
strange little works of writing
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Update: 01/10/05
Happy New Year folks.  With it comes a new page.  I have decided to post my erotica on this site.  It's under the header "I've a naughty little tale..."  For those of you who keep up with this site, you should enjoy these future writings.  For those of you who couldn't give a happy shit, too bad.  Feel free to email me your thoughts.  Other than that, the Blood Dolls group has been started.  Its on  I didn't want to deal with the yahoogroups website as they have a habit of taking things down at random.  Other than that, I will try to keep everyone posted.


Ok, so I know that I haven't been updating like I should be. I have been busy with school stuff and making a new group. I hope that someone joins. It would be nice. I figure someone has to be reading this or something, even though I might not be as popular as (btw, I love that site), I figure I have to have some fans out there. I would just like them to speak up and give me some ideas for what they want to see on the site. Anyway, I figure I would post to let you guys know that I am not dead and that I fully intend on making some major work on the site over Christmas break. If you have something you want to see on the site, then send me a comment or something. Let me know. Anyway, I am out.



Ok, I know I haven't been too good about updating this website, and I am very sorry about that. School has taken over and killed my creative genuis. I am now out on winter break until the 19th of January. Talk about a wonderful long break. I got off on the 13th of December and have been spending time with family the entire time. I am loving it here. Woot! Anywho, I am looking to add some more to my story as soon as I get it typed up and edited. I will probably be doing that while in Massanutten for the week of the 26th. Relaxation! woot! Anywho, I am out to see what else I can do. Much love!


Update: 9/23/03
Time: 9:37pm
Hello once again, I hope everyone is doing well out there in Cyber land.  I have some very good news.  I have an illistrator for my Legacy books.  I should be seeing some art work shortly, provided she has read what I have written.  No pressure though.  Heh heh heh.  ^^;;;
Anywho, I am settled into college life now and things are looking good.  I have a great grasp on things and I look forward to completing this year, joy!  The only thing I haven't aquired is a job, *sobs*  Ah well, all good things come in time.
I have managed to make some great friends that I hope will be able to stay with me through my undergrad and graduate years.  Things seem to be on the up and up so far, and well, other than that, nothing here to report.  The next update as far as the books are concerned will be sometime in the future, but I cannot set an exact date, so bear with me.  The next major overhaul on the site will probably be in the next few weeks or so, I am hoping to add a little DTHML and a little CSS coding to this site.  YAY!  Anywho, love to all of you and I hope you will keep me posted on your opinions and such, I am also planning on having a guest book with the major overhaul.


Update: 8/5/03

I am recovering from surgury better than I could have hoped. My jaw is still a little sore, but other than that, I am doing well. It's really funny to watch me try to eat, because I can't open my jaw all the way. My cheeks are all swollen so I look like a chipmonk. The stiches feel kinda' funny, but other than that, everything is good.

On another note, ONE MORE WEEK TO GO! Then I am away to college. Ya' know, the closer I get to it, the more it feels like it is supposed to happen. I can almost say that my nervousness is gone. My roomy is quite cool, and I look forward to finally meeting her.

Well, that is pretty much all I have to report. Talk to you again soon!


Update: 7/27/03

Well, nothing much has been going on recently. No updates have been made because I am remodeling a house and have been too tired to do anything. I am currently working on two sites at once, the other has yet to be made. And it is for a friend. I am preparing to head off to college as well. OH! I just got a new game. Age of Mythology. FUCKING awesome game!

On another note, I saw From Hell and 8MM and loved them both. Johnny Depp is quite attractive, especially in Pirates of the Carribean. Love him in that movie, even though it was Disney. I am anxiously awaiting more replies and people's views on things, I am open to publishing practically anything, provided it's not toooo out in left field. Please feel free to send me writings and such, I would love to have them.

