under and when I came back up, my hair hung heavily down my back.

He began to wash my hair, his unusually cold hands running through my hair, scrubbing my scalp.  It felt good, but I was slightly embarrassed.  Buckets of water were spilled over my head in order to remove the soap.  From there, he left me to wash my body and face.  Once I was sure he was gone, I stood and did just that.


I left the bathing room and rang for my servants.  After arranging for some clothes to be brought and the old ones burned, I left my body and went back to the room where she continued to bathe herself.  Her beauty was beyond comparison.  Her pink flesh, the curves of her body, the way her hair streamed down her back.  I would watcher, teach her, and guide her.  What a magnificent woman she would become.  I returned to the bathing room and presented her a towel.  She took it cautiously and set it aside.  Quickly, she rinsed herself and wrapped the towel around her body.  She then stepped out and waited for me to leave so she could dry herself.


I felt dizzy from the hot bath.  He paused for a moment and looked at me.  I reached out for something to steady myself on, dropping the towel in the process.  He caught me before I hit the marble floor.  His cool hands felt good on my hot skin, he lifted me up easily and carried me to the bed.  During all this, I felt as though I was in a haze, like a blanket had wrapped around my mind, lulling me into thoughts of complete security, otherwise I wouldn't have been caught dead in this situation.

He put me down on the soft sheets and left the room, only to return later with clothing that would fit a princess as such elegant colors and soft fabrics wrapped around me.

I dressed quickly and looked myself over approvingly.

"What happened to the aucitoner?" I asked.

"Was he the one riding in the carriage with you?"


"He is dead."

"Oh.  Then why are you giving me such fine clothes if you're going to sell me?"

"Sell you?" He demanded in a soft voice, the very idea seemed to apall him.


"My dear, you are welcome here.  Not as a slave, but as a guest.  Stay as long as you like."

"But why? I dont understand."


"No one deserves to be a slave."


I sighed and blinked a few times, trying to sort my thoughts.  I realized that I was hungry; a sharp pain had settled in the pit of my stomach and had chosen this moment to remind me that it was there.  I focused my attention on him again.


"May I have something to eat?" I asked.


"Anything you'd like?"


"Nothing in particular."


"Very well, I'll see what I can have prepared for you."


He left and I sat on the bed.  It was soft; the cotton sheets felt warm and the recently fluffed pillows had been set up neatly.  I rested my head on them and almost fell asleep.  He re-entered the room and escorted me through the halls filled with murals and beautiful paintings of landscapes and people.


It was a magnificent house, richly lavished and very clean.  I figured he must have been a lord or count.  There were no servants about, but I didnt doubt it was due to how late it was.  I followed a good distance behind him just in case.  Few things you needed to know in order to live on the streets were how to watch your back and not trust anyone.


We walked into a great room that had chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and a large table that sat in the center of the room.  At the far end was a single place setting.  Two small candles lit the area as I walked towards it.  I sat down and began to eat.  He sat next to me, watching me with a curious fascination.  His eyes fixed on my every movement.  I was a little uneasy about this, but continued to eat.


I realized that after all this time; he had not told me what his name was.  Normally that's one of the first things offered by the person.  I looked up at him and swallowed what I had in my mouth.  His brilliant white skin pierced the darkness like a knife.  He smiled nonchalantly and leaned against the table.  He continued to watch as I finished the meal.  

Selected Short Stories