And Yet Still More Random Thoughts

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December 27, 2011

December 24, 2011

December 11, 2008

December 10, 2008
My thoughts on Assisted Suicide

December 9, 2008

December 1, 2008

November 26, 2008

November 21, 2008

July 25, 2008

July 24, 2008

July 12, 2008

July 10, 2008

June 20, 2008

May 7, 2008

May 6, 2008
I have a new blog!! Check it out!

April 29, 2008

April 28, 2008

April 25, 2008
Matthew & Simon, a kind of Biblical Lethal Weapon

April 23, 2008


April 13, 2008


April 2, 2008

April 1, 2008

March 28, 2008
March 25, 2008

March 24, 2008
The first six Episodes of Earl

March 21, 2008

March 18, 2008
I gave my neighbor Danni a ride home.

March 17, 2008

March 6, 2008

February 17, 2008
More Scam Emails (actually it's people talking to me online, but still)

Feb 12, 2008

Feb 2, 2008

January 30, 2008

January 23, 2008

January 7, 2008

January 1, 2008
I watched every single episode of Joan of Arcadia and I wrote down every single thing that God said to Joan

December 3, 2007

November 28, 2007

November 23, 2007

November 19, 2007

November 15, 2007
A dream from Rosalie
A picture of a freakin' awesome egg here

November 12, 2007

November 11, 2007

November 10, 2007
An email from Ashley about cows right here
A few internet dating observations here

November 6, 2007
Two reactions to my post about Dharma & Greg

November 5, 2007

November 3, 2007
I wrote this about Dharma & Greg last month but am just posting it now

November 2, 2007

October 30, 2007
Beth sent me three new Hot Cartoon Chicks

October 27, 2007
Some new pics from Rosalie here

October 23, 2007

September 17, 2007
New emails here, here and here

September 13, 2007

September 12, 2007
Rosalie sent me six new Really Dumb Super Powers and eight new Hot Cartoon Chicks
A picture of a sign in my neighborhood at the bottom of this page

September 11, 2007

July 12, 2007

June 23, 2007

June 11, 2007
One really short, pointless, stupid entry about QT Ettiquette

June 3, 2007

May 25, 2007

May 21, 2007
I got an email asking me to link to this dude's website, so I am
I also had a new dream

May 18, 2007

May 13, 2007
One new email about Why CSI Sucks
And this dude at disagrees with what I said about Spider-Man 3

May 11, 2007
Four new Dreams

May 9, 2007

May 5, 2007
Spider-Man is awesome!!

May 2, 2007
I told my friend Rosalie that I loved her brain, and I made this picture for her as kind of a demented Valentine.


May 1, 2007
A new Hot Cartoon Chick that C. I. Jackson sent me

March 30, 2007
I am beginning to see The Wisdom of Kung Fu

March 11, 2007

March 3, 2007
I got a new Rejection Letter

February 25, 2007
An email from Rosalie

February 22, 2007
A couple blogs added to my links page

February 20, 2007

February 19, 2007
This entry is so boring...

February 18, 2007
A picture of an albino moose, a new fake Chinese Restaurant, and a picture of a duck with four legs right here:


February 10, 2007
A new email from Rosalie
A new Rejection Letter that is actually a series of communications with someone who the internet thinks is a potential life-mate for me...go figure.

February 4, 2007

February 1, 2007
I think I just met a Psycho Chainsaw Killer

January 31, 2007
Catching up today: I added a picture of the hot stalker chick from that one episode of Law & Order Criminal Intent here. That episode was on today and so I looked up the episode description on and found out the actresses name, and then googled her and downloaded an image from and posted it here. OK, so she's not all that hot. But I still wouldn't mind her stalking me.
I added an email from a skeptical reader here
I added another email from a supportive reader here
Also, I am reminded that Timing Is Everything

January 26, 2007
One new reason why The Show 24 Is Awesome

January 25, 2007

January 24, 2006

January 23, 2007
I've been thinking about Narnia again

January 20, 2007
My friend Deb thinks about the crap that I write way too much

January 15, 2007

January 11, 2007
There are a bunch of Movies I'll Never Watch
I finally finished watching Batman Begins

January 7, 2007
I'm watching Batman Begins (I'm about halfway through)

January 4, 2007
Lots of Controversy today

January 2, 2007
I added one new Rejection Letter (it's the one dated October 31, something today reminded me of it)...
Entropy & Uncertainty mark my first entry for 2007

December 31, 2006
Another new email
My last entry of 2006, and it's about Ex-Presidents

December 30, 3006
I get a bunch of Rejection Letters
I got a new email from a reader

December 26, 2006

December 25, 2006
You've probably never given much thought to The Trees In Narnia. But that's ok, that's what I'm here for.
Don't you think C3PO is kind of gay?