Update: 07/18/03
Well, here I am again, still working on getting this page better than it was.  Sorry for the slow progress.  I am working on getting all of the first book (or atleast what I have written in it) up on this site by September.  I have no idea WHEN in September, all I know is that it will be done by then.  More good news! My comic will be up on a website.  I know that you are probably asking "What comic?"  That's because it is a new invention and I will have the link here as soon as it is up.  This comic sucks as far as artwork is concerned, but humor wise, it is pretty decent.  I just hope that it meets what everyone is expecting.  It will only be on this up and comming website, not on this one, hence the reason I am providing a link to it.  Also, I am planning on removing the link to DigitalFreaks website because I have seen it as disgracing my website, though whenever I look at it I remember how much better mine is than his.*sigh* I know, that was mean, but c'mon! Look at it!
In other news, My base of oporation will be changed to Richmond, as that is where I will be attending school.  For all of you interested in knowing my school e-mail it is:
Have fun with that.  Moving on!  I am also planning an addition to this site of a personal page about me, as though this "journal" doesn't get personal enough, you get a personal site about me.  Please feel free to e-mail me any questions you have about me and I will include your first name, question and my response on that page.    Please do not be hy, I will answer all questions in a very forth-coming and blunt fashion.  Enjoy the thought of future updates!


Update: 07/17/03

Well here I am, typing from my very own LAPTOP! Isn't it great? Well, I know I have been a little short in the updates area, but I am here to tell you that this will be remedied soon, I promise. I am currently looking for ways to improve some of the things that I have here. Please be patient with me, ok?

Update: 04/21/03
Hey, well, I have been asked to start a site for a friend of mine.  I have to ask him what exactly he wants and how he wants the site to look, but I am excited.  More work in HTML.  It's a little difficult, but that's cool.  Well, not difficult, just a lot of tweeking and typing.  I enjoy HTML, I just have to learn more of it.  It's time to get in touch with a friend of mine to get her to send me an HTML guide. Hmmm...... She's made a lot of websites using HTML, so I know she's good at it.
Other than that, I am going to Kings Dominion on Saturday, and Washington D.C. on Sunday, and then the week after that is the Apple Blossom Festival. Joy.  So many things are happening so quickly.  I have already started moving my stuff down to the Williamsburg house in preperation for college, I am also looking into a car.  I have to call that guy this evening, too.  A white, '78 beetle with manual transmition, and it's a convertable.  YAY FOR ME!

Update: 04/15/03
Ok, the German Exchange students went to school with us yesterday, which was cool, but I felt like my classes were boring her.  I wasn't sure if she wanted to go somewhere or do something because she didn't say anything.  But she's really nice, so I don't mind.  I leave for Williamsburg this afternoon for SPRING BREAK!!! YAY!  We are planning on going to Bush Gardens for a day, which will be really cool.  School is going well, and is almost out, which is another good thing.  I am really looking forward to this summer.  I might be getting A JOB!  Other than that, life is boring.  Hope everyone out there in the real world is having a good time.

Update: 04/14/03
Hey everyone.  I was gone over the weekend, sorry about that, I know how EVERYONE is such AVID READERS of my website.  *sigh*  Well, if you were wondering where I went, I was away at a Christian Retreat *GASP!*.  And if that doesn't shock you, there's more!  I met some very interesting people and we exchanged e-mails and such *GASP^2!*.  So anywho, how is everyone?  I am alive and well..... All things considered.  Still working on getting the spelling corrected.  If you have any suggestions, that's cool, let me know.  Go to the Contact Me page to e-mail me.

Update: 04/07/03
I am going to call this one, Good Christians, only because it's a good title, and I don't normally title these entries.  Well, I was on my way to get crafts for a scrap book I am putting together for my postcards from my trip to Germany when I arrive at a stoplight.  Now, the stoplight had just turned green and the car infront of me had just turned out onto the street when I approach, stop, and try to remember which way to go.  Well, this car 2 car lengths behind me honks in an annoyed fashion, and as a result, I turn the wrong way.  Well, I am driving and the people in this same car drive by, flip me off, cuss at me and speed ahead.  I smile and wave and then continue on to where I can make a U-turn.  Well, as I am making this particular U-turn, I see the car pull into a church parking lot. Ironic, no?  It is a shame mainstream religion now takes the place of being neighborly to people.

