And Yet Still More Random Thoughts
March 21, 2008

The Myth of Pasta

I just ate pasta for the first time in weeks. It was cheese tortellini, the kind that looks like little folded over doughnuts stuffed with cheese. I had about 12 of them and immediately felt guilty, because I am usually much stricter with myself than that. When it comes to food, I'm like a 13 year old girl.
I don't know what pasta is made of but I do know that it's all the same - spaghetti, linguini, tortellini, rigatoni. Just the shape is different. I guess some people feel more classy or sophisticated eating linguini rather than just plain old spaghetti, but it all tastes the same to me. I don't think any differently from a dude who drinks beer than one who drinks wine, if they're both stinking drunks.
Not that I think pasta is a drug. At least not for me. I'm just saying.
I once read that spaghetti isn't really Italian, and that Marco Polo brought it back with him from China, and that the Italians just copied it. That's why lo-mein looks like spaghetti, because it really is spaghetti. I don't know any Asians who are upset about this although I suppose there could be some who feel that the Italians stole their ideas or raped their culture or something equally dramatic, the same way that Native Americans hate the Italians because of Columbus, or most average Americans hate the Italians because of Tony Danza.
Just kidding about that Tony Danza thing.
Italian folks don't bother me any more or less than any other ethnicity, as I can get along with pretty much everyone, although if you know me and hang around with me long enough, there are pretty good odds that I'm going to say something to offend you.
Pee Pee, Wee Wee.

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