December 24, 2006
Rocky Balboa is awesome
More Deep Thoughts About God...which is actually an email I got from my friend George last February

December 23, 2006
Random Bits At Christmas Time, including some synergy on Nazi Bunnies, and emails about Danish Christmas Traditions and further evidence that Europeans are all insane.
I added a generic episode of Little House On The Prairie to my list of Generic Things

December 22, 2006
An email from Beth here

December 21, 2006
I'm sure some of my friends will be pissed to see that I've written about them

December 18, 2006
Baby, Please Don't Go Wait, hold on, where are you going?

December 16, 2006

December 11, 2006
A gay dude wrote me an email  saying that since I say I'm not gay then that means that I am, but I think it's a case of a gay person either wishing I was gay or just thinking that everyone is secretly gay, and if maybe that means since he says that he's not a conservative evangelical fundamentalist Christian, then maybe he secretly is? I am way past caring about any of this. It was a stupid entry, folks, get over it.

December 10, 2006
If I was to make a list of all the cool Canadian things, I know that at the very top of my list would be my friend Adrienne, who is simply the awesomest person in the entire universe. And it's her birthday, and today is six years to the day since we first met in a chatroom! I feel so special, and not in the way that means retarded.
After Adrienne on my list of cool Canadian things, of course, would be Deidre and then it would have to be a tie between Geddy Lee, the superhero Wolverine, and bacon.

December 9, 2006
Also, I was looking at my page of Random Things That Are Really Really Awesome and I had to take the show Gilmore Girls off of it because I liked that show a lot when I used to drink all the time, but now that I'm sober I realize how much it totally sucks even though I still watch it every week. I also added four items to it.

December 8, 2006
A short coversation with Beth here

December 7, 2006
Superman's Eye gives me clues about how the universe is put together

December 6, 2006
Two New Funny Things I've Said...Technically, I know the thing with Dierdre sounds mean but it was really funny as we were just teasing each other

December 4, 2006
A letter from Beth here
One new entry all about Mooses

December 1, 2006
A new picture of Lisa here

November 30, 2006

November 23, 2006
There are a whole bunch of Things I Don't Know Anything About

November 18, 2006

November 9, 2006

November 7, 2006
I posted some conversations with Rosalie

October 29, 2006

October 20, 2006
I had a Really Bad Date. But it's better than sitting at home alone.
An email from Beth at the bottom of this entry.

October 7, 2006
One new comment about Chopsticks

October 5, 2006
A new letter on my Deep Thoughts About God. It's following the Zeus Vs. Jesus question.

September 30, 2006
I wrote this all out several weeks ago, but it's taken me a long time to type it out because.....well, I kind of have a life now. Anyway, here are my final reasons Why The Show 24 Is Awesome
Also, one new Funny Thing I've Said

September 25, 2006

September 15, 2006
I love the show 24

September 13, 2006
More Deep Thoughts About God from my friend Gary

August 28, 2006

August 13, 2006
Two new Stupid Songs

August 8, 2006
Also an email from my friend Rae.

August 6, 2006
A page about Rosalie

July 30, 2006

July 23, 2006
My friend Lisa sent me a letter that I posted right here

July 17, 2006
I got a new email about Aquaman from some kid named Mason.
Also a new email from my friend Eden.

July 10, 2006
I added two new Dreams

July 8, 2006
I added a new email and some new graphics to My Random Chinese Restaurant Name Generator

July 7, 2006
One new email about Chopsticks
One new dream

June 30, 2006
I got an email from my new friend Eden.

June 22, 2006

June 16, 2006
I added a birthday card to my birthday page
I also added a picture of my robot friend to The Magic Room

June 10, 2006
I've added two pictures of Bobo to The Magic Room

June 4, 2006

June 3, 2006
A new page of pictures of The Magic Room

May 28, 2006
One new Stupid Song

May 26, 2006
One new Dream

May 23, 2006
Have you seen The Da Vinci Code? No?

May 18, 2006
Not much today, just one new Funny Thing I've Said

May 14, 2006

May 13, 2006
New emails here, here and here

May 9, 2006
I usually don't care What People Think Of Me

May 5, 2006
New emails here and here

May 4, 2006

April 30, 2006
I added a picture in the update of UFOs In The Bible
I also posted an old email I got questioning whether or not Chef Boy-Ar-Dee was a real person. He was.
Also, I started adding links to the bottom of each entry, so you can link directly to the previous entry and the next entry, maybe this will make navigating the site easier.

