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Mei psyk Poet-trie


Green eyes on black.
Cool hands on warm flesh.
Soothing words whispered.
Bewitching voice in the cool night.
The brush of soft wings.
The feel of silk on the skin.
How could you be so cold?
How could you be so cold to me?
Crush me to you.
Promise me lies.
I am your sweet addiction.
You are my biggest mistake.
Kiss me savagely.
Fingers in my hair.
Cut my skin.
Make me bleed.
Neat me like you used to.
Scream and threaten me.
Scars on the inside.
Nothing anyone can see.
Take my soul.
Take my heart.
Steal my senses.
Leave my shell.
I am here now.
I will never move.
Never speak.
For you have taken me.

In the silence I realize...

The silence holds me as I look at you from across my bed
You recline there quiet and contemplative,
your face giving everything away I know that something is bothering you
and it hurts when you can't talk to me
I hate having to fight it out of you
You look at me and I can't stand to meet your gaze something shrinks away from you because I know how it will end

You get up and walk around the room, then walk out of the house
A cold silence left behind.
I want to scream at you and I want to hit you
but I can't.
I sit on my bed and look at where you had been and wonder why I even bother anymore.
You sit inside yourself and cry about how you have screwed everyone up
When you haven't

I drive you home and you start with the advances
I am not your medicine
I am not here to take you out of your depression
That is not my purpose
But I know I will give in to you because it's all about pitty that I am not even sure I feel anymore.

You do realize that we broke up right?
You do know that I shouldn't be giving in to you
and that you shouldn't be asking this of me

I sit and I stare at the place where you were lying

I realize that I don't even care that you left


dead sleep

Her body lay cold and dead,
yet she looked alive.
Her hair still as bright and illustrious as the day she died.

Her lips painted red,
Her cheeks brushed with rouge,
Her pale skin still pulsing with the memory of life.

Those beautiful grey eyes closed forever,
Those delicate hands grasping at nothing,
Yet she looks alive and breathing for her chest gently rises and falls.

Moving with feline grace and knowing,
The moonlight sliding off her pale white skin,
She smiles a daunting smile and her eyes pull you closer.
Her voice as soft as the tinkling of tiny silver bells,
Lulling you into a false sense of security,
Her cold lips on your forehead, lips, and neck, whispers in the dark.

Staring at the stone ceiling of a crypt,
She whispers still in your ear,
Though she has left several hours ago and you are her replacement.

Smell the honey suckle and magnolia in the air,
Feel the soft breeze caress your face,
She is gone and you are breathing your last breath.



I hate the world around me,
I hate the people too.
No one I can trust,
No one to turn to.

Sometimes I feel so alone,
Sometimes I am in pain.
Yet no one knows this feeling,
No one hears a complaint.

Sometimes I feel like I am falling,
That no one can stop my decent.
I watch the world slip from my grasp,
While everyone else is content.

My mind has left me,
There is no need to feel.
My body exists without a soul,
A moments peace I want to steal.

I choke on the pain,
And swallow the sorrow.
I hold my head high,
And wait for the 'marrow.

The sunrise showing colors of red and orange,
Tears well up in my eyes at such beauty.
I feel to scream, but don't know why,
Life is full of beauty that I can not touch, it's a futility.

I look at myself and what I have done,
I am nothing and no one.
No one cares for me,
I have grown to accept this, grown up with out the light
of the sun.

I await the one who will make me feel complete,
I cringe away from the touch of others in my mind.
My body means nothing to me,
I have left it behind.

I hide in my mind all that no one will know,
I hide it there to keep me safe.
Don't let anyone find out how I was hurt,
Don't let anyone get close.

I won't allow myself to feel those emotions towards
I won't allow them to get close.
I can't afford to be hurt again,
I know suicide will be it's cost.

My heart hurts,
As no one will ever know.
Secrets my own,
I will keep them forever in my mind sewn.

Allow intoxicating nights and lights be my guide,
Push myself into the drugged atmosphere of the nearest
The mind of a woman pressed into the soul and body of
a child,
Hide away from those who would hurt me and scar my

Find a way to forget it all,
To fly away from life.
Find a way to slip between the cracks of life itself,
Slice its skin with a knife.

Let life onto the floor,
A picture of pained beauty.
Look up into the face of those around me,
Smile and fulfill my duty.

Nothing can take away the pain,
No drug can put it away.
No one will understand it,
No one will, and my soul dies today.



