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Hamsterz, Inc.

The basic supplies you need...


Cage Requirements

 When you buy a hamster or any rodent, the cage can never be TOO big. Hamsters need their space so they can run around, and do whatever they like. I would usually buy a glass tank that's meant for a fish tank but can also be used as a cage. In fact it's better than a steel jail-like cage because in those ones, the hamster can sometimes chew through the bars.

Cage Supplies

 The things you need to supply your hamster for him/her to be comfortable are regular woodchips (small ones are best because they're easier for the hamster to make his bed or to bury food), water bottle (if it's leaking, fill it up the whole way so the pressure will hold up the water), a food bowl, exercise wheel (when you first get a hamster they are usually addicted to the wheel and won't get off it but eventually it will get old and they'll sometimes just run around the cage for exercise. If you can tell that they never use the wheel anymore you can remove it so they have more space to run around). And lastly you can get them a small house or little accessories that they can chew and play with... a toilet paper tube works great!


 Dry food will work great for hamsters. They mainly like dry corn, sunflower seeds, and any type of small seed. Never get them food that only has one type of thing in them like those green pebbles, they're horrible and too plain. A hamster needs variety. Dry food is pretty healthy and will fill up a hamster's stomach but like I said, he needs variety. Try to feed them regular food like grapes, lettuce, cheese, nuts, etc. Hamsters generally like lettuce and vegetable type foods but like any rodent they love cheese. So the food should generally contain dry store food with varieties in it, then some regular food like veggies and dairies, they love that.

And of course, try not to overfeed your hamster...