Update: 04/01/03
Well, things are going well... I guess.... nothing much is happening.  I am beginning to realize how pointless having friends is.  Mom yelled at me last night saying that I didn't pull my own around the house.  Which is crap because half the stuff in the house that is strewn all over is hers.  Mine stays in my room, granted my room is a wreck, but at least it's not all over the house.  She threatened to cut me off from my social life, which is non-existant anyway, so it wouldn't have done her much good, and I pointed that out.  She then threatened to cut my internet time.  And if you people knew me, you'd know that that is almost non-existant as well.  Then she says that she just won't let me use the phone.  I talk to maybe 3 people on the phone.  One of them is a good friend of mine who lives in NY, and then there's John, and sometimes Oliver would call.  Now that's another story.
Oliver decided that we should not be in a relationship.  He decided that we were too far apart to keep one.  I saw this comming.  I saw it comming with the incident in Peru.  It how all of my relationships end.  People get bored with me because I have my own agenda and will not conform to what they want.  Oh well.  But that's not why I am depressed.  I can't really place why I am depressed, I just am.
I don't look forward to waking up in the morning.  I don't like going to school anymore, it's just another place that reminds me of how un-important I am.  I don't like being at home either.  I'm restless, and I don't know what to do about it.  I like being with people, but people depress me as well.  I don't think anyone would miss me if I suddenly disappeared.  It's almost as though I have lost the drive for life, the only thing keeping me going is the want to succeed at something, anything.  The want to prove myself to myself.  Which is never going to happen anyway because I will never be all that I want to be.
God what a depressing outlook on life. I should be shot or something.  I took a bunch of pictures of myself last night.  I might put them up, I don't know yet.  After all, who really wants to see me?  I don't even know how many people visit this site. 


Update: 03/26/03
Hey! I was incapacitated for about 5 days (yummy, no?) because I was ill.... I am better now.... sorta'  and am back at work on the page.  Please be patient, though, as I am not up to speed yet.  I don't even know if anyone reads this page or not..... WHY DON'T YOU PEOPLE WRITE?!?!?!  ok.... sorry.... ^^;;  Life continues as normal and things could be better.  Graduation has been moved to my birthday!  YAY!  For those of you who don't know when that is, it's June 16th.  Other than that, nothing to report.  Enjoy the updates!


Update: 03/14/03
Ok, here's what's going on.  I have managed to piss of Dan, only because he wanted something from me that I felt I couldn't give.  Now the jerk is mad because he didn't get what he wanted.  I don't care any more.  It's stupid.  Aside from that, I am going to VCU for college.  COOLNESS FOR ME!  I am also planning on adding a Blog page for people who want to write to me, even though I have an e-mail set up for peolple... WRITE TO ME!!!!  I would love to hear all yourcomments.  Aside from that, nothing much to say.  I should have a link to another site that was established by my friend. TTYL!

Updated: 03/11/03

Sorry, I know that I haven't been updating like I should, the good news is that this website will become a project for me for school. A lot of updates will be happening very quickly. I have plans for more pages and more stories, and hopefully to finally get rid of all those horrible spelling mistakes. I look forward to these updates and hope all of you in the reading world do too.

Update: 03/02/03
Hello everyone.  Today is an ok day.  I am still working on this webpage as you can obviously tell.  Nothing much is going on in my life, I am just here.... existing.... doesn't that sound like fun?  I am contemplating creating another webpage to add to this one, but I am not sure if I should... I might...  I might make a webpage for my RP character.
I had fun with a camera a few nights ago and will put a few of the really good pictures up later, they are on another computer and this one is at school.  I am sure everyone would like to know what the creator of this website looks like.  Well, maybe night, but I am going to torture you anyway.  MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Ok enough of that.  I haven't seen Angel recently.  I haven't even heard from him.  It worries me, but then again, if he doesn't want to talk to me, he doesn't want to talk to me.  *shrugs*  He'll talk to me when he wants to.  Oliver is all upset because we broke up.  *cough cough*  excuse me.... anywho,  he wonders why I am not all upset about it.  Just goes to show that he doesn't know me as well as he thinks he does.  I don't get upset over little things like that.  It just doesn't bother me.  I can't help it if he doesn't want to be in a long distance relationship.  I knew it wasn't going to work, what with him complaining about my busy schedual, which it is busy only because I have things that I have to do.  No big deal.
I wish I could find a relationship that would be worth while.  Something that would be beneficial.  Maybe I am to casual about relationships.  I don't care if we break up, and to an extent, I don't care if we go out.  I just want attention..  a little TLC... ya' know?    Ahh well, not like anyone cares anyway (except Pete, lol).