What more is needed?
A simple miscommunication
A slip of the tongue
The exaggerated story

Things turn ugly
Soon half the world is panting down your neck
No one is safe
People are cruel

Children are worse
They are hideous creatures
With twisted minds and hateful schemes
"Have no mercy!" they chant

Behind angel blue eyes lies a gypsy
Kisses so tender soon turn to tease
Trust no one and be safe
Try not to become attached


Everyday Muses

To want to cry
Yet being unable
To want to scream
Yet being quiet

To feel abandoned
Yet not forgotten
To feel betrayed
Yet not knowing

To need someone
Yet having no one
To need love
Yet having none



Saddened by loss.
Weakened by Love.
Memories still linger.
Nothing seems to fill my empty heart.
A Loneliness I have never felt before.
My mind filled with your face.
Why did you have to leave me?
I try to forget, but I can't and don't want
Nothing can replace you.
My heart aches and pains for you.
You left me empty handed and helpless.
I try to stop thinking about you by filling
my mind with endless and pointless tasks.


Musician's Fear

Waltz around your glass coffee table
Your partner a simple napkin
Surround yourself with friends
Bring out the fine wine!

Not everyone knows
Nobody cares until the drink is gone
Don't trust yourself with the key
The dust piles up around the ivory

Notes that often go unheard
Compose your heart on paper
Though the strings will never be
Grip the staff with clenched fists

Fall between the black and white
Fall between the lines
Read time's common signature
Bleed out the treble and the bass



Darkness, thick, inky, and stiking like glue
Hard to move
Hard to speak
Hard to breathe

Nothing distinct around me
Everything I feel at a distance
Missing something
Finding out too much at one time

Whispers coming from all directions
No place to go
Walls pushing in
Closing all exits

Like a rat in a maze
Before another wall materializes



What's scary?
Scary is when the future is there,
And when looking at it you realize that so many
people are forgotten.
Then you look at your life as you watch TV
documentaries and want to be more than another
person behind a desk peddling through papers.
You want to be remembered and you want to make
your mark before you leave.
Life is so short, allowing so little time to do
what needs to be done.
Some are remembered through books of history and
art, others being remembered through music.
I want to be remembered for my contribution to the
people and for my want to make my life full.
So when I look at the future and my death in
forty or so years, it scares me to know that no one
will know how much it means to be recognized.


Tears of a Fallen Angel

She stood in the dark.

Her long blonde hair in contrast with her black clothes.
She stood there and stared at the damnationbefore her.
It was a burning cold that consumed her.

She turned to her master who sat behind in a chair of ebony,
Knowing what he asked of her,
Her lapis blue eyes still holding some memory of morality.
He licked his lips and craved the purity that still existed in her.

He extended a hand with well polished nails and soft skin,
She took it and was lead to stopp infront of him.
He placed a single, marble cold hand on her forehead,
Whispering a chant and his green eyes burned with an inner fire.

They branded her with the fire of hell,
a permanent mark on her right forearm.
He stopped his whispering and bid her to stand before him.
Her new wings folding behind her in a delicate fashion.

He nodded approvingly and she stretched them to full span,
Glittering and black in the fire's light
"You are mine, and mine for eternity, child."
She looked on him in shock and was horrified by these words.

"I understand."
Her wavering voice sounding too loud,
and yet too soft.
He took her arm and pulled her close

"No you don't child, but you will."
He kissed her with burning lips and tongue.
He was brutal and soft,
He raped her mouth and stole her breath.

His hands carressing her body lustfully.
It was then that she understood,
And in the presence of the court of hell,
She wept her final tears.


Walk into the whitespace in your mind,
Follow the walls with your hands,
Two doors in one room you find,
One is black,
One is blue.
You're closed in with no where to go,
Stare at the doors for a while,
Images through your mind flow,
Some good,
Some bad.
Look around you carefully,
Walls insanely white.
Reach for a door knob wearily,
One step,
One breath.
The knob you turn with skillful gesture,
Your heart pounding in your chest.
While images in your mind fester,
Making you scared,
Making you sweat.
Walk through the threshold and breathe,
A dark riim you behold.
All movement in you freezes,
No light,
No sight.
Hear the movement in the dark,
Take no step forward.
Something falling leaves its mark,
Turn for the door,
Run into the white.


Devil's Dance

Take my hand and lead me,
Take my heart and betray me,
Take my sanity and play with me,
For I have danced this dance too long.

I am your puppet,
I am your toy,
I am your source of amusement.

Take my hand and lead me,
Take my heart and betray me,
Take my sanity and play with me,
For I have danced this dance too long.

Kiss my hand and make me bleed,
Twist me and turn me only to confuse me,
Project your lies and command your flies,
For you have the power of deception.

