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Hamsterz, Inc.
Routine Care

Some basic tips on daily care...


Food and Water Changing
 Changing food and water daily is an important element to having a healthy hamster. Change food every evening before you go to sleep or whenever your hamster is awake. Fill the bowl half way with dry food and then put some veggies or peanuts to give him some variety.
 Also change the water every day. If not every other day at the most. The water has to stay cool, fresh, and clean so the it's safe for the hamster to drink and so it has a refreshing taste to quench the thrist of that hamster whose been running on the wheel all day. Just think of it as your water. How would you like it if you drank water that has sat there for a week?

Routine Cleaning
 To keep the cage clean and smelling good, change the woodchips once every week. Dump out the woodchips, wash the cage a bit with a sponge or a rag, put a fresh piece of newspaper in (so his waste won't stain the glass under the woodchips) then dump about an inch or two of woodchips.