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Rant and Rave


He woke that morning to the bright white ceiling and florescent lights. Upon sitting up, he saw his breakfast sitting about two feet from him. Slowly he moved and put his feet on the floor and then slowly stood up. He licked his lips and went to his breakfast.

It was still warm and consisted of eggs, bacon, and buttered toast. The eggs were always over cooked, the bacon under cooked and the toast inedible.

Prentice sighed and picked at the eggs and gnawed a bit at the bacon. He really wasn't hungry, so he picked at the eggs again and dropkicked the toast, which smacked the wall in front of him. It stuck for a minute, and then fell off and onto the floor, a nice yellow butter stain on the white wall.

He laughed, grabbed up the toast and repeated the action, with the same result being the yellow butter stain on the wall. He continued to drop kick the piece of toast for the next hour until Steve opened the door and looked around Prentices room.

"Deciding to re-decorate your room?" he asked with a smirk.

"I got tired of white walls. Do you think I could use strawberry jam and a few blueberries? I'm going for a modern-tie-dye-art-Nuevo look."

"With food?"


"Yeah, think about it. The colors will change with time. I can grow houseplants on the walls. Hell, I could build my own ecosystem. I won't need this disgusting food anymore because I will have cultivated my own edible mold in various colors and flavors."

"How are you going to water them?"

"I'll spit on them. They don't need much water."

"How do you plan on getting them to sprout?"

"The walls and the food will help. There are enough bacteria in my spit to allow growth. The only thing I require is water for me to drink."

Prentice touched the wall as though he was already planning out the soon-to-be mold forest. He smiled and looked at the food still on his plate. He grabbed the eggs and chucked it at the wall, bright yellow-orange yolk exploded and oozed down the wall while bits of the egg white stuck to its vertical resting place. He laughed and ran his finger through the dripping yolk.

"Don't you think the smell would kill you?"

"You would be amazed by what conditions the human body can get accustomed to. I get used to the smell just as I will get used to the spores."

Prentice spit on the yolk and mixed it in with his finger. Steve took a cloth out of his pocket and started to wipe at the yolk on the wall. Prentice, upon seeing this, grabbed Steve by the throat and slammed him against the wall.

"Do you think this is funny? That this is a game?" He demanded, anger and hate flashing in his eyes.

"Prentice...Stop...You're hurting me!" Steve choked out.

Prentice let go. "Get out," He demanded in a cold whisper, and without a second look, Steve ran for the door. Once out of the room, he looked at his colleague.

"He is getting more violent by the day, if he doesn't turn soon, we may have to gas him," Steve sighed.

"It's another failed specimen?"

"Yes, and we were so close this time."

"How did it die?"

"He threw it against the wall."

Selected Short Stories