And Yet Still More Random Thoughts
March 23, 2004

The Mysteries of Womanhood

I know like six women who right now at this very minute are planning to marry guys who are totally and completely wrong for them. Guys who treat them like crap, who they can't even have a conversation with without screaming, guys who run around on them, ignore them, treat them like window dressing. When you ask them why, they say "He's not so bad" or "I'm not getting any younger", I know women who give up on good relationships because they're "scared". Women who will totally stop talking to you for no reason at all. It seems to me that every woman on earth is completely and irreversibly insane.
And shoes. They have like a million shoes. I will never understand a woman's obsession with shoes. I mean, I understand why women have so many shoes, but that doesn't explain why they obsess so much about them.
A woman will spend a hundred bucks on a pair of shoes. If I spend that much, they better come with a foot massage.
Guys don't own lots of shoes. Guys own lots of shirts. But we don't spend a hundred bucks on them.
Here's the part I don't get. A woman will spend a hundred bucks on a pair of shoes so that she can look perfect, but guys don't notice shoes. Do you ever hear a guy tell a woman, "Hey, nice shoes." If he did, wouldn't she think he was bisexual or had a foot fetish or something? Which no woman likes, I guess, unless she has a foot fetish herself, which I don't think women do ever. Not that I know that much about the subject, other than just what I hear around from folks.
Gotten off the subject again. I was just wondering why women obsess so much on shoes when guys never notice shoes and women don't expect them to.
I guess it's just one of the mysteries of womanhood.

(From The Mailbag May 3, 2006)
I was really bored and wandered around the house thinking of something I could do. In my journey throughout the house, an Avon book caught my eye. So, I picked it up and nothing seemed to reach out to me (which is how I buy things-- wait till they reach out). Not the numerous pages of lipsticks, not the shiny jewelry, and not the wait, hold on a minute. Look at these cute little heels! I have nothing to wear with them.... except these great pair of jeans.... and an awesome blouse I saw at Walmart the other day.

---<--<-@ SHANNON @->-->---
Dear Shannon,
I heard somewhere that women actually dress to compete with other women, so it's not so surprising that you and all the rest of the heterosexual male population does not care what we, women, wear on our feet. To add, the attraction women have to shoes will always be a mystery. I've had many shoes, and I love to buy shoes. I've never paid more than $50 for a pair ( and I only bought the $50 pair, because the second pair was half price). Well, and something unknown compelled me to buy them. Okay, they were cute. Anyway, why this is a mystery to me is, because I like being barefoot. I don't really like the confinement of a shoe. Flip-flops are nice. But, I don't usually put on shoes till I have to go somewhere. I've also noticed that the magnetism of shoes grows weaker as I get older. I no longer have to have a pair to match different outfits ( or ensembles, rather).  I'm sure the neon green clods that I'll pick out when I'm 80 will match my green and blue parachute pants (because I'll have to have a pair of those). What I'd like to know is, why do some women decide, after entering their 60's, that glow-in-the-dark, pink lipstick, suddenly looks good on them? Anyway.

---<--<-@ SHANNON @->-->---
Women also compete with each other by Jello wrestling and female full-contact karate, which is just as effective and way sexier. And anyway lots of guys have foot fetishes, although I'm positive that I don't personally.

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