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Hamsterz, Inc.
My Hamster

This is my hamster Phoebe...

 This page is dedicated to my hamster Phoebe. I bought her on August 27, 2001 when she was about 2 months old. She was a small golden hamster living alone in a cage at the pet store. I really wanted to get her because she seemed so fun and energetic.... but little did I know what terror she would bring to my home on that dark, cold night of August 27... 2001.

 She is the sixth hamster I ever had but the first female. It's a very strange and interesting experience getting a female hamster for the first time. She is so energetic that it tires ME out! My other hamsters were never this hyper! And the scary part is, she isn't nocturnal! Is that normal for hamsters?? They're supposed to eat and sleep that's all! But she only wants to play!! Someone help!! You can pick her up and when you set her down, ZOOOOOOOM!! She takes off and is across the room in a split second! She's insane!


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About Phoebe

Favorite Food: Lettuce
Favorite Drink: BlooD..she's evil
Favorite Passtime: Suicide Jumps
Favorite Sport: Running
Top Speeds: Too fast to record
Top Acceleration: 0-90mph in 0.5 seconds
Like I said.. she's evil.. absolute evil. She has that look in her eyes when she stands up on her hind legs with her ears pointed up... I know she's planning something, I just know it.


Well, here's my EVIL hamster Phoebe (pronounced Feebee)! In these pictures she LOOKS innocent but believe me she's NOT! She's the most evil and foul rodent you'll ever set eyes on! Beware!