Update: 1/21/2003
Okay, I know I have been lazy about things recently..... and I am sorry.  I am going through and correcting all the spelling mistakes and what-not in the short stories area.... this might take a while, so bear with me.  Thanks for your patience.
On another note, I will add a wonderful letter from a friend of eight years to this page so that everyone knows what happens when you finally realize that you two were never friends to begin with and it hits you like the hot kiss at the end of a wet fist.  I will show it later and it should be on this page.
Things are going slowly, nothing much has happened.... The webpage for my school is up after much hard work, but there are still kinks that have to be worked out.  I am glad because now I get a chance to relax and work on what really matters..... my writing.
As everyone knows, I went to LOTR II and loved it.  Also went to see HPII and loved it.  I am looking forward to purchasing the sound track to LOTR II just because the composer is soooooo awsome (<-- ex-band geek talking).
I look forward to updating more often.

Updated: 11/22/2K+2
Today I said good-bye to a friend who is going to New York to check out this ceremnony for his dad.  I am going to miss him when he moves.  ARGH! Then there is my friend who is getting married! (I think I mentioned that before) GOODIE FOR HIM!!!!!! *does a stupid dance*  Not much has happened.  I am close to losing what is left of my mind, but that's about it.  I hope you guys like the updates.  Check out the VAMPIRE THE LEGACY IV I promise you won't be disappointed.  I plan on the beginning of the 2nd book, but I don't know when I will get around to actually putting it up.  So, I will talk with you guys later!!


Update: 11/21/2K+2
Well, all is going ok, I guess..... A lot of work has to be done before I am back on track with the school...... it all has to be done before exams, too.  Not cool.  Aside from that, I joined the forensics team again this year and I am looking forward to a great performance.  I have 3 major grades comming up.  One in Art, one in Government, and one is in English.  Not pretty. 
On another note, one of my friends has a fiance!!! JOY FOR HIM!!! I am sooo happy.  He's coming over tonight to tell me all about it and stuff.  he says he wants me to be at the wedding, I told him he would have to tell me when and where and what to wear.  I am really happy for him, I can't wait to hear all about it.
Then there is the case of my ex-bf.  This is a bit confusing.  At the beginning of the year, he wanted nothing to do with me.  Now he is all over me and I am not quite sure how to take it.  So I am just going to play it by ear and see what happens.  I don't think I will go back to him unless he literaly comes "crawling back."
*sigh* There is so much drama in life.  And my 13 year old sister managed to break the garage door.  That wasn't cool because that got mom yelling at me because she thought I had damaged the car and then I got pissed off because i was trying not to hit my sis with it.  So finally I gave up and let mom do the driving and went into my room and played loud music.
That was when my friend from Columbia called and I was so pissed off with my mom that I yelled at him and vented and shit.  ARGH!  Well, I appologized profusely and then we had a nice little conversation.
A friend of mine is coming with me to Williamsburg this weekend, I am looking forward to it because then she can meet some of my friends.  She is also looking forward to it.  I really should be doing homework right now, but eh? I'll procrastinate a little while longer.

