And Yet Still More Random Thoughts
December 31, 2006

Ex Presidents 

About ten years ago, they made this whole entire highway called Ronald Reagan Parkway, in honor of our 40th President and former b-movie actor, Ronald Reagan. When Reagan died in 2004, my friend Alex called to tell me about it. My first reaction was "Well, I guess the 80's are really over." I don't know what that meant but it was pretty funny. Sometimes I wish I was famous so that I could get quoted when I say smart things like that.
Anyway, Ronald Reagan Parkway is so big and it goes East to places I never really have a need to go, and sometimes it seems like a magical road that leads to magical places that only certain people can get to. Part of me knows that's not true, but I'm still scared to drive on it.
I was driving somewhere on Ronald Reagan Parkway the other day and I drove past an extended-stay kennel. I wondered if they had kitchenettes in them, but decided that they probably didn't because dogs don't really cook. I suppose they could be trained to cook things, though most dogs I've ever seen eating things wouldn't seem to have the patience for it. I say that because most of them barely seem to have the patience to even chew their food, and I think they must envy snakes the way they can unhinge their jaw and swallow things whole.
I don't know what or how a dog might cook anyway, since they don't have opposable thumbs and couldn't stir a pot or flip things with a spatula. They'd probably use their noses or just slobber all over everything. I sure wouldn't eat anything a dog would cook. And I don't think that makes me prejudice against dogs.
Back on topic: Gerald Ford just died last week. They say that these things happen in threes, which is impossible to prove but, since people are always dying, you can always name three who died around the same time even if they have no connection at all.
Like Gerald Ford, the 38th President of the U.S., James Brown, who sang a patriotic song in the movie Rocky IV, and Saddam Hussein, former dictator of Iraq. Coincidence....or something more?


Speaking of ex Presidents, this picture is for everyone who doubted that the new nickel looks like Ted Danson. And for those who doubted that I have anything even resembling a life or anything better to do on a Sunday morning than paste pictures of Ted Danson's face onto money.
It's the last day of 2006. Not exactly a banner year for me.
I went and saw The Pursuit of Happyness last night. It was so depressing and horrible and it reminded me of my own life, except for the part at the end where he gets to be wildly successful. And I don't obssess over misspelled graffitti. And I'm not black. But all the parts where the guy's life totally sucks and his ex-wife is psychotic really touched me. They seemed so real.

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