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Who's Who

I am not myself today, I woke up this morning and I just knew it.  Not that it wasn't me staring back in the mirror, because it was.  I had the same face and hair and expression on my face, yet I wasn't me.  I am not me now, and I don't think I will be me for quite a while.
Everyone goes through their own identity crisis, or mid-life crisis, but who has ever heard of a mis-placed personality?  It's almost like when you put your personality on a shelf and when you return, it's not there.  Not that a personality is something you can take off like a mask.  It's far more complex than that.
Not many people know how to misplace their personality.  It's a difficult art in which one must delicately pluck the original personality out, place it in a cardboard box in the back of the mind and develope a completely new one.  Do this three or four times and you will have people confused as to who you really are.  Maybe that's why I am a perinoid schitzophrenic.
I am not myself today, yet I have so many different people in my mind, maybe I died, or she left because it got too crowded.  Well, there are so many in here how am I to know who I really am?

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