And Yet Still More Random Thoughts

Frequently Asked Questions

Things People Really Want To Know About Me
(...I will be periodically updating this page, so check back...)

Who are you?
John J. Doolittle
Is that your real name?
Are you sarcastic all the time?
Yeah, right. All the time.
So, why the name John J. Doolittle?
I wanted to name my son Doolittle, from an old bluegrass tune they used to play on The Andy Griffith Show. The John part I just added later.
Is there really a John J. Doolittle?
There was one who served on a jury in Canandaigua (wherever that is) on Monday, January 8, 1877, at 10 o'clock, a.m. I assume he's dead now.
There really is a John T. Doolittle who represents California's 4th District, but that's just a weird coincidence. And in another bit of synergy, he's a Republican.
You can google the name "John J. Doolittle" and find several things that people have posted in different groups bulletin boards (lightbulb jokes and a bit about Scooby Doo come up when I try it). These are all me. I haven't found a living John J. Doolittle yet.
Don't you think he'll be pissed if he finds you?
Oh, yeah.
You are a total maniac.
That's not a question.
Yes it is.
No it's not, dumb ass.
So what is this site about?
Anything that I think about ....superheroes, Star Trek, cloning, TV shows, whatever.
Would you say that this site is like an online journal?
Journals are about feelings and relationships. This is just about random stuff that pops into my head at various times.
So that would be no, it's not an online journal?
Yes, it is?
No. Yes, it means no, it's not an online journal.
So is it or isn't it?
Shut the hell up.
Why is it called And Yet Still More Random Thoughts? Where are the original Random Thoughts?
This is my third site actually. I just figured out how to format it to fit all my previous material and deleted the other two.


Do you have super-powers?
Yes. My father works in a second-hand store and brought home a box of what he believed to be worthless trinkets, and gave them to my four-year-old son, Indiana. My son took out two rings, one in the shape of a skull and one in the shape of a lion's head. I was reminded of The Phantom, where one ring was used as the mark of evil and one was used to show that the wearer was always welcome among the Rope People of Bandar.
I took it as an omen, and I became The Phantom!!!
And, when Indiana is old enough, I will pass the rings on to him and he, too, will become The Phantom!!!
You realize that the Phantom had no superpowers, he was just a guy who lived in the jungle?
So what?
So, you're stupid.
You're stupid, stupid.
Not as stupid as you.
Shut the hell up.
How can you be the Phantom, aren't you already The Claw!!!??
Well, really, The Claw!!! is more a part-time gig these days.
Will there be more stories about The Claw!!!??
The Claw!!! is always ready to spring into action, wherever and whenever evil rears its ugly head!!
You said "rear"
*hee hee*
Do you believe in Bigfoot, UFO's, ghosts, spontaneous combustrion, the Loch Ness monster, unmarked black helicopters, or kids who die from eating too much Pop Rocks?
Bigfoot I think may be real, but the rest of it, no.
What do you believe in?
I'm a born-again evangelical conservative Republican christian. I also believe that most people are idiots, and I of course am the smartest man alive.
What about all those scientists and physicists, aren't they pretty smart?
I've never read their websites.
What do you want to do with your life?
I want to be an astronaut and live in a city on the moon.
Are you qualified to be an astronaut?
They send monkeys into space. I'm at least that qualified.
If you could be anything other than a white protestant male, what would it be?
A Klingon
If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
That one that fell over in the forest when no one was around to hear
What Biblical character do you most identify with?
One of the lepers
What is the most embarrassing moment/situation you've ever had? (this question comes from Trent)
Well this one time I peed on an electric fence and shorted it out and got shocked and when I came to I was layig on the ground with my pants around my ankles and two cops standing over me, and I got dragged off to jail just like that while the entire JV cheerleading squad stood by
Is that a true story?
So you really didnt pee on an electric fence?
No I made that up, but I know another guy who did something similar. He thought he would short out the fence and it arced...and knocked him over
Did his penis ever work again?

He's got three kids, so I suppose it did. But, being teenage boys, we usually avoided discussing our genetalia.

Do you take donations?
Do you seriously believe that anyone will send you money just to read this crap?
Well, I never thought anyone would ever read this crap. So maybe

All About Me, John J. Doolittle
Best TV shows ever
Quantum Leap
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
The Dick Van Dyke Show
Best Movie
Best Comedy
Best Christmas Movie
Lethal Weapon
Best Romance
Lethal Weapon 3
Favorite Color
Glow In The Dark
Favorite Charlie's Angel
Cheryl Ladd


Favorite Star Trek Captain
Avery Brooks
Favorite Flavor of Skittles
Most Annoying Celebrity
Robin Williams
Most Over-Rated Rock Ballad
Hotel California
Favorite Abba Song


Celebrity You Most Resemble
Fred Flintstone

Without Sounding Too Gay, Celebrity You Would Most Like To Resemble
Without sounding gay at all, Pierce Brosnan