April 29, 2006
I got a really sarcastic email from my friend Deb.

April 28, 2006
I've decided that I would make A Really Horrible Spider-Man

April 24, 2006
It's not funny, but if any of you are interested in seeing pictures of the North Georgia mountains, you can view them here.

April 23, 2006

April 21, 2006
My friend Teresa's daughter sent me an animal rights email about cows that I responded to.

April 20, 2006
Two emails about Ape City

April 19, 2006
Musing about Ape City

April 16, 2006
I know its been a while since I updated anything here, but the good news is that I was cleaning up my hard drive and I found a bunch of old stuff to post here....
One email from someone I didn't understand, and one from Rosalie that's a picture of ham,
A person trying to scam me online in realtime

April 3, 2006

March 31, 2006
I got a new job in customer service at a furniture company where my friend Tara works, and today we went out to a Chinese restaurant for lunch and I ate eel for the first time, which I am adding to my list even though Tara says that it's a fish and if she's right then I shouldn't add it because I already have fish on my list.
I did just add "fish" as a general item to my list of animals I have eaten, because I don't know one fish from another and can't remember which ones I've eaten or not. It would be different, I guess, if I was Aquaman. Of course, Aquaman talks to fish so I'm not sure if he eats them or not, because when you talk to something it may be kind of weird to eat it afterwards. But then again, fish eat each other. I'm freaking out.

March 30, 2006

March 26, 2006

March 23, 2006 (second update)
One new Stupid Song
I also added another Measure of Success to my list

March 23, 2006
I heard from Adrienne
I had two really freaky Dreams
And I posted a thing about People Who Annoy Me
Two new scam emails. The second one is an Update I posted from Jimmy Nadu (the second one down). He's the one who thinks I am selling people into slavery, which, ok I admit is really not funny in and of itself, but he keeps emailing me back so let's see how far he takes it before I contact the FBI

March 18, 2006
Plus, one new Hot Cartoon Chick

One new email all about sex

March 15, 2006

March 14, 2006
A new email from Adrienne

March 13, 2006
Two new Scam Emails
One new Stupid Song

March 12, 2006
Today I ate Octopus for the first time
I added a page about Adrienne
And I added new entry about Talking Animals

March 11, 2006
One new entry about Superhero Secret Identities
Two new emails (one of them is about UFO's in the Bible)
Three new Hot Cartoon Chicks (also, I changed the picture of Supergirl, and I took down the picture that I drew)
I added a link to my favorite links, and took down a bunch more.

March 10, 2006
I got a few emails about UFOs In The Bible and I decided to make a whole new page to talk about them. So email me if you have a comment.
I posted a comment from Bethany about Mini Cows

March 8, 2006
OK, I don't want to make this too complicated, but yesterday I posted a series of emails that I received last year from a crazy guy who was telling me there were UFO's in the Bible, on the Dear Mr. Doolittle page.
Today, I got a scam email from a guy claiming to be a minister in Africa and he wanted to give me all his money. So I told him there were UFO's in the Bible and told him to email the UFO guy.
I also got an email from Adrienne regarding Mini Cows

March 8, 2006
I am posting some emails I got over a year ago from a guy who believes there are UFOs in the Bible.
Also, if anyone is interested, someone sent me an email some time ago about the band Betty's Not A Vitamin, and I posted it right below the UFO thing.

March 7, 2006
One new entry all about mini cows
Plus, I got a new scam email. It's from the same guy as yesterday, so it's the second one down instead of being on top like most of the ones I post.
Two new Stupid Songs

March 6, 2006
One new scam email

March 3, 2006
I realized how incredibly boring my email page had gotten and I deleted a bunch of the ones where people were telling me how they dreamed about God.
I added a picture for the cover of my Travel Guide To China called You Come China, Happy Long Time to my page of Completely Random Thoughts
Hey, remember that page I wrote about how I kept thinking about a girl named Di, and everyone was kind of guessing whether or not she was real? Well, she was real, or she is real, but I was reading some stuff on her website and it was so totally completely depressing that it cured me of thinking about her. So I deleted the page that I had about her.
I added a new Star Wars joke to my page of Random Jokes & Odd Pictures

March 1, 2006

February 21, 2006

February 15, 2006
I added one new scam email

February 3, 2006
A page just for Scam Emails That I Get

January 22, 2006
More people are trying to get my bank account number, and this one almost made me late for work, because I can't resist screwing with their heads...

January 19, 2006
It's the one you've been waiting for! All about SEX!!!

January 12, 2006
My first entry for 2006 and it's another Online Ambush

December 24, 2005
Just in time for Christmas! A happy memory in my page of Really Stupid Stories!