Take my hand and lead me,
Take my heart and betray me,
Take my sanity and play with me,
For I have danced this dance too long.

I hear the lute,
I hear the harp,
I feel the tune,
I know the dance.

Take my hand and lead me,
Take my heart and betray me,
Take my sanity and play with me,
For I have danced this dance too long.

Bewitch me you graceful gypsy,
Entrance me you beautiful devil,
Ensnare me fallen angel,
For I want what no mortal can have.

Take my hand and lead me,
Take my heart and betray me,
Take my sanity and play with me,
For I have danced this dance too long.

Kiss me with secret lips,
Tell me your pains,
Dance and be free,
I will cool the fire in your eyes.

Take my hand and lead me,
Take my heart and betray me,
Take my sanity and play with me,
For I have danced this dance too long.

Kiss and tease me,
Love and leave me,
For I shall wait forever,
I leave you never.

Take my hand and lead me,
Take my heart and betray me,
Take my sanity and play with me,
For I have danced this dance too long.


Mindless boxers and flaming hair that wants sugar in its rootbeer
I sit and I think and nothing makes any sense anymore.
I find it hard to realize that which I could never figure out in the first place.
I am not confused, but I am not certain of anything that seems real on the surface as though it were waiting for me to pluck it out of it's creamy center of daoist delight.
Can you see to the center of the sun?
I can't
It burns my skin and blinds me.
I don't like being blind to the truth and all that surrounds me like blankets of soft darkness.
I don't like darkness when I don't know where I am.
I guess I am insecure.
I am not really sure.
I am never really sure anymore.
I open like a flower and curl back my lips to reveal the sharp words and needle-like togue of a snake only to protect that which was never mine to begin with.

Why is it all I ever wanted was to be recognized for what I want to do and what I know I am good at.

I understand that I am not to everyone's liking, but I am not going to sit here and take it up the orifice from which I expell waste and unneeded materials.

I collect so many wasted things that it is a wonder that my life doesn't feel the same way.
I wanted to feel conected to something, but I am not sure what.
I know it's not people for they are far to horrid.
I am confused, but not confused.
Cruel Jokes.
that's all it is.
cruel jokes.
I hate them.
I hate.
I like that word.
it's so all-encompassing.
beauty is not my strong point, but it helps me get what and who I want.
I am a vixen, with the knowledge of the male mind.
I read souls in my sleep.
too much in my mind to really care what you think.
Hate me and I don't care.
You will get over it.


Picture this.....

A girl in the center of a room,
her long hair falling over her shoulders.
A soft weeping echos in the empty room,
While she drags a knife over her bloodied wrists.

A child holds a bottle of isopropanol,
Opens his mouth and chugs it.
He looks at you and smiles,
A wild fire in his eyes.

Look in the mirror and realize who you are.
Drop the razor and turn on the water.
Wash away all that makes you who you are.
Fall into the fissure of self-loss.

Watch the man look out the window of his second story apartment.
Do you see the gun in his hand?
Look out the same window.
Do you see the cars below?

sit in the center of the abandoned room.
Grab the shard of glass off the floor.
Is it stained?
Is it your blood?

Look in the mirror and realize who you are.
Drop the razor and turn on the water.
Wash away all that makes you who you are.
Fall into the fissure of self-loss.

Hear yourself screaming at the wall.
Touch the one you love.
Their body cold and stiff.
It was your fault...

It never as it always seems.
It was never going to be.
Raise your eyes to the skies.
Never bother to ask why.

Look in the mirror and realize who you are.
Drop the razor and turn on the water.
Wash away all that makes you who you are.
Fall into the fissure of self-loss.

A girl walks into the same room.
Her pale features and purple eyes making you curious.
She cradles you like the lost child you are.
Her wings enfold you.

In a rage that is blinding,
You take the glass and cut the wings off.
You were wondering about the girl with bleeding wrists?
You created her.

Look in the mirror and realize who you are.
Drop the razor and turn on the water.
Wash away all that makes you who you are.
Fall into the fissure of self-loss.



I thirst for your life-source.
I crave your soul.
I will take it by force.
That is my goal.

I can hear your heart beat.
I can smell your blood.
I can feel your heat.
I can see your tears flood.

You are my prey.
You are my quary.
It is you I crave.
I kill without a worry.

I am beautiful to look upon.
My face is fair.
My body incredibly drawn.
Complete with long blonde hair.

Come to me child.
I will protect you.
I will speak in voice soft and mild.
I will attempt to save myself too.