Updated: 11/13/2k+2
Okay everyone, I went to Germany and had a great time.  I will fill you in with my journal as soon as I get it back.  I turned in to the creative writing class for publication in the paper and or the webzine.  Not much has happened.  I have to totally re-work the damn webzine (BTW I am the web master for it.  happy me) all because we have to have student art work and we aren't allowed to se pictures off the internet even if we give them credit.  *sigh*  Anywho, it's getting progressively colder and things are getting wetter, even though the sun is shinning right now.
Some shit went down while I was gone.  Bad shit.  A few friends of mine decided to take a break from a relationship because of this shit, they had been going out for about 2 or 3 years.  I was supposed to be going home to Williamsburg this weekend, but that got shot in the ass.  I have a mad fine on some library items that I have to take care of.
I almost got into a fight with this bitch of a kid who was getting on me about how I was *correctly* playing volleyball while he didn't know shit one about it.  Excuse me, but I think I know what I am doing after being on a Junior Olympic volleyball team.
I have to go and get applications for college soon, I have deadlines comming up and if I want to be accepted, I have got to get this done.  I am looking at the following colleges and I hope to get accepted to one of the top 3:
       1. Columbia University (New York)
       2. Viginia Commonwealth University (Richmond)
       3. College of William and Mary (Williamsburg)
       4. Christopher Newport University (Newport News)
       5. Old Dominion University (Virginia Beach)
       6. Tulane University (New Orleans)
I know that most of them are on the east coast, but I can't say that I want to stay there... I have to try for something else, just in case.  Anywho, I have to go and finish updating my webpage.  Enjoy the new stories and what-not!

Updated: 9/17/2K+2
Well, here it is, my sis is now 13 and I am short one b-day present... damn my no- money ways... I can't even get my own sis a b-day present.  Well, I ended my Lj, so those of you who want to know what's going on will have to visit my website from now on.  Not much has happened... school is going well, life is doing ok, I managed to cut myself while doing a soap carving.. it was crazy.  Blah... well, I don't have much to ramble about today.. kinda' tired... yeah.. ok, nightnight

Updated: 8/27/2K+2
Well, the second day of school went well. I have all easy classes and I fell asleep in 2 of them today.  Not that great.  I tattooed myself.  that was fun.  I am going to go play pool tomorrow.  Jake is being an ass *again* and I really don't care anymore.  He's bi and upset about it.  poor baby.  deal with it.  Love and shit.... I am having a great beginning of the school year.  JOY!  Okay, I will talk with you guys later.


Updated: 8/20/2K+2
Well, here it is, nearly a week away from the beginning of school. But luckily, I have only this year and college left before I head on out into the "real world." What a chore. I have to find a college and scholarships and such inorder to do this and then I have to go out and marry some rich violinist so that I will be supported in my work (authorship if you haven't noticed) and then I have to be able to travel. JOY! Well, in time, all of this will be accomplished in one way or another. So how is everyone who is currently visiting my site? Anything to report?



1. A sudden or rapid change in attitude toward authorities.

2. A rebellious, sullen spirit towards parents.

3. Possession, of intense interest in, occult and magical books.

4. A philosophy or attitude that shows a reversal of norms; for example, bad is good and good is bad.

5. Animosity and cynicism towards Christianity, including God, Jesus Christ, the Bible, the Church, pastors and youth leaders, and Christian ideals and ethics.

6. Severe mood swings, a drop in grades, intense introspection, depression, loss of sleep, frequent nightmares, paranoia or excessive fear, restlessness.

7. Possession of specific Satanism-related items, which might include knives (especially daggers and knives with bizarre or medieval handles and blades), small pots, cauldrons, or incense burners; special salts or herbs; bells or gongs; tribal drums; animal parts; bones; candles; incense; amulets; talismans; charms.

8. Intense interest in, study of, or dabbling in New Age philosophies, practices, and rituals, such as ESP powers, spirit channeling, crystals, acupuncture, reflexology, reincarnation and karma, etc..

9. Morbid fascination with the dead or with death.

10. Self-mutilating, including marking oneself or marking with tattoos or body paint.

11. Black coloured clothing, when worn almost exclusively, or when combined with the wearing of jewelry, buttons, or paraphernalia with occult symbology. Also the wearing of such jewelry and paraphanalia with any clothing, T-shirts with pictures of heavy metal album covers of Satanic symbols, and black fingernail polish.