December 23, 2005
I added one new page that's basically just testimony from my divorce where my ex wife's attorney asked her about the stuff that's on this site. I also started going through and reformatting Volume One and Volume Two so that the font is not so microscopic and it can be read (note, I've only done about half of volume one so far)

December 22, 2005
I answered a letter about my latest entry

December 19, 2005
One new entry and one new poem in Poetry Corner

December 14, 2005
I found some old emails that Adrienne sent me, that I never posted from over a year ago. I posted them here

December 13, 2005

December 1, 2005

October 6, 2005

September 25, 2005
I got a new email regarding my entry about the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which technically was about Heisenberg the man and not the principle which I know very little about and care about even less. But whatever.

September 23, 2005

September 19, 2005

September 15, 2005
I made up a new page about really Hot Cartoon Chicks

September 13, 2005

September 9, 2005

September 4, 2005
One new page showing a conversation I had online back in July.

September 3, 2005
Posted three new letters!! One of them is actually a month old, but whatever.

August 29, 2005

August 6, 2005

July 30, 2005

July 22, 2005

July 20, 2005
Check Out Phoenix Moran!!!!

July 19, 2005
One new page all about things that God tells me

July 18, 2005
One new Stupid Song, and one new Letter
I also added two new pictures to the Random Thoughts Society Page

July 11, 2005

July 7, 2005
Ok, I know this isn't big news to anyone but me, but someone I don't even know just donated money to me on my website!!! Isn't that the most awesome thing ever?!?!? OK, it wasn't much, but I don't need a lot. When I first put up my donations button, I never expected anyone to send anything, but then, folks do seem to enjoy this site, so what the heck?? And the site costs me $8.95 a month to put up, so I figured if I just broke even once in a while I'd be doing ok. So far that hasn't happened. But I'm pumped! Wow! Thanks!
Also, I added one new Stupid Thing I've Heard

June 28, 2005
One new entry today! Yay!

June 17, 2005
Lots new today! I added:


May 28, 2005
I've finally gotten around to  adding one new entry that's over a month old.

April 20, 2005
Some of you may remember when my friend died back in September when I wrote about how I should have a Bionic Will, and that I didn't think there was such a thing. Well, there is now.

April 14, 2005

April 11, 2005
I added two new Baby Pictures and rearranged the page a little bit.

March 31, 2005
Added a new Baby Picture (third one down)

March 30, 2005
One new entry I wrote last week called Marriage & The Monkey Lamp

March 27, 2005
One brand new page called Crap I've Bought On Ebay

March 25, 2005

March 24, 2005
I added a new picture to my entry about Ghosts Up My Nose

March 23, 2005
I added two new Stupid Things I've Heard, one new Dream, and I finished my entry about Ghosts Up My Nose

March 22, 2005
I added a new page of Letters From Indiana

March 21, 2005
I added one new Funny Thing I've Said

March 18, 2004
I added one new entry.

March 15, 2004
I added an entry from March 12, 2005 and I added one new Funny Thing I've Said

March 5, 2005
I added an entry that I wrote on March 2, 2005
I also added a new link to my list of weird links

February 28, 2005
I added an entry I started last week about Saying Thanks, and I added a picture to my page of Baby Pictures.

February 26, 2005
Today I finally got around to adding a very short entry I wrote back in November about a made-up language.

February 3, 2005
Today I ate turtle for the very first time! And I had a very very weird dream.

November 20, 2004
Ok, so I started a page last month because I wanted to show how stupidly insanely paranoid I get about tiny things. Because when I verbalize how paranoid I am, sometimes it helps me not be so paranoid. So I started this page but didn't post it here, but still showed it to some folks to see what they thought. Because I was afraid that it would make me seem like I am obsessive in a stalker-y kind of way (even though my sister tells me that stalkery is not a word). So anyway, read it and let me know if you think it's stalkery, or just paranoid. Because paranoid is what I was shooting for.

November 18, 2004
I added a new entry about how weird it would be for me to start dating again right now, even though I know I'll have to eventually.

November 17, 2004
Short update today, I added some Really Dumb Super Powers that my friend at work emailed me.
I've been told that this site is hard to navigate. I believe the term used was "really hard to navigate" although the guy who told me was English so he probably didn't use the term "really" and I've just Americanized it in my mind. Note to anyone with a comment like that: I don't get offended by things like that or take them personally, so feel free to give me your input, even if I don't agree with it, I still want to make the site the best that I can. At any rate, apparently, the link on the menu bar with the alien picking his nose and the words WHAT'S NEW isn't enough, and the link I had posted on the homepage that said "THIS SITE LAST UPDATED ON..." wasn't enough either, so I have added a line right under that that says "CLICK HERE TO SEE WHAT'S NEW". Honestly, I don't know how to make it any easier to find. I thought the menu bar at the left side of the screen was fairly self-explanatory, too, everything is right there. Does anyone have any other suggestions? Please let me hear from you.
And by the way, dude who told me that has an awesome website. Click here to see.

