And Yet Still More Random Thoughts

Inter-Age Dating

July 25, 2008

When a guy in, say, his forties, goes out with a woman in, say, her twenties, there's a lot to consider.


First and foremost, he should remember that, at some point in the relationship, he's going to want to talk to her. This is going to happen sooner rather than later, especially if he thinks he could probably grow to love her or, at least, love very specific parts of her. This is important because twenty years is a big age gap and they may not have a lot to talk about. For instance, they both may watch Lost, but there's a real possibility that she won't know who Gilligan is.
The fory year old dude may be closer in age to the chick's dad, and the twenty-year old chick may be closer in age to the dude's son, but it's best to avoid making comparisons like this. At least at first.
Also, he'll want to avoid any friends who may think it's funny to make jokes about registering for their wedding at Toys R' Us, or having the reception at Chuck E. Cheese, or even having attorneys prank call his house with fake inquiries into Emancipation of Minor Laws. Even if all  those things are funny. Or true.

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