12. Intense interest in heavy metal rock music, including the worship or admiration or rock stars and the hanging of posters of these stars and their albums. Also, interest in New Age "mood" music.

13. Use of illegal drugs of any kind, or alcohol abuse.

14. Obsession with fantasy rôle-playing games, such as Dungeons and Dragons.

15. Unusual body movements and effects such as twitching, tics, rocking, glazed eyes, head banging, moaning or groaning, chanting.

16. Lack of empathy toward the hurts in other people's lives.

17. Cruelty or inhumane acts against people and animals, or acts of vandalism.

18. Fascination or obsession with horror, slasher and occult movies, or with occult symbols.

19. Use of Satanic nicknames.

20. Fascination with blood.


Updated: 08/15/2K+2

Okay, well, a few days ago I met this guy named Angel. That's not his real name, but he's interesting enough. We talk on MSN now. I like his conversation style. It's not this "holier than thou" attitude that many people have. Hmm, bitched out a Jesus freak again. They won't stop e-mailing me. Then there is this other person who is a friend of theirs.... damn freaks..... wanna kill them. Ah well, it takes all kinds. Aside from all that, Va Beahc weekend sucked, but I am no longer mad about that. I will give you an update on that one later. Seeing as it is already 1:35am. Blargh. Haven't heard from Brandon, thinking about moving my Lj to here, just because I don't want as many flames. Well, that's about it. Enjoy the dumb comics.


Updated: July/30/2k+2
Well, after a rather long leaving, I am back to wrok on my Web Page. I am dreadfully sorry for leaving it in sucha condition while I traveled Europe. I should have a page that will show you all the wonderful things that I did while I was there. I will also have some more poems and short stories in their designated areas and will have the next little bit of the selected long story up soon. This should all start taking place somewhere in August, hopefully. I will divulge more later, have a nice night!

updated: 2/27/2k+2

Hey everyone one who is no one and reading this page. I am sitting here at school trying to figure out what my next page should be for this site. Got any ideas? I don't. I was thinking about putting up an online journal, but I figured this would end up being the same thing and I already have a deadjournal and a livejournal account, why make one more? So if any of you have any ideas, please, go to the "contact me" page and write to me. I am really dead in the water here. I will be updating the Vampire the Legacy story today, so you will be able to get the next tidbit of the story. Remember, it's still being revised and stuff, so if something is missing, or something is changed don't be surprised and don't get pissed because I am the owner of this site and as such I reserve the right to add and change stuff on this website. Thanks.


updated: 2/26/2k+2

Hey there! I know it's been a while since I added something to this portion of my site, so here it is! An Update! Well, I don't have alot to say, just a little thing about a once good friend of mine turning out to be a total ass. Yes, he decided to go out with this B!TCH to try and get me mad, yet it didn't. Then the lot of us find out that they weren't actually going out and they are planning this huge "break up" tomorrow. No one cares and I finally told him what I thought of him, but luckily he'll be moving to California this summer and we won't have to deal with him our senior year. I went and saw Queen of the Damned on Sunday. It was a good movie as long as you don't read the books (of which I have every one in paperback and hardback including the first movie and the soundtrack to the first movie) The only book I am missing is the newest one "Blood and Gold" and I look forward to getting that soon.
I ordered the soundtrack to Bram Stoker's Dracula and am hoping to get the movie as well (I think it is the only vampire movie that I cried at the end of). Even though the movie was relatively sucky, I am still buying it and I am still going to get the soundtrack (because the soundtrack kicks ass) and it's all becuase I am a vampire FanAddict.
I don't think I have much else to report except that I spent $350 that I don't have on a DVD/MP3/CDR/CDRW/VCD/CDA home theatre system. It kicks ASS! hee hee heeee. Ummm, I am hoping to bring my friends up here to see it, and I am going home on Friday (joy). Well, I am going to go now, talk to you later!