November 11, 2004
Lots new today.
Most of you know that this website is the result of my carrying around a notebook and jotting down random ideas and thoughts as they occur to me, which is why the menu bar says "Volume One", "Volume Two", etc. And some of you may have noticed that the last "volume" has taken almost two years to complete. There's a lot of reasons for that.
The original Volume Eight was destroyed after I'd written just forty pages, plus there are a lot of entries that I never even wrote out, physically with a pen, like the one about extra-marital affairs, Bewitched, The Battle of Antietam, and The Big Enchilada. I just typed those out.
And plus, with the divorce and the custody hearings and everything, I just didn't have time to write like I used to. So Volume Eight was falling apart. And with all the other stuff going on, I figured it was time to get a new notebook even though the last one was just half-finished.
And so, Volume Nine! Yay! Plus, one new entry about My New Job Search, and a continuing page about Really Dumb Super-Powers.
Let me know what you think.

November 7, 2004
I got a new email up that I received over a month ago, plus a new stupid song that the same guy sent me. My apologies to Johnny Campbell for taking so long.

October 24, 2004
I added two new entries called The Bionic Will and The Number Tree.

October 13, 2004
I wrote an entry called Love Someone, And Dinosaurs way way back in July but I never posted it til today. Also check back because I have two more entries already written that I just haven't posted yet.
And hey, today is Mike Friedrich's birthday. He used to live two doors down from me when I was in 4th grade and stuff. I don't know why I remember crap like this.
.....I realized I had a few minutes and I updated another entry called My Dinner With Anyone that I write back in August. It's really short
Also, this is kind of new: I bought a bunch of really bright shirts with ninjas and tigers and stuff on them, I got my ear pierced and I shaved my head. And then I drew a cartoon picture of me that I posted in The Art Gallery

August 25, 2004
Two new letters on my letters page, and a brand new entry about Stupid stories

August 3, 2004
I made thumbnails for all the fake album covers on The Doofus Fan Page
I added a whole new page called Letters To Corporate America. I wanted to call it The Outbox, but the thing is that most people are idiots and wouldn't know what that meant and wouldn't take the time to look at it unless it was spelled out for them. Kind of how monkeys just grab for things that are shiny. Or something like that. Anyway, they're letters I am writing to big corporations.

July 5, 2004
Check out my new entry about sunglasses, and also Random Jokes & Odd Pictures

July 2, 2004
This picture is hilarious


In the past two days I have posted two new emails.

June 28, 2004

June 6, 2004
I added a new image to Random Jokes & Odd Pictures

June 4, 2004
You know what sucks? If you do a search on Yahoo and type in "bigmonster", you have to go through 3 pages of crap before you get to this site. This very site,, is not even on the first page. What really irks me is all the crap that comes before it, there are postings on obscure bulletin boards and chatrooms, and there are even other references to this very site. Yahoo bites.
Google rocks. Everyone Google.
Ok, got that off my chest.
Today I added a new email from that guy who is discussing Bewitched and It's a Wonderful Life with me. And I also posted a new link to a really weird guy's website on my links page.

May 28, 2004
Well, let's see...I got an email from an anoymous guy the other day, and I posted it there two days ago but didn't list it here. And today I ate buffalo for the first time ever, and added it to my list of Animals I've Eaten.

May 7, 2004

May 3, 2004
Two new really short one about The Mysteries of Womanhood, and a little bit longer one about my bank. Also, a new dream.

April 24, 2004
Another weird Dream.

April 23, 2004
I had Frog legs tonight! One more Animal I Have Eaten!

April 20, 2004
I had a really weird Dream. I got one new Email from Gary, and a Stupid Song submitted by a reader.

March 27, 2004
I don't know who did this or why, but there is an online petion regarding my website...I'm famous!

March 23, 2004
Does anyone even still read this?
I added one new Funny Thing to Funny Things I've Said

March 21, 2004
I added four new items to my list of Generic Things (episodes of The Brady Bunch and Three's Company, made-for-tv movies on the Lifetime network, and Kevin Costner films). Also yesterday I said something really funny, and I also finished my follow up to Beingism.

March 18, 2004
Another really weird Dream.

March 16, 2004
I'm starting my own religion! I'm hoping it catches on! If you read this entry before 11:00 am EST, take a look at the book jacket and reviews I posted for my new book!

March 8, 2004
Click here to vote for the best Batman

March 8, 2004
If you read the first part of this entry right here, you'll notice at the end that there's a link to the forums right there. That's because my friend Trent started his own thread talking about that entry. Cool! Check it out!

March 2, 2004
I finally finished and posted my entry about Old Family Friends

February 26, 2004
I added two new pictures to Random Jokes & Odd Pictures

February 21, 2004
I added one new entry all about the weird dreams I have about Sleestaks

February 17, 2004
One new entry called An Eye For An Eye

February 6, 2004
I remembered that once a guy I worked with gave me some curried goat, and I added it to my list of Animals I Have Eaten

January 30, 2004
It's been a really really long time since I've updated this page, but it's almost 4 in the morning here and I'm awake because I just had a really really weird dream.

January 25, 2004
I added back on some pages I had previously deleted:

January 24, 2004
I added a new page about The Microdogs, which is actually a series of emails posted by an anonymous individual on the A.H. Robins mainframe in 1987.
Also, I changed the Mini Polls to "random" and added back in some old Mini Polls. This means that every time you come to this site, the mini poll will be different. At least in theory.

January 20, 2004
I finally updated the entry on Love In Living Color (or Colour, for my Canadian fans)
I added two new Funny Things I've Said
I also added one new Stupid Song

January 14, 2004
Well, if you click on Things You Won't See Anywhere Else, you'll see that I added a column on the right that kind of sorts certain entries by subject matter, which makes the thoughts that I write about here a lot less random. But a little easier anyway.
The topics are
Also, I updated an entry from way back to August 4, 2001.
Also, I added two new pages about History that were originally written for a history class being taken by the absolute most perfect woman in the history of the universe. I was just helping out. Anyway, one of them got an 'A'....
The new ones are The Three Revolutions and The Spread of European Influence. There was also a third one about World War I which was an expansion of the WWI entry I already wrote, but I don't have a copy of that....

December 28, 2003
I upgraded my account, so no ads! Rock and Roll! My friend Diana has also helped me update my Doofus page, check it out it is so totally cool!

December 25, 2003
I made a brand new entry about how I Lost My Watch, I posted one new Stupid Song, and updated my entry on Bewitched.

December 14, 2003
I got a call from a guy I went to High School with and he linked me to these forums set up by another guy from our class. The guy who set up the forums has a website you can click on here. Anyway, the forums were so cool that I made all new forums!!! You have to register first, but then you can POST AWAY on the forums!!! YEAH!!!

December 13, 2003
I added two new Funny Things I've Said, and got a letter about my entry on Bewitched.

November 23, 2003
I added two new Funny Things I've Said, a new picture to my entry called Life Sucks, and a new picture to my inappropriately titled entry from yesterday

November 22, 2003
I added four new Funny Things I've Said, a new entry with A Completely Misleading Title, and two new Emails.
November 12, 2003
I added a new song to my Doofus page

November 5, 2003
I added two new items to Funny Things I've Said

November 4, 2003
I am updating my Frequently Asked Questions....check it out...3
November 2, 2003
I added an entry about My Job Search

October 29, 2003
I got an email from a guy who apparently thinks he's a teletubby

October 23, 2003
Check out the new entry called The Battle of Antietam, and my new (completely self-serving, egotistical) page called Funny Things I've Said...there aren't many there yet, though.

October 9, 2003
I've finished updating and reorganizing this site, and saved myself over 6 mb of available memory in my Tripod account!!! Yay, me! Now all I have to do is keep thinking of crap to update this page with!

October 6, 2003

Well, I've figured out a way to archive everything I've ever posted and put it on this one site. That's the good news. The bad news is, for any idiot out there who really liked my other sites yet never bothered to click on any of the 15,000 links I posted showing where the other sites were, you won't be able to find them anymore because I am deleting all my previous sites.

October 3, 2003
A rare and out-of-print CD cover for Doofus greatest hits!!

September 14, 2003
I added one new picture to the Art Gallery, and one new item to Stupid Songs. If you've been visiting for a while, keep an eye out because I may be posting some new things soon.

May 20, 2003
I added three new pics to Random Jokes & Odd Pictures

April 25, 2003
This is the first bit of personal info that I have ever posted here, but I am going through a divorce now and so haven't felt much like writing....which is why its been so long....
Anyhoo, I added an item to In The News

March 10, 2003
Why has no one taken my new Mini Poll that went up Friday?
I got a letter about my entry on February 20, 2003 and I responded to it without making fun of them.

February 18, 2003
Two new Stupid Songs, and one new item In The News

January 27, 2003
A brand new Doofus CD!

January 26
I moved the page Stupid Songs to this site, and added one item.

January 23
I added new Forums!  Check them out!  Also a new letter in Dear Mr. Doolittle

January 21
I added one new short entry for today, I rearranged the Contents. I also added a new page called In The News, and one new Stupid Song.

January 17
I am changing my Mini Poll, and I added a page called

January 1
Check out Stupid Questions, and 30 Years of Accumulated Wisdom.

November 30
One new Picture in Children's Books

November 21
In honor of my entry from today, I added a frame to my animated gif on the home page. It's my own frozen head in a meat locker.

November 20
A brand new Mini Poll! Also, I changed the name of the Quizlets page to !!!
One new Stupid Song
If you read the first part of my new Claw story, then take a look at the blurbs and pictures I've added at the top of the page since I first posted it last night.

November 9
I finally finished entering the rest of O Glorious Day! from November 5, 2002
I added two new Stupid Things I've Heard

November 6
I added one new Stupid Song
I added one new face to my animated gif...this one is Random American Hero
November 5
I redrew all the self-portraits I had and combined them into one nifty animated gif on the Home Page. Or check out the full-sized one in the Art Gallery

November 2
Two new pics in the Art Gallery
One new Stupid Song

October 27

October 25
A new Quizlet!

October 17
I added one new Stupid Song, and this one has a picture!

October 11, 2002
I added one new Sleestack picture to the Art Gallery

October 10, 2002
Three new pictures in the Art Gallery
One new item in Stupid Things I've Heard

October 9, 2002
One new letter on the Dear Mr. Doolittle page
Also check out the email I received about Lubbock Texas from September 7, 2002
I added some links to my entry about Buddy Holly, as well.

October 7, 2002
One new email in Dear Mr. Doolittle

September 20
I added one new Completely Random Thought, and a very short email at the end of my discussion of Destiny from September 17, 2002, and one new email in Dear Mr. Doolittle

September 19
Take my new Quizlet! And check out the old one on the  page!

September 17
I added one new picture to the Art Gallery, check out the Rhinostrich
I added song lyrics for "American Doofus" on my Doofus fan page
I got a very long and disturbing email posted on my Dear Mr. Doolittle page
I added two new Completely Random Thoughts

September 9
I added a section on the Doofus Fan Page With Lyrics. The first three are ones I posted before on other entries, but if you've seen them already you can skip down to the bottom and read the lyrics to "Here".

September 7
I don't really have any place to make note of this, but it's Buddy Holly's birthday. He would have been 67 today. It totally sucks that he's dead.
Ok, so check out the new email I got on Dear Mr. Doolittle. And even though I mock you, please keep sending me those emails!

September 4
Check out my new Quizlet and my new emails from Dear Mr. Doolittle

August 30
One new Stupid Question.

August 27, 2002
Today I added a very short entry about Books, but instead of giving it it's own page like I normally would, I have added it at the end of my entry from August 23, 2002. So if you already my Ramblings from the 23, go back and read my book entry.

August 26, 2002
I updated Stupid Songs. It's a song from the 80's.
I also added a fan page for Doofus, my fake band

August 21, 2002
I got a new email. Check it out in Dear Mr. Doolittle

August 20, 2002
I changed my Quizlet again!!! Check out the new one!
I added three TV shows to my list of Generic Things

August 19, 2002
I added two little short Dreams, and based on the fact that everyone seemed to be voting for Stupid Questions, I went ahead and changed my Quizlet. Check out the new one!

August 16
Well, good news for fans of my page called Stupid Questions I Have Actually Been Asked. Apparently, there is some kind of Redneck Society having a convention in town, and we have the keynote speakers staying at this property!!! Which will probably mean several new Stupid Questions! Check out the first one on the Stupid Questions Page now!

August 15
I recounted, as best I could, a conversation with my critic at the end of The Claw!!! story from
Two new pics in the Art Gallery
A brand new !

August 14
I added one new comment From The Mailbag at the end of my entry for August 10, 2002

August 8
One new Dream

August 7
I made up a new Quizlet, and posted the results of the last one in

August 5
I added a new Dream and a new Stupid Question I Have Actually Been Asked.
As for the Stupid Question, its funny that I told someone about it and they asked me to post it on the web page, but if they hadn't I wouldn't have even thought to do it. Because I am around stupidity so much I think I am getting immune to it. Like how you can take a frog and put it in water and gradually increase the temperature and it'll die and never get out of the water. That's how it is with me, being around so much stupidity.

August 3
I added a brand new picture to my Art Gallery. I also reorganized the page.

July 31
For those of you who were confused by the end of my story about Dr. Laser and The Cheese Wheel of Death, especially since it featured neither Dr. Laser nor a cheese wheel, your confusion is no doubt due to my forgetting to include the TO BE CONTINUED.... at the end. If you're an anal retentive or for some reason have to complete things, you can go back and read it now. But that's all it says.
Also I added a new page of my original artwork from previous pages.

July 30
I changed the Quizlet on the Home Page, and added the results of the old Quizlet to a new page I am calling

July 27
I added two new Stupid Things I've Heard

July 21
I added a picture of a Green Moon Monkey to my entry from July 15, 2002

July 17
Well, it's been a long, dry season for Stupid Questions. It seems like I went months with hardly any, and the ones I got were kind of lame. But it's summer now and they're back in season, and all I have to do is reach up and pick them off the stupid tree. I added two new ones, and one new item to Stupid Things I've Heard.

July 12
I added one Completely Random Thought about instant global communication, and one Stupid Things I've Heard

July 11
I responded to another redneck emailing me about the death penalty at the end of Angry Angry People on June 4, 2002

July 9
I never do this, but the stuff I wrote on July 5 and 6 were both so short that I've combined them into one entry for the if you already read it, and you want to see what's next, go back to that same page.
OK, also, check out my new item on 30 Years Of Accumulated Wisdom

July 6
Let's see....I added one new Completely Random Thought, a new Dream, and one item to Stupid Things I've Heard.  I also added another idea at the end of my email update to Dog Government on June 30, 2002. Also, don't forget to take the Quizlet!

July 5
I added a really really cool Quizlet to the home page right underneath the Sign My Guestbook Logo! Everyone check it out, it's so cool!
I also added an email commenting on my theory about Dog Governement from June 30, 2002

June 30
Two new Dreams. They're both about TV shows. Weird.

June 29

I got an email about my entry Is This Normal? from June 27, 2002
Please also check out the new pictures in the entry from June 20, 2002 entitled How I Got Sick & How I Got Better & Everything That Happened In-Between. I changed the picture of the cannibal and I added a picture of a pagan voodoo banana god.

June 28
I added two pictures to my Children's Books page. Also, yesterday I added a new item to my list of Stupid Things I've Heard

June 24
I added three new Stupid Things I've Heard

June 19
I did some stuff yesterday and didn't put it here, so I am putting it here now, even though technically it's not new, it's already a day old. I added three items to 30 Years Of Accumulated Wisdom, a new Dream, and a letter updating my Stupid Songs (it's near the bottom, where someone told me the name of an artist that I had previously called "Unknown Pop Star"). Also I changed the picture of The Claw! from June 17, 2002 to add a picture of the moon with some clouds to give it a more mysterious feel.

June 15
If anyone ever even still looks at my first web site, you may have noticed that it's shrinking. And a lot of the old stuff I just moved to my Completely Random Thoughts page. Anyway, read it while you can because I'm going to have to take the whole thing down soon.

June 13
I added updates to my Brief History of WWII from June 12, 2002. Please read them, especially if you were in any way offended by my generalizations about Europeans.

June 13
I changed the name of my Mailbag to Dear Mr. Doolittle and put up a new picture, check it out!
Also I've finally decided on a "saying" for the home page.

June 12
I added two new Stupid Songs. These are a little different, in that its not the songs that are being stupid, it's me.

June 10
I added a brand new Completely Random Thought.
Also, I fixed the link from the very first Random Thoughts Page so that it now links to this Site.
Serious email here: Two emails telling me that the word Betty already is a slang word, and one talking about the movie Little Women. I posted the one for Little Women on my new page Dear Mr. Doolittle.
Keep those emails coming! I love to get them even though I totally hate you for contradicting me!

June 8
I added a Generic Fairy Tale and a Generic Thriller to my list of Generic Things

June 7
I added a Generic Romantic Comedy to my list of Generic Things
I also added some notes about Angry Politics in an update to my entry of June 4, 2002
I also made a change to this page of What's New because you may have noticed that yesterday's What's New was dated the June 7, which is today, not June 6, which it actually was, because I thought it was the 7th and not the 6th (which of course, as I've said, it actually was). So today's What's New has to include the fact that I changed the date on yesterday's What's New, which is all a great deal less complicated than I'm making it out to be.

June 6
I added a picture of Hitler as a cartoon bunny on Angry Angry People. Also I added a new page called Generic Things. I added two new Stupid Things I've Heard and two new Completely Random Thoughts

June 5

June 1
Open For Business....I made a new page about Stupid Things I've Heard, and maybe I will even include stupid things I've said myself. And maybe I already have.