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Hamsterz, Inc.

Hey there! Welcome to Hamsterz, Inc.!
The site that brings all the
wonders of hamsterz to your desktop!



Hello, I'm Paul and this is my second website! I've always had a love for hamsterz so I thought I'd dedicate a website to them!
Who couldn't love 'em??


03/09/02-Hamsterz, Inc
goes public!
03/09/02-I know there
         aren't many pages
         on this site but I'm
         planning on adding
03/16/02-Pictures of My
          Hamster are in!
          Check 'em out!

There aren't many COOL hamster sites out there, so I thought I'd make one.

Hamsterz are probably the best rodents ever! They're so cool, I have one of my own right now. Her name's Phoebe. You'll see her around my site once in a while.

I'll have tons of pictures, proper care for hamsters, and supplies you need to take care of them. If you're thinking about getting a hamster, just come here and take a look at the advice I offer! I've had six hamsters in the past!

I'll update this site often, adding news hamsterz, new advice, and the Hamster of the Week.

Don't be tricked by the innocent look... behind those eyes lies an evil mastermind ready to attack..


This Week's hamster is
a beautiful golden!

Subscribe to Hamsterz, Inc. Monthly Issue!