And Yet Still More Random Thoughts
October 13, 2007

Dharma & Greg


I'm trying eharmony again. Despite the horrible experience last time, and even now entering into it with the expectation that this time won't be any better,I feel good about it.
I was watching Dharma and Greg recently. Even though I never watched it when it was actually on the air, I've been watching repeats a lot lately. A lot. It's a funny show and I enjoy it on that level, but it has spiritual aspects as well that speak to me on an entirely different level.
Dharma is innocent and a bit naive, but above all she's compassionate and she reaches out to everyone around her. She's spontaneous and creative and unafraid of anyone, and she doesn't care about money.
Greg is conservative, Harvard educated, wealthy and surprisingly open-minded. When I was younger I was probably a lot more like Greg than I am now, or at least I aspired to be; these days, though, I identify more with Dharma.
Most women, or at least most women online, are not like Dharma: Women seem to want security, and to know that they'll be taken care of. Most men are not like Greg, and would make no effort at all to understand their wives or what makes them unique.
I realize why my previous experience with online dating was so unsuccessful, and that is that I've been looking for Dharma. Someone creative and joyful, spontaneous and brilliant, and completely open to new possibilities. It's ironic (or maybe not so much) that most of the women I've dated have been completely the opposite of Dharma. They've mostly been bitter, negative, complaining, controlling, manipulative, materialistic and shallow. Just kidding. Sort of.
My problem is that I expect to meet Dharma and never have. I know what women want and I try to emphasize those things when I present myself. Or at least, I did that last time.
This time I am trying a different approach. Starting tonight, I am going to put on my profile, under Occupation, "Badass Ninja Superspy".

(Update November 9, 2007)
This from Beth: "badass ninja superspy"- I love it! If women aren't instantly attracted to that then there's no good women out there!
Exactly my point, Beth
This from Rosalie: Good one! And not just a regular badass ninja spy. . . but badass ninja SUPERspy.
Yes! I rule!!!

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