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The Vietnamese nation was primarily influenced through a process of anthropological cross-pollination between ancient Chinese and Indian cultures

As far as anthropology is concerned, the Vietnamese people have their origin in the Mongoloid race, which is scattered throughout northern and eastern Asia

At present, there are about 54 ethnic minority groups inhabiting Vietnam. The Kinh (or Viet) people account for nearly 90 per cent of Vietnam's total population.

Meo_old.jpg (30326 bytes)Major ethnic minority groups include the Tay, Thai, Muong, H'Mong, Dao, and Khmer. Each ethnic group has developed its own language and cultural identity, thus making the Vietnamese culture as a whole a well blended combination of different cultures.

The Viet language is recognized, however, as the official language and serves as a universal means of communication for all inhabitants of Vietnam.

In the historical course of national development, all ethnic groups have been closely attached, sharing in the fight against foreign invaders, defending the country's territory, and gaining the right to national independence and self determination.

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