And Yet Still More Random Thoughts

The Magic Room

This is where it all happens!


Let's start over here by the door, where you would enter the room if you were ever lucky enough to know me. First of all, yes, the room is a dark pinkish color. My sister painted it like this when she lived here. And, yes, I hate it, but not enough to actually put forth any effort to change it. Anyway, lots of important stuff here: Not important enough to keep organized, obviously, but important enough not to throw away. Hanging by the door, a small mirror, and one of those fake magazine cover pictures that you get at amusement parks.


The Confederate National Flag, and a demon skull, and more shelves


Three lucky Buddhas, an action figure of The Lawgiver from Battle For The Planet of The Apes (he's like the Ape Jesus I think), and a Samurai Batman action figure.


Look at all the crap on my walls! That's an actual Klingon sword, all my spiky leather things, resistance bands, a framed Batman poster and the Ramones. My bedclothes are leopard print. Because I am a wildman


The area beside my dresser is used as storage space, to supplement all the crap that's jammed into the bottom of my closet (closet not pictured). There's a picture of Robert E. Lee, and another calendar, this one from the Buddhist Temple. In case you were wondering where I came by my zen-like acceptance of disorder.


This is Bobo. I just added him to the Magic Room. Now every morning when I get up I say "Good morning, Bobo" while he, of course, just stands there, saying nothing. And sometimes I like to imagine that, in another age, another time, Bobo was a great warrior whose life I saved in battle, and he has since devoted his life to my service, wearing the traditional garb of the serving class and holding the ceremonial Plate of Thanksgiving. And then I like to go to bed.


I got this fan tower at Wal Mart last summer and at night it kept looking at me like this sinister one-eyed robot, the kind you see on Mystery Science Theater 3000. So I bought a hat for it and I call it Uncle Sam.


Books and CDs and DVDs. Light bulbs. Monkey bookends.


This is the top corner shelf, with a monkey statue and some cameras and an action figure of Deathstroke the Terminator from Teen Titans. He's totally a badass. Once I read this one comic book where he pretended to be Batman and then beat the crap out of Roy Harper, who used to be Speedy, the Green Arrow's sidekick.


In case you weren't convinced that I'm a messy person before, this is the corner of my room beneath the corner shelves.


A Kramer poster and a Wonder Woman calendar that Adrienne sent me. Sorry my bed's not made, forgive the mess.


Now we've come full circle, to the wall directly opposite my bed. This is the view of my room that I am most familiar with, as most of my free time is spent on the computer or watching the TV next to it. Actually most of my time is spent doing both at once. The big monitor there is also a TV, so I can watch two at once. I've got Gilligan and Skipper bobbleheads, a cigar store Indian, action figures of Bigfoot and Eintein, my spare keys and a jackalope mounted on the wall.


This is